Upon Your Honor by Marie Lavendar ~ Author’s Spotlight

Posted July 29, 2014 by Michelle in AuthorsSpotlight / 6 Comments


I am honored to have on my blog today

Maria Lavendar

and her book Upon Your Honor

About the Author


Bestselling author of UPON YOUR RETURN and 18 other books. Finalist and Runner-up in the MARSocial’s Author of the Year Competition. Honorable mention in the January 2014 Reader’s Choice Award. Liebster Blogger Award for 2013 and 2014. Top 50 Authors on AuthorsDB.com. Winner of the Great One Liners Contest on the Directory of Published Authors.

Marie Lavender lives in the Midwest with her family and three cats. She has been writing for over twenty years. She majored in Creative Writing in college because that was all she ever wanted – to be a writer. While there, she published two works in a university publication, and was a copy editor on the staff of an online student journal. After graduating from college, she sought out her dream to publish a book.

Since then, Marie has published nineteen books in the genres of historical romance, contemporary romance, paranormal romance, romantic suspense, mystery/thriller, literary fiction and poetry. She just released Magick & Moonlight, a paranormal romance, in March. Upon Your Honor, released in late April, is her second historical romance.

Feel free to visit her website at http://marielavender.webs.com/ for further information about her books and her life. Marie is also on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn.
A list of her books and pen names are as follows:<

Marie Lavender: Upon Your Return; Magick & Moonlight; Upon Your Honor
Erica Sutherhome: Hard to Get; Memories; A Hint of Scandal; Without You; Strange Heat; Terror in the Night; Haunted; Pursuit; Perfect Game; A Touch of Dawn; Ransom; Leather and Lace
Kathryn Layne: A Misplaced Life

Heather Crouse: Express Café and Other Ramblings; Ramblings, Musings and Other Things; Soulful Ramblings and Other Worldly Things

Author Links

Website | Book Blog | Author’s Blog | Romance Blog

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About the Book

Upon Your Honor (Heiresses in Love Series, #2)
by Marie Lavender

351 pages
Published April 21st 2014 by Summer Solstice Publishing


Deception is a dangerous path… 

New York City, August, 1891 – Orphaned after the death of her father, Chloe Waverly stows away on La Voyageur to escape the clutches of her cruel fiancé, Lamonte Beckett. Gabriel Hill, a strange and compelling gentleman, comes upon Chloe and promises to protect her without knowing the true circumstances of why she is running away. During their journey, Gabriel doesn’t bargain on being distracted by her fair beauty or succumbing to her many charms. As their attraction to each other grows, so does the danger and Gabriel suspects things are not as they should be.

Both are determined to get to New Orleans, where she can start a new life. But, once they reach their destination, events spin out of their control and Chloe is captured by the fiancé she escaped. Gabriel is left wondering if he can overlook her betrayal. Soon he finds himself in a race against time, to reach her before Beckett can exact revenge.

Purchase Links

Book Goodies | Amazon Ebook | Amazon

Barnes & Noble | Smashwords | Createspace | Solstice Publishing


Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

I am a romance author. I am from a small town in the Midwest, and I have been writing stories since I was a child. I have published nineteen books.

Can you tell us about the characters in Upon Your Honor?

Sure. Chloe Waverly is a young woman who is in a very precarious position so she decides to stow aboard a clipper ship bound for New Orleans. Gabriel Hill is the gentleman who discovers her. Once the introductions are out of the way, he decides to escort her on her journey. Unbeknownst to him, an old enemy is on Chloe’s trail.

What made you want to write a book?

I’ve always loved writing. As aforementioned, I always wrote stories. I had all of these works in progress and one day, I decided I was going to finish them. Sometimes they end up being short stories, sometimes novellas or novels. What made me want to write this book? Well, Upon Your Honor is the second book in the Heiresses in Love series. I finished writing Upon Your Return, the first book, in 2010. I really didn’t know I wanted it to be a series until 2012. The first scene of the first chapter of Upon Your Honor came to me suddenly, however, and I couldn’t stop writing on it. I knew there was a big story to tell there so I decided to do two more books. I am working on the last book in the trilogy now.

