Have you ever seen the cartoon gargoyles? The gargoyles meet a detective girl and they helped solve crimes? This is the adult version of that cartoon. Like I couldn’t get past how much it was similar, the entire time reading it I kept thinking about Goliath the lead gargoyle in the cartoon he reminded me of one of her winged lovers. I also like the idea how the bad guy was handled. I didn’t see that coming and I am looking forward to find out how it all works out.
I liked Ace and the 4 sexy gargoyles are enjoyable to read about. The sex scenes were not overwhelming and are extremely HOT. Sometimes I skim, these I did not. 😉 I am interested in seeing what happens and also one of the men she hasn’t been intimate with yet. Something is going on with him and I almost can’t wait for them to get together. I get butterflies thinking about it.
My only issue, Ace is a detective and she is in the middle of solving an unusual crime when all the gargoyle stuff happens. They all have this feeling they know each other but they don’t talk about it because she needs to solve the crime first…Ummmm…4 gargoyles just came to life and now want to protect you because they share a bond with you and you would rather deal with that later? I assume that will be wrapped up in book two, I hope.
Overall, I liked it, I hope more of the connection will be revealed because I get you want to stop the killer but at least spend a few hours figuring out that the hell is going on. I started this book excited to read the next one as soon as I was done until I realized this book just came out and the next comes out in July..damn it! Well at least I don’t have to wait long. I am really becoming a big fan of reverse harem. I recommend this one and will let you know how the next is once it’s out because I plan to snatch that up as soon as it’s released to find out what happens next. 🙂
Thanks for stopping by to check out my review.
Have a great day and Happy Reading!

You seem to be doing pretty good with KU.