Wow! Can you believe it? March is completely over and that means so is COYER! We hope you had a blast this month – we know we did. Before we go any further we need to give a BIG shout out of thanks to our amazing Mini Challenge Hosts – Kai @ Fiction State of Mind, Keisha @ The Simple Things in Life, and Felicia @ The Geeky Blogger’s Book Blog. You gave us some fun and different challenges to add just the right spice to COYER. Thanks so much! And I also have to give a big thanks to my amazingly awesome co-host, Kim @ Fantasy is More Fun. I am so happy to be able to do this with her and she is a wonderful friend!! If it wasn’t for her most of these COYER posts wouldn’t make sense and would be riddled with spelling errors and crappy grammar. 😉
So we made some changes this time around and we want to know if we’re moving in the right direction! Plus, for those who attended the twitter party, there were some ideas floating around about how we might change the event. So we’ve put together a little survey – please take a couple minutes to fill it out. It will help us decide what to do moving forward – we had planned on doing COYER again for the full month of July, but depending on your feedback that may change. We’ll let you know the results in upcoming weeks and what we decide to do with it.
COYER March 2014 Winners!
So this time we decided to reward not just writing reviews – which y’all did! We had 211 reviews by the end of the day yesterday! We also wanted to reward people for commenting on them – because maybe you can’t read as many books as some of us, but you’re still important to the success of COYER! So without further adieu the winners are:
Review Giveaway: Nikita@NJKinny’s World of Books
Commenting Giveaway: Angie@Pinkindle
Congratulations to our winners! You’ll be hearing from myself or Berls today about your $10 gift cards. But everyone was a winner this month, whether you read 1 book or 40+. So grab your button and display with pride that you cleaned your E-Reader with us! These buttons will also link you to the COYER Page, so you can stay up to date on COYER happenings with one click.
Thanks for joining us!!
So is this a yearly thing that you all do? And what exactly is it?
Hi Autumn,
Kim from and I host this challenge 3 times a year. It’s really rather simple, You have to read as many book as you can from your E-reader only and they have to be Free or Nearly Free (under $5) plus you must post a review for it when you are done.
I have put the link for the sign-up post that has all the rules if you want to check it out, COYER is over now so you can’t sign-up but we will be back in July to another go, I think sign-up for it will go up in June. Hope you are interested in joining us 🙂
Oh that sounds awesome. What about books given to you by authors does that count? Please post on facebook as much as you can when it gets close to the sign up date, I would love to join in on the fun.
Yes those count, just not blog tours. I always post when sign ups start on both my Facebook and Twitter 🙂
I totally failed this COYER. Totally and completely failed. LOL Congratulations winners!!! WOOOOO!
You know I noticed I didn’t see much of you this time around but you can always try again in July :0
That was suppose to be a 🙂
Thanks so much for hosting us again! I had so much fun, and I loved the twitter party.
Congrats to the winners of the gift-cards, too.
I am already looking forward to the July COYER challenge.
I really want to thank you for join us. You girls really make coyer so much fun and I love all the progress you all have done (so much better then me) looking forward to having you join us again in July! I can’t wait lol