COYER Chapters! Time to Sign up for Chapter 2! COYER Chapter 2 Starts May 1st

Posted April 20, 2023 by Michelle in COYER / 2 Comments

Refresh on how it works this year…

COYER – Clean Out Your E-Reads – was initially about reading free (or nearly free) e-books and writing reviews for them. Later we added in Summer Vacation where format and price didn’t matter. Along the way we added in all sorts of extra twists and challenges just to keep it fun. You’re going to get a bit of that this year, but we’re jumbling it up and flipping it upside down so that when we get to the COYER’s ACTUAL birthday we’ll be doing it like we started, with the strict rules. We’ve divided the year into 3 Chapters (instead of seasons). As always you can participate all year, part of the year, or not at all and just participate in COYER Community. At the end of each Chapter, reviews entered in the review linky will be eligible for a $5 gift card to Amazon or Barnes & Noble.

The Winner for COYER Chapter 1 is….

511 Lenoreo @Celebrity Readers: Hammered

I will be in touch via email to send you your gift card! Congrats!

Chapter 2: Get On Board

Chapter 2 will run May – August. It may be summer… but we’re turning things upside down on you and we’ll be giving you a special challenge that we cooked up special just for our 10 year celebration. We hope you like games, because you’ll be reading and racing your way through a board game this summer! Rules for Chapter 2:

  1. Work your way through the board game earning ‘spaces’ on the board. We will be sharing the game board soon. You will move forward, racing towards the finish line by reading books. Depending on the categories you earn 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 spaces on the board.
    • 6 spaces: free books (any format, but must be owned by you… no library, subscriptions, etc)
    • 5 spaces: nearly free books. This is less than $1 print/eBook, or $3 audiobooks (still any format, but still must be owned by you… no library, subscriptions, etc)
    • 4 spaces: sale books. This is less than $5 print/eBook, or $7.50 audiobooks (still any format, but still must be owned by you… no library, subscriptions, etc)
    • 3 spaces: library books, ARCs, borrowed books (still any format)
    • 2 spaces: subscription books — KU, Prime, Scribd, Audible+, etc (still any format)
    • 1 space: any book, any format, any LEGAL means of obtaining, any price
  2. Announce your participation! This can be a blog post (or if you don’t have a blog – Facebook, Twitter, Mastodon, Hive, Instagram, TikTok, Goodreads, etc.) If you want to list books you would like to read, that’s great, but not necessary. The point is to let everyone know you’re committed to COYER, maybe share some goals, and help spread the word. Not sure how to do your post? Check out this example from a previous COYER.
  3. Link up! Link that post (not just your blog homepage) to the linky below.
  4. Review & Link Reviews! Your review may be on your blog, Goodreads, etc. Link the review to the Review Linky (the same linky as Chapters 1 and 3). When you post your review to the linky use the following format: Your Name @ Blog (if applicable): Book Title (e.g., “Michelle @ Because Reading: Twilight”).
  5. Follow & share reviews on social media. Use #COYER on your posts and look for others posting with the hashtag.
  6. Visit Each Other, Chat & Have Fun. 

Michelle will post the Chapter 2 winner and sign up for Chapter 3 on August 24th. In addition, she will post a bonus Happy Birthday COYER Rafflecopter where you can earn points for how far you made it through the board game (including if you completed it multiple times). Be sure to have your reviews on the linky by 12 noon EST August 23rd for them to be included in the Chapter 2 drawing. Any reviews entered after 12 noon August 23rd will go to the Chapter 3 drawing. Keep following Chapter 2 rules through the end of August. Chapter 3 Rules will begin September 1. Michelle will announce a winner for the bonus Happy Birthday COYER Rafflecopter Monday, September 4th.


I plan to join COYER CHAPTER 2...It's time to get on the board! #coyer #coyerchapters Share on X

About Michelle

I am a mom to two pretty amazing kids, four pretty cute fluffy children and a wife to one adorable husband. I am a gamer, reader and a graphic designer with 20 years experience. I recently started my own business "Limabean Designs" to help other bloggers, authors and anyone else create amazing things that they would be proud to show off. I have been reading since forever and started blogging because I love sharing all the awesome books this world has to offer. I am also the co-host for the COYER Challenge, Reading Assignment Challenge and the Bookish Resolutions Challenge. I try to create a warm welcoming environment on my blog where authors, readers, and bloggers will have a great time. Let’s chat books, games, blogging, recipes, design, or family over a cup of coffee and a glass of wine!



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