How do you come up with the characters’ names?

Most of the time I know the names right away. Sometimes I come up with a name and change it later. I want it to fit the character perfectly. In the case of Upon Your Honor, I love the name Chloe so I jumped at the chance to use it. Gabriel was previously mentioned, though briefly, in the first book so his was easy. As for any secondary characters, I used a baby name book or I checked for what was a common name to use for the time period.

How long does it take for you to write a book?

It really depends on the book. For some, I can go really fast. Others are slower. I think it depends on how much research I have to do, and how much time I have to write. Upon Your Return was one of the first novels I wrote so it took me years to write. And I was a bit of a perfectionist. LOL. Upon Your Honor took me a year to finish.

Do you have any advice for aspiring authors?

Never give up. The road can be long and harrowing, and the only person that will regret giving up is you. You have to keep pushing forward despite the obstacles.

Do you have a specific time during the day that you find better to write?

Evening is a pretty good time, but I will also write during the day if I am heavily focused on a project.
8. Have you ever written a character and realized you just didn’t like he/her and had to change it?
Not exactly. I have grown out of stories or characters. I matured to the point that I just didn’t feel them anymore. For those, I relegate them to an old files folder. I will revisit them now and again to see if it’s worth rewriting.
What books are you reading now?

I am re-reading J.R. Ward’s Dark Lover. I love the Black Dagger Brotherhood series and I will revisit them sometimes. What am I reading after that? I would like to buy the next Chloe Neill book and the latest book in Kris Tualla’s Discreet Gentleman series.

What do you like to do when you are not writing?

I love to read. But, I also like shopping. Keep me away from credit cards. You’ll be sorry! LOL. I also follow a few TV shows like Castle, Bones, Elementary, Grimm and Once Upon A Time.

Is writing your full time job? If not what do you do?

I would like to write full time, but on the side I take appointments for an entertainment business.

When you read what format do you prefer to read in (Paper/Hard Cover or E-reader)?

Paperback or Hardcover. Mainly paperback because it’s a bit easier to hold. If you look through my book shelf, you’ll find a lot of wearing on the bindings. They are well read, I assure you. As for e-books, I do read those when I can. I recently got a Kindle so I might be more likely to read them from now on.

Can you share a little of your current work with my readers?

I am working on a paranormal romance right now about a woman who lands in the world of vampires, and learns a little more about herself in the process. It is titled Second Nature.

If you can recommend one book for someone to read what would it be? (not including yours)

Oh, I have to recommend Nora Roberts. She is a great author. I love her books! I would recommend any of her trilogies.

Check out the first book in the series
(clicking picture will take you to goodreads)


Thank you for stopping by my blog today to check out this amazing author and her book!

Hope you all have a great day and Happy Reading Name2014

If you are interested in being a part of the Author’s Spotlight ~ Please check out all the details HERE

About Michelle

I am a mom to two pretty amazing kids, four pretty cute fluffy children and a wife to one adorable husband. I am a gamer, reader and a graphic designer with 20 years experience. I recently started my own business "Limabean Designs" to help other bloggers, authors and anyone else create amazing things that they would be proud to show off. I have been reading since forever and started blogging because I love sharing all the awesome books this world has to offer. I am also the co-host for the COYER Challenge, Reading Assignment Challenge and the Bookish Resolutions Challenge. I try to create a warm welcoming environment on my blog where authors, readers, and bloggers will have a great time. Let’s chat books, games, blogging, recipes, design, or family over a cup of coffee and a glass of wine!



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6 responses to “Upon Your Honor by Marie Lavendar ~ Author’s Spotlight

  1. Great interview again Michelle! This sounds really interesting and I’ve been having a historical craving for a little while – but I have to check out the first book. You know I don’t like jumping around 😉

    Berls recently posted: ARC August 2014