I had so much fun with A Week of Mondays. To be honest, I picked it up not really knowing anything about it, except that it was on my book club reading list and I liked the cover LOL!
What worked:
- Groundhog day! Okay not really groundhog day, but I’ve always loved that movie and stories that utilize that trope (is it a trope?) and this one does it so well. Our teenage heroine is reliving what could easily be the worst Monday an otherwise happy teen lives through. So no, she doesn’t have a hard life and yeah, it could be way worse. But it your otherwise happy, this day sucks.
- Quite a few bits had me LMAO which was an unexpected surprise. Especially the day she looses it and just says eff it! Very funny!
- The relationships! I loved her relationships and how she realizes part of what she has to do to fix Monday is take better care of those relationships – with her mother & father, her sister, and her best friend Ollie.
- The message – You have to be true to who you are! Changing yourself isn’t how you find love and happiness, if you love yourself others will too.
- The “love-triangle” – I’m someone who can both love and hate love triangles, depending on how they go. I don’t want to spoil anything so I can’t explain exactly why this one works- except to say, the right person wins and you don’t feel bad at all about the one that looses.
What could have worked better:
- I think I would have liked a few more Mondays! LOL! It’s already a long enough book and honestly works just fine the way it is. I’m just trying to figure out what would have made it 5 stars for me and I think some more of the crazy, she’s lost it, Mondays would have been fun. Maybe that would have brought me to 5 stars? IDK?
Obviously, I really loved it and while it’s not QUITE 5 stars, I don’t have any actually gripes with the book. If you like YA, this is one to add to your shelves, for sure!
Berls loved the groundhog day trope in A Week of Mondays! 4.5/5 stars Share on X
First time coming across this book. Sounds like a fun read! I’m going to add it to my TBR list!
This sounds really cute, Berls! I’m glad you enjoyed it.
YAY I have this one on my shelf and now need to try and get to it. Love the premise – glad to hear it worked!