Week in READ-view is a post I have posted on Sundays telling you what I have been up to this week and what I read or am reading. The Sunday Post is a meme sponsored by the awesome Kimba at the Caffeinated Book Reviewer. Itβs a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.
Real Life & Blog News:
I was all ready for a productive blogging day and then The Sims sucked me in for a good 5 hours and my blogging day just totally fell apart π It’s ok since I am still ahead but as I was playing I started to think a lot and realized I might be loosing sight of why I started my blog in the first place. Yes, I love to read and I love writing reviews, but something has been missing for a while now.Β I realized I am ok with discussion posts but I just can’t produce them fast enough. I love my App Reviews, my Task it Tuesdays and of course My TBR list but for me that is not enough I want to do more to help promote and get the word out about amazing books. I have thought about doing two new features now that Life of a Blogger has ended. So I will be trying those out in the next two months. I thought it would be good to get back into Blitz/Blast Posts (since I use to love those and love visiting blogs that have them, it’s how I find books) and maybe a random Blog Tour here or there. I will still be doing my Just a Random post and the Top Tens but they are harder for me to get out, so as much as I love them they take a while to set up, there might not be a lot until closer to the end of the year. I need to build up a few instead of writing one at a time. So once again Because Reading will go through a little post change and it’s not really a bad thing π since sometimes change is good. I am not going to stress and have a post everyday but maybe more than I have had this month. I think this will also give me time to get those reviews written posted since some of the books I have read aren’t scheduled till closer to the release day. There is a chance I will also do some Author Spotlights again but that might be more of a slim chance. I just did a EXCLUSIVE first look inside the book and I might try doing something like that for new authors, since it introduces the book and gives you a sneak peak inside.
I am officially signed up to attend BEA this year but I am only going on Friday since I can’t take the entire week off, I don’t have anyone to go with and I don’t drive into New York. So my sister and I will be attending Friday. I have never meet any bloggers at BEA being a the chicken that I am but I would love to meet some of you if you would like to meet up on Friday π
This week has been a little crazy, my son gets bussed to school since he goes to a special one and they switched the company on us so for the first 3 days this week the new bus company SUCKED and the woman in charge would not give me a straight answer on who would be driving my son, everyday was different so on Wednesday I told my mother to take him out of the car and my dad drive him and I picked him up. I COMPLAINED AND WHINED and they agreed to give us the old driving company back with the nice adorable Spanish ladies who adore my son. He was so happy, They were so happy and I was in need of a strong drink. Next week will be a crazy week since my mom is away and I have to get the kids off to school instead of her. That means I will be in work late and still have to leave early to get the kids on time. I thankfully took off Thursday and I already have off Friday so it will be a nice week and I plan to get a lot of Blogging done as long as the Sims don’t get in the way. It’s just so hard to not play again π
If you are still reading this GOD BLESS you, I hope to get around to visiting my fav blogs again and back into the blog more than I have been, these dang lazies are getting on my nerves but now that the weather is beautiful I might go for walks to clear my head, winter being trapped in the house with these crazy kids and a husband has seriously mushed my brains.
Sorry this post was so long and thank you for sticking around to read the entire thing, however I don’t apologize for the over use of smiley faces π (or winky ones)
Last Week on the Blog:
- [13 Apr] Where the Staircase Ends by Stacy Stokes ★★★★★
- [14 Apr] Trello and a Spreadsheet~ Task It Tuesday!
- [15 Apr] Possess by Sarah Dalton ★★★★½
- [16 Apr] World of Warriors ~ APP #Review
- [17 Apr] *Exclusive First Look* Flintlock by Ashley Nixon
- [19 Apr] Getting organized, then the Sims happened ~ WIR & TSP
This Week on the Blog:
Just a Random Post ~ Going back in Time
Task it Tuesday ~ Organizing the unorganizedApp Review ~ Dumb Ways to Die
Review ~ Ferals
My TBR List Review ~ Storm Siren
Read/Currently Reading/Next
It’s a bad week for books π Two DNF’s make me so sad but I just couldn’t do it anymore, I really tried.
Books I got this week:

So tell me what have you been reading and up to this week?
Hope you all have a fantastic week!!!
Happy Reading
1. First time to your site, and I love it!
2. Judging a book by it’s cover, Spelled looks interesting.
Thank you, Lauren π and yes I totally judged it by it’s cover when I saw it but the synopsis made it even better π
The Sims! I have lost entire DAYS to the Sims. No joke. When The Sims 2 first came out, I got up to go the bathroom and wondered why the sun was rising! O_O
BEA!!! Lucky you! I wish I could go!!!
