I buddy read Mind Readers with Anne from Books of My Heart (she’s posting her review tomorrow I believe). She also is giving it 2.5 stars.
My top thoughts:
I really really wanted to like this. I love mind reading capabilities and I feel like this had the potential to be one I loved. But it didn’t go there. It was too juvenile for me (and I like YA in general). Her mood was just so wishy-washy and the romance felt contrived. And while the mind abilities had potential, they were largely unrealized. I did like the story line/plot, which is why I kept reading. I wanted to see what would happen. However, I won’t be reading on to the next book.
Who I think would like it:
Fans of YA who don’t mind it getting REALLY juvenile would probably enjoy it, as that was my main problem. I think if you’re looking for a book with really cool mind-reading abilities, this will let you down, though (at least it did me). It had the potential, but you couldn’t see it through the noise. Too bad.
I love the concept; I am sorry to see this disappointed both of you.
Right?! Great concept, but it just didn’t work for me. Oh well, you can’t love them all.
Oh that’s too bad. I hate when I’m disappointed in a book I wanted to like or looked good. Oh well, they can’t all be winners.
So true. And it least it wasn’t a DNF!
Yes exactly and I also really wanted to like this. I was so excited we were reading it.
Me too Anne! I’m glad we read it, even if it wasn’t what we were hoping for.
I think I’ve got a couple older ones by this author on my Kindle shelf. I hope they are not just as juvenile since I don’t connect with those either.
Fingers crossed for you! I tend to do okay with YA and this bugged me, so it was REALLY juvenile :/
I don’t know how I would do with a mind reading book as I would compare them all to my favorite series featuring that and you know what series that is…. Shelby Nichols! 😁
Oh i know! Not even in the same realm. Of course, they are different kinds of books, but this one really wasted it’s potential IMO