I am honored to have on my blog today
A. Bin Juran
and Out of Sync
About the Author
When not immersed in books — be it writing or reading them — Ainat can usually be found nestling a cup of coffee in the company of her husband and twins.A former fast-food employee, T-shirt seller, and glorified secretary, Ainat eventually found herself with Bachelor’s and LL.M. degrees and working as a lawyer.
A few years later, listening to a catchy pop song about dream fulfillment, Ainat decided to buy a clunky little laptop and get to work. Ten novels and a much better laptop later, she came to the realization that hitting the double-digit mark meant it was time to publish and start consuming coffee (though not necessarily in that order).
When she isn’t writing, editing, or mothering, Ainat enjoys reading promiscuously, watching political dramas and sci-fi series, and taking embarrassing memos-to-self complete with accents and dramatic pauses that should never be unleashed, ever.Author links for A. Bin Juran:
Author Site | Goodreads | Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
About the Book
Out of Sync (book one)
by A. Bin Juran
ebook, 405 pages
Sometimes you don’t need words to spell disaster—but they sure can help.
I’m a magical misfit
I won’t let it define me
A bolt-zapping disaster magnet
But at least I’m still trying
The guy I like asked me out
I hoped my luck was changing
Then my coven trials began
…they’re harder than I expected
Now my life hangs in the balance
I don’t know what I’m doing
But I do know this:
I’m not going down without a fight
“Out of Sync” will be released on the 23rd of October 2014,
and is currently available for pre-order through the following sites:
Amazon | Smashwords | iBookstore | B&N | Kobo
Updates and additional links can be found HERE.
Interview with the Author
Thank you for joining me today to answer some of my fun questions..
When do you find yourself singing?
In the so-called privacy of my car, where I can mess up the lyrics and mumble the rest to my heart’s content; on occasion, you might even catch some shoulder-action.
What was your favorite childhood game?
Skipping past first and second grade — an age in which Barbie reigned supreme — my friends and I soon discovered a love of board games, primarily Clue and Monopoly — a tradition that has been passed down to my kids, as well.
How do you like to relax?
I love to unwind over books and games, played in the company of family and friends. I particularly enjoy reading to my kids, especially when something strikes them as funny and laughter ensues.
I’ve also been known to utilize my coffee breaks to indulge in a passion of mine — audiobooks.
Which animal scares you the most? Why?
Cockroaches; yuck. Those spindly-legged creatures can get me off my feet faster than any exercise known to man.
What season do you prefer? Why?
There’s just something about the fall, with its brisk, fresh scent of rain, and the sight of the changing leaves that makes me smile.
This is a season filled with family and friends, coming together to celebrate holidays and birthdays. It’s almost enough to tip the scales, save for one simple fact: it’s too darn cold to go to the beach.
You are a superhero, What is your superpower and Who is your Supervillian?
I would choose a superpower that I’d once seen in the 1984 movie “Starman,” which depicted an alien reading an entire book in seconds by placing his hand on its cover. Add to that the ability to understand it, and if at all possible, remembering it for later use, and it would be the ultimate superpower.
My Supervillain — “Mr. Blank” — would see memory erased and knowledge taken; he also burns books for kicks, and therefore should be vanquished. I will attempt to wield the power of the written word against him, in the hopes of derailing his nefarious plans.
Name one book you suggest everyone must read? (Not including yours)
One book? That’s like choosing your favorite pair of shoes . . . inconceivable. But if pressed, I would have to go with Stephen King’s 11/22/63; it offers insight into the human psyche, suspense, wit, humor and time traveling.
Thank you for stopping by today
Thank you for having me!
Sneak Peak
Low grumbles emanated from the creatures circling me, grimly advertising their intent.
The sweltering desert heat clung to me like a second skin, causing beads of sweat to trickle into my eyes.
I squinted, inadvertently blurring my vision, which posed a problem given that my newly adopted life plan had just been reduced to not ending up as dog food—or whatever you would call the equivalent for wolves.
“Nice wolfies . . .” I stammered, the bitter aftertaste of adrenaline lacing the back of my throat.
Pointed brown-stained teeth snapped at my feet as another wolf lunged closer, its acrid breath filling my airways. I gagged. “You really should have yourself checked; I’ve smelled doggy breath before, but this is taking it to a whole other level,” I ventured, trying my hand at nurturing some rapport as my eyes darted, searching for an escape route.
Yellow eyes trailed my movements as drool began to accumulate in anticipation.
“Eating me will not improve that smell,” I tried again, jerking my thumb at the breather. Was this really my pitch? I wouldn’t add to your dental value?
“I’m not that nutritious, either! Really, I eat a lot of junk,” I lied. I didn’t actually get to do much snacking—though I would have been happy to if anyone ever bothered to send some to my dorm room.
One of the wolves slunk closer, grazing my knee with his dry nose.
