Week in READ-view is a post I have posted on Sundays telling you what I have been up to this week and what I read or am reading. The Sunday Post is a meme sponsored by the awesome Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news, post a recap of the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.
On the Blog, Books & Real Life:
Let’s hope I am not jinxing this but Ryan has been ok, not great but OK this week. We are back to the normal behavior issues and thankfully the school is on top of it. I was worried about him going to 6th grade in a new school with new people but this seems like a good change for him because they get him and plan to work very hard to help him get over his behavior issues we have had for so long. *Fingers crossed*
The weather was HOT but it sort of settled down at the end of the week. Friday the weather was GORGEOUS and made me long for shorter and chilly nights. I can’t wait until the fall finally kicks in. The windows open and that cool breeze is glorious.
Bloggiesta was this weekend and I was a busy bee, organizing and sorting through all my ideas. Some you wont see until next year but some I will try out, if I can get them ready in time. I still have a bunch of stuff to design for posts and a few friends and I need to get organized the guest posts I have planned for October and MAYBE one in December but I haven’t decided if I want to do that one yet. I have other ideas that I want to try and I might not have room. I am just feeling awesome with how much I have been doing and plan to do. Now if I could just read an actual book that would be great. I actually read an entire book in a day! Almost done with another. I am ON A ROLL!!!
Last Week on the Blog:
- [12 Sep] Relic by Gretchen McNeil ★★★★
- [13 Sep] Getting ready for #Bloggiesta~ Task It Tuesday!
- [14 Sep] Dragonfly Nightmare by Erin Richards **Book Blitz**
- [14 Sep] #Bloggiesta Starts Thursday! My Goals…
- [15 Sep] Ten by Gretchen McNeil ★★★★
- [16 Sep] Blog Ahead..Let’s do this, I’m in! #BlogAhead2016
- [18 Sep] Calm, Cool and Productive ~ WIR & TSP
- [18 Sep] #Bloggiesta Wrap Up Post…
What you might see this week:
- Review ~ Stalking Jack the Ripper
- Task it Tuesday
- The Bookshop on the Corner Blog Tour
- Review of the Demon Curse
- My TBR List Review ~ The Great Shelby Holmes
Books read & currently reading:
New on the Bookshelf/Kindle:
Got these on Saturday from Capstone Publishing! So excited for The Fearless Travelers.
- How to Stage a Catastrophe by Rebecca Donnelly
- The Fearless Travelers’ Guide to Wicked Places by Peter Begler
So tell me what have you been reading and up to this week?
Hope you all have a fantastic week!!!
Happy Reading
I’m glad the school has been so supportive – it breaks my heart to hear the stories families tell me at our adaptive story times. People can be so quick to judge children and their families if they don’t fall into conventional norms, and it’s just so frustrating. Life can be so hard for families when a child is struggling with something, and we should all try and be a little more supportive, because you just never know what someone might be going through!
Exactly! 🙂
I didn’t join Bloggiesta this time around, but it is always a great event and always kick-starts me too. I just couldn’t do it and the read-a-thon I’m running. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you have a great week!
Glad you are on a roll and it sounds like Ryan is settling into a routine once again. Always helpful when the school helps.
They have been amazing. This change was what he needed.
I am hoping to keep the roll going all week. It felt good to feel “normal” again! 🙂
I am happy to hear that Ryan is doing better. Its is so hard when your kid has issues at school. My 8 yr old princess was the devil before we put her on meds. They said she would probably grow out of it and this year she is finally med free at school. It is such a relief after having every teacher tell me how unruly she was or emotionless when she was on the meds. I hope things are truly sorted out for him.
I hope this week is awesome for both you and Ryan!
Thanks Karen, I am praying for the day he doesn’t have to be on anything anymore. He is still very unstable so we can’t have him stop just yet. Already forgot to give him a dose a two weeks ago and we ended up in the hospital because he needed to be medically cleared. I am glad your daughter is doing better. His new school is on top of him so I have a feeling things will get better, it is just going to take some time.
I hope that your son enjoys school! And yay for getting back on the reading roll! Hope that you have time to read again this week. 🙂
Thanks Anna! I hope so too. I was so excited when I finished the second book. It was so good to feel “normal” again!
I ‘m glad Ryan’s doing a little better, and I hope this year goes well for him. Also, well done on Bloggiesta! And the Fearless Travelers book looks really good; I want to read it.
me too, he just need to learn how to control his frustration and anger. We are working on it but it’s exhausting, I’m not going to lie.
Doesn’t that book look awesome!!! I can’t wait to read it. The cover is a matte finish and so lovely to pet. 🙂
I’m glad to hear the school is positive about working with Ryan! Thats so important!
I too am SO ready for fall (really, I am ready for winter, but most people don’t agree with me there!)
Have a wonderful week!
I totally agree with you. I love winter.
I’m ready for fall too, I’m tired of hot. Yesterday was supposed to be mild and it was HOT in the sun. But then in the evening ot was gorgeous with a great breeze. Love that.
Glad you’re on a roll! I saw some of the Bloggiesta stuff on Twitter and thought maybe I should do that one of these days.
Your reads look good, and that spooky one- yikes! What a cover. I love this time of year and the scary reads are part of that. 🙂
It really is helpful. The Twitter parties give so much helpful info.
The spooky one was good. It has an app that goes with it which is interesting 🙂 the scary reads and movies are my favorite also.
I’m glad that Ryan had a good week and that the school is on top of it for you. That makes a huge difference when dealing with behavior issues! Looking forward to what you have planned (working on my guest post for you today!). Hope you have a great week!
It does, we also have a BA coming to the house which will be helpful.
I’m excited about my ideas. I hope I can get them done 🙂
So glad Ryan had a better week and it sounds like things could be better for him at this school. It’s like my coworker said – middle school and High school are actually better setup for kids in the spectrum because of the way they’re structured. So hopefully that will prove true for Ryan.
And thank you for being super productive lol! I’m so excited for my logos 🙂 have a great week!
I have the Fearless Travelers Guide on my desktop right now and hoping I can get around to it soon! Enjoy your week!
Well I hope you enjoy it. I am looking forward to read it myself.
I am glad Ryan has been doing Ok this week and I hope things continue to be like that and the school can help him as well.
I am ready for fall to kick in as well. It still feels like the middle of summer here most days, but it does cool down in the evenings at least.
I am really looking forward to your review of The Great Shelby Holmes! I also finished my My to-be read list book this week. The Fearless Travelers book has such a pretty cover. I hope it’s a good one. Have a great week!
Me too!
It really need to just pick something. I would like it if the weather gods picked, maybe, the 70’s, that would be nice.
It was a really cute book, the characters are so cute. I hope it’s a series because it would be a great start.
I feel for you on your son’s school issues – we’ve gone through a lot of that as well, and the start of a new year can be both stressful and refreshing (yay for the chance at a new start!). Hope it continues to go well for you!! Glad you found a little time to read amongst the blogging, too! 🙂
New year is always a rough start. I am hopeful he will settle down enough that I am not getting a call almost every day but they seem so on top of it, I actually don’t mind lol.
I am also glad. It’s nice to feel “normal” again 🙂
I am so glad that the school seems to want to work with Ryan on his issues instead of just ignoring them. I am sure that will help you out a lot. I hope he continues to do well. I have a feeling I am going to be skipping ahead to Shadow House instead of the ones I am currently reading cause it really is staring at me saying read, read….lol. That spooky cover I swear that girl is looking at me…lol. 🙂
Have a great week!!
Stormi ox