Fit Readers is a group/challenge run by Felicia @ Geeky Bloggers Book Blog and Jen @ That’s What I’m Talking About, designed to support and encourage each other on our health and fitness goals. In years past I’ve participated but just done quick updates on my Sunday Post. This year, I want my goals to be a top priority, so I’m going to share my updates in a separate, more detailed weekly post. The day it appears will probably fluctuate, though, so just keep your eyes out for it 🙂
December Goals
December is going to be all about balance for me. I go back to work today. I start a new job today. I take Dante to daycare for the first time today. That’s a whole lot of change bundled into one of the most stressful (and wonderful!) times of the year… Christmas time! So I think for December I’m going to set some very basic goals, about establishing ANOTHER new normal and being kind to myself, while trying to also be healthy.
Emotional Health Goals
I really think emotions are going to be a HUGE deal this month. So taking care of myself emotionally is also going to be super important. I’m going to boil this down to 3 goals for the month.
- Do at least 2 pieces (out of 6) of my miracle morning every day! I’ve been doing really well with this, but I can see it easily falling apart with work starting. I feel like if I can accomplish just two bits every day, I’ll be taking pretty decent care of myself emotionally. My miracle morning routine is WAKE UP, which includes:
- Water – drink at least 8 oz
- Affirmations – I listen to an affirmation track, which I try to do while feeding Dante, since it’s about positive parenting
- Knowledge – I read something for knowledge. Right now I’m reading a book called the The Fifth Trimester about being a working mom and returning to work after having a baby.
- Exercise – I’m doing Beach Body on Demand Transform: 20 (a 20 minute workout)
- Unwind – I do a meditation from the same app that has the affirmation track. Again, I do this while feeding Dante since it’s about parenting and being with your baby.
- Positivity – I am reading a book that has a positive quote, message, or statement for every day of the year.
- Blog at least 3 times a week. I’d really like to blog daily, but I also don’t want to put too much pressure on myself. I’m THINKING that I’ll be able to blog during my lunch break most days. But we’ll see.
- Give myself quality time with Dante every day. Before I had to get out of the house and get a break. Now I’m going to need to combat that ever present mom-guilt of not spending enough time. So I want to make sure I’m spending time with him – that’s not about feeding or changing a diaper – but playing, talking, etc. every day.
Fitness Goals
I’m going to go pretty easy on myself this month. I love working out, but it’s not the priority this month.
- Do Beach Body workout 3x a week. I’d like to do 5x a week, but I’m going to set the bar a little lower to allow myself a chance to really transition.
- Take 1 walk (weather permitting) over the weekend. I really enjoyed my walks with Dante over my maternity leave and I’d like to keep them up (and eventually progress them to jogging).
Eating Goals
This is the most crucial and most difficult area for me. I’m going to, like all the other areas, keep it pretty low-key this month.
- Meal plan on Friday for the upcoming week & get everything prepped over the weekend.
- Get in a minimum of 64 oz of water daily. This goal continues to defeat me, but it’s so important.
- No more than 2 sodas a day. I know it seems like I’m regressing here, but I did not do well with 1 soda a day goal. And once I “messed up” I just stop caring and drank who knows how many sodas a day. So I’m upping the number I’m allowed to 2, hoping that I’ll get it down to 1 a day by the end of the month.
I’m going to try and stay away from the scale for the time being and just focus on my first non-scale goal… getting my wedding rings back on. During my pregnancy my hands puffed up so bad they stopped fitting and they ALMOST fit again. Hopefully if I stick to these goals this month, I’ll stay balanced, get used to my new normal and hopefully be wearing my wedding rings by the new year 🙂
Good luck with getting your rings back on my New Year and all your other goals!
The drinking water goal should be one of mine too… I struggle to drink enough, of anything really, and it makes the fatigue so much worse!
I think balance is all that any one can hope for in December. It’s such a random month because of Christmas and routines go somewhat out the window because the festive traditions take over… I wish you losts of luck in balancing that with the new job and daycare!
Solid and realistic goals. I’ll be here to cheer you on!
Hope.your first day back at work is a good one. Good luck with your goals!