Happy COYER time! I can’t believe it’s already December and COYER time! If you missed the sign up post with all the details and rules we’ve cooked up, there’s still plenty of time. Head on over and get on the linky!
Let’s have some fun with blogging buddies!
Remember, this time around you can do the regular COYER with the strict winter rules or you can get some freedom from format/price restrictions by doing the With Friends Challenge (buddy reading, recommended reading, and/or read-a-thon reading). For full details head on over to the sign-up post.
One note for recommended reading that was not on the sign-up post: In your review, be sure to list who recommended the book on their sign up post (give their entry # or link to their post).
Social Media
Make sure you’ve joined our FB group, we do tons of chatting and just have a great time WITH FRIENDS in there. It’s also the best place to get your questions answered. Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday there will be an “official” post from your hosts, Michelle, Stephanie, and Berls, with a question to answer or game to play, not to mention reminders for all we have going on!
We will have one Twitter party – February 22nd @ 2pm EST. Attendance has been really low for twitter parties, so we’re seeing if just having one will help us all be there for a fun chat! If you come, you get an entry on the With Friends Rafflecopter, plus a chance to win a participant prize right there at the party.
Finally we will have an Instagram challenge for the month of February! Look for the photo prompts in the FB group, late January from Michelle.
The Giveaways
We will have (2) $10 gift cards to giveaway at the end of COYER. One winner will be selected from the reviews collected in the linky below (must meet price/format requirements). When you enter the linky, try to follow this format “Book Title Review – Your Name @ Blog Name/Goodreads.” We realize all that text might not fit all the time, but get as much in as you can before character limit cuts off! Thanks!
The other winner will be selected from the rafflecopter for completing elements of the Friends Challenge. Remember, you can do any combination you’d like. All Strict, all Friends, or a mix of both. Happy Reading!
It's time for #COYER Winter with Friends! Are you ready? Share on X
Why am I always the one in trouble? The rafflecopter only shows I have entered 1 of 8. I know I did some of the RATs and shared the challenge. Is it because I cleared cookies on my computer when I had a problem? I updated the linkys today but I think I still have some Buddy reads and the last RAT to update but I can’t remember right now.
I accidentally linked Craved by a Cougar twice. Could you correct it for me please.
fixed π
I *finally* linked my reviews! True, there aren’t many. LOL Good luck to everyone with COYER!
I accidentally linked Christmas Past to Christmas in Silver Springs (again) Here is the correct link: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/3002440552?book_show_action=false&from_review_page=1
all fixed π
I just posted my first COYER review! That’s got to be my quickest COYER review turnaround ever.
Thank you, as always, for hosting this challenge! It’s always one of my favorites.
Yay! We’re off! Glad you reminded about some of the rule details. I need to still make my recs’ list.
Good lucky, everybody!
WooHoo! Good luck with this winter COYER, everyone π I’ve already read one book for my buddy-read with Anne @ Books of My Heart π