Bookish Resolutions March 1st 2023 Check In! #BookishRes23

Posted March 1, 2023 by Berls in Bookish Resolutions / 4 Comments

Bookish Resolutions Challenge is about setting New Year’s Resolutions for Reading, book blogging or Writing… and as we hit month 3 of 2023 it’s time do a check in!

How are we doing with our goals?

Well, all things considered I (Berls) think we’re doing okay, though we’ve definitely already hit our share of bumps. It’s too early to say anyone has failed yet – this is a great chance to take a look, modify and move forward doing better!

Berls’s Update:

I track my goals every week on my Sunday Post but here’s a reminder of my goals and how I’ve been doing:

  1. Review all books on goodreads within 1 week of reading them. I really wish this goal were going better. I have been doing better about writing reviews than I had been, but I do have 21 outstanding reviews to write as of writing this post. If I keep my current pace of review writing that should be caught up by the end of March though. #fingerscrossed
  2. Keep up with My TBR List each month! So far, on track! I’ve gotten all the posts up on time, and I’ve read and reviewed all (only 2 but I’m taking it!) the books on schedule thus far.
  3. Complete all my COYER tasks on time. Yes! This I am keeping up with thanks to our Trello board!
  4. Sunday Post at least once each month.Yes! I’ve had a Sunday post every week since the new year.
  5. Set aside minimum 1 hour each week for blogging.  Yes, I’m definitely spending at least 1 hour working on blog tasks but I’m realizing that 1 hour is barely enough to make a dent. I probably need 5-10 hours a week to do all that I want to do.

So yeah, I have room to grow but I’m happy with how I’m doing thus far!

Your turn!

How have your Bookish Resolutions been going? Is it time to re-resolve on a couple of them? Maybe you’re rocking? Share your updates (blog post, fb post, instagram, tik tok, some other social media I don’t know about because I’m getting old lol) and link up here!

About Berls

Michelle adopted me as part of her blog when I decided to close down my blog, Fantasy is More Fun. The blog was dying, but my love of reading and the blogosphere was still strong as ever - so I found my new home here at Because Reading!

I'm not just a book lover, but a one time author (that hopes to be more in the future), wife, mom to the cutest, happiest, best 5 year old and step-mom to the craziest, sweetest 24 year old on the planet. My family mean everything to me and they appear frequently in the Sunday Post with Berls. So grab a glass of wine and chat books, blogging, and family with me!



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4 responses to “Bookish Resolutions March 1st 2023 Check In! #BookishRes23

  1. Great job with your bookish resolutions! I’m doing pretty good with mine but my main focus has been trying to read books I’m excited to read and be a bit more of a mood reader.

  2. I need to set more time aside for blogging tasks and visiting other bloggers. I visit my favorites, but don’t always comment unless I have something to say. And well…we won’t talk about the last month where I completely disappeared 😅 Despite that, I’m doing decent on my goals this year.

  3. yes, I struggle with the amount of time on blogging. For me it’s probably 4-6 hours a day at times. I read a lot of blogs I visit but I only comment if I have something to say. Otherwise I’d be another hour on blog visiting DAILY! I think you are doing awesome. I have to write the reviews shortly after reading or I forget things I want to say.