It’s time for the brand NEW challenge for the New Year: 2019 Bookish Resolutions Challenge
We are going back to basics! Bookish Resolutions Challenge is about setting New Year’s Resolutions for Reading, book blogging or Writing…There is still time to sign up and get your resolutions started!
Michelle’s Resolutions!
So last year I totally failed this. I was originally the silent partner in the challenge and it was run by Laura but she’s now an awesome author and this year sort of just fell apart. So it’s time to start over and try again. I am looking forward to this years challenge. I have a few things I want to get better at in 2019 that I wasn’t in 2018. This year’s resolutions will be all about reading since that is what I sucked at most last year. I sucked at blogging too but there was reasons for that.
- Read 25 Books already on my bookshelf or kindle (only books received before 2019)
- Read 20 Physical books from my bookshelf
- Finish 3 Trilogies this year
- Set Goodreads goal to 100 and complete without changing. (fingers crossed)
- Start 3 new series with more than 5 books.
- Spend at least one hour a day reading (of course more hours are encouraged) 😉
Good luck with your goals! I set my Goodreads goal to `100 too, but have only made that goal once. Going to give it my best shot though!
Great goals!!
Good luck with these!!! I was going to do some challenges in 2019 (I didn’t do any this year) but I’m still mulling it over haha. I like the ones you’ve set out and how they’re all reading reading focused.
Wow, that is a lot of resolutions. I have joined in to several challenges for 2019 so my only resolution is to keep up with them and keep current with my reviews. Good luck with all you plan to accomplish Bookwise.
Great resolutions! Think I’m going to participate in this challenge again this upcoming year. I had fun with it in 2018 and actually completed my goals. Shocker! Anyway, love your list I will be adding reading actual books on my bookshelf to my list as well. Sometimes it’s so hard to keep up. Great post as always 🙂
Good luck! I have too many health things for my daughter in 2019 but maybe I can do this in 2020. Especially if I start thinking about what my broader goals are. Anne – Books of My Heart