My voice caught as I continued trying to reason with the mongrels. “I’m not all that chewable, either . . . . I’m bonier than I look.” Then I remembered how fond canines were of bones and shut up, shaking my head with disbelief at what was coming out of my mouth just in time to miss a set of snarling jaws hurtling at my throat.
Being eaten by a pack of hungry mutts was definitively not the way I wanted to go.
I could feel the panic crackle through me, swiftly building up inside me.
I tried to regulate my breathing as my fingers itched with electricity.
Deciding it was time to take what action I could, I jerked my hands forward, and a bolt of
lightning erupted from my hands and into the pack. Yes, it worked! Not only had I managed not to set myself on fire, the bolt had actually landed in the general vicinity of what I’d aimed at! Most of my thunderbolt throwing thus far had been limited to uncontrolled spasms from nerves or anger, so this was quite a feat. But there was no time for an awkward victory dance.
The wolves recoiled momentarily from the sudden attack, giving me the opening I had been waiting for. I lunged forward, hurtling my body toward the gap, hoping the light show would afford me enough time to reach safety.
I scrambled, gathering whatever energy I had left and ran.
After a few minutes of frantic chase, I perceived a discoloration in the distance. I set my sights on reaching that goal as the wolves shadowed my movements, gnashing their ravenous jaws all around me.
As I gained ground, I could make out more detail in the bleak colors. The discoloration was a cave.
The wolves were behind me, but I was closer. I would make it, I told myself; I had to.
Hope spread, infecting my mind and expanding my lungs, blinding me.
Reality, however, sank its filthy teeth into me.
I yelped in agony as the pain shot through me. My legs buckled beneath me, and I collapsed
into the desert sand, a hair’s breadth from snarling, snapping teeth.
Want more? Check out the first 4 chapters HERE
Random facts about the characters of “Out of Sync”
- Bree Flint’s hands have a tendency to spark electricity when she’s nervous or agitated.
- Bree’s first brush with magic came at the age of eight, when she accidentally turned her teacher into a toad. Her grandmother, Miranda, has promised the school board that such incidents won’t happen again.
- We’ve received word that Bree Flint has been dubbed ‘the girl most likely to end up in a black hole of her own making.’ Monroe School does not condone the use of such language, though we couldn’t in good conscience ask you to sit next to her during Spells class.
- Annabelle Foster, the “makeover specialist,” can work wonders with hair and make-up charms. References and testimonials can be found on her site, as well as ‘before’ and ‘after’ pictures.
- Charlie Cast’s esoteric theories regarding the walking of dogs do not, as rumored, require canine participation.
- Sophia Lucas’s eye color fluctuates according to her mood. We apologize, but this feature isn’t available in potion or spell form, she was just born that way. And no, her gorgeous golden hair did not come from a bottle either, we asked.
- Reactions to Nate Harper include (but are not limited to) shortness of breath, fluctuation in heartbeat, a sudden (though fleeting) weakness in the knees, and, in one unfortunate case, foot-in-mouth syndrome. Yes, he’s handsome; get over it.
- Lee, the vampire, is an unabashed flirt. He’s not above using his dancing abilities to recruit donors.
Random clips from the (unofficial) school newsletter
Here are some clips from the unofficial Monroe Private School for the Study of Witchcraft newsletter:
- When manifesting garments, be advised that these types of spells usually last three hours. Please allow for a change of clothes. Just to remind you, their pleasant rosy after-scent will dissipate as well, and is not a substitute for deodorant.
- The introduction of the fire-breathing dragon into the curriculum has been proven to accelerate running speeds during P.E. classes, as well as aid in the development of new and innovative self-defense techniques. We stress that no permanent harm has been caused to neither dragon, nor students; faculty notwithstanding.
- The ghosts that visit the school are our guests; please treat them as such. Note that it is not polite to ask them personal questions outside of class.
- While we neither admit nor deny allegations regarding the existence of vampires, genies and/or goblins, we still reserve the right to refuse them entry onto school grounds.
- The use of potions and spells on your fellow students outside of class is strictly forbidden. We have safeties in place to assure that they will almost never work as expected anyway, so we suggest you refrain from them altogether. If, despite this warning, you’ve been exposed to either, please do not panic. The effects are temporary and shall pass
- It has come to our attention that some garments have been afflicted with spontaneous staining. So far, this issue seems to be limited to white shirts. Your complaints have been registered and will be attended to in due time; we are currently dealing with more pressing concerns, since it appears someone forgot to send the dragon back home.
- The Order is not obligated to invite a student to participate in the coven trials. Should you be fortunate enough to be chosen, we ask that you keep it to yourself and refrain from rubbing it in other student’s faces.
Thank you for stopping by my blog today to check out this amazing author and her book!
Hope you all have a great day and Happy Reading
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