Nooo! You DNFed two books that I really want to read! Hopefully they’ll work out better for me. π
I have to be careful now that, that doesn’t happen, I would do the same thing, play for hours (before the kids) and then get up in the morning and play again, I would spend days building houses. It’s like a drug!!! π
You might like them a lot better than me. I totally think they just weren’t my kind of books
Yes, you were so cute! The great thing about blogs is that they constantly expand/contract and change. I hope the changes you plan work for you.
Question: why does your disclaimer say “Ask me for an ARC and I will NEVER give it to you.”?
My disclaimer says “never ask me for a copy of an ARC I will never give it to you!” I don’t give out digital copies of arcs.
Oh have fun at BEA. I had planned to go, but will be taking care of Ms. Sophia and her mommy has no time off after taking 12 weeks to be with her. Next year it is in Chicago ..only 8 hours from me, so I will go, drag hubby along etc. It will be fun to meet other bloggers…enjoy my friend. Blogging needs to be fun. I didn’t post on Saturday for the first time in 21/2 years it felt crazy weird but was nice to just be able to catch up on comments, blogs and reading.
I may also go to Chicago next year my dad is giving me an issue about going alone so I have to see if I can get someone to go with me. My husband will go but he doesn’t want to go to BEA but that means my mom has to stay with the kids for 3 days which isn’t a bad thing but I have to see what she says as it gets closer. She wanted to come with my dad but then my husband would have to stay home and I am pretty sure he wouldn’t have a problem with that.
I try not to post on Saturdays but I do want to have at least the week full if possible just feel like I am getting away from why I started doing this. I have a hard time visiting and commenting because things are just so busy around here with my son but I have been really trying π
Oh my, I use to play SIMs and I would waste a whole day on that thing and not even realize it..lol. Though if I am honest I do that with any game I play..I get on my Xbox 360 and boom there goes the day..lol. Glad Ryan got the good driver back! π
To bad you DNF’ed Storm Sirens I was hoping it was going to be good. π Oh well, it happens and to many books to stick with something that sucks. π
Have a great week!
I REALLY wanted to like it but I only got to page 64 and was like NOPE. It was all over the place and just not working for me.
Yes it is a serious time sucker but I had so much fun π
I have to stay away from The Sims! It is fun and you lose track of the time. We watch a lot of TV shows and with my reading I hardly get anything done as it is. But it is fun to make your characters and do some of the jobs.
I’ve been feeling the same way about my blog so I can’t wait to see what new features you have. I’m with Lexxie – if it’s a meme I’d give it a try. You and Berls think of some great stuff so I’m sure it would be good!
Have a great week!
One of them I might be able to turn into a meme, it was once done by Novel Heartbeat but a bit different, I would need to ask her if I would be able to do it as a meme. It would be fun to see what others do with it π
I have been playing the last 2 days and today I had some stuff to do and I feel like I want to play, my addiction might be back π lol
Oh I’m happy the bus problem has been taken care of, Michelle! We’re really lucky, three of my kids can walk to school, and the one who’s farther away is old enough to take his scooter (small motorbike, 50 cc) so we don’t have to do much at all – and no bus company needed.
I look forward to seeing what kind of features you have been thinking up while playing sims π you are so creative, I’m sure it will be something I might join in on if it’s going to be something that several blogs will do.
And I’m so sad you DNF’ed The Cage!! It’s a book I’m so excited about, and now, I’m all scared.
Have a great week ahead, and happy reading + blogging!
I wish he didn’t have to go by bus but it’s more like a mini van that picks him up. They are really crappy companies which is why I was so made that switched it.
I am thinking I might be able to change one of them into a meme but I would have to see how it would work. I might do a few of them and then see if others would be interested in doing it. π
Oh and don’t be scared of me DNFing the Cage, Me and scifi have been having problems so it was totally me.
I’m excited to see what you come up with in the way of features, I always enjoy yours and might be looking to join π Blasts are fun , I agree they are a great way to learn about new books! I hope the new changes give you a new inspiration to blog again, I hate when I get into book slumps. π
Also, you were so adorable as a child π
I don’t know why I originally stopped, I guess a lot of people aren’t a fan of them but I honestly can’t follow what everyone else does, I enjoyed them π
Book Slumps are depressing I hope this will be a nice new change with new things to come.
What you do you mean as a child? I am still adorable now π
Michelle, you are breaking my heart! DNF for The Cage? I’ve been dying to read it since it popped up on Edelweiss. You’re not the only one who dnf it though. It seems like this is a book that is either loved or hated.
I hope you have fun at BEA and manage to meet some cool people. I went to a very small convention a few years ago. I met up with an indie author who I’d been chatting with for months prior. We kinda just stuck to each other. LoL
It broke my heart too but after 58% of vagueness I just had to bail. I am a fan of Sci fi but it might be more watching than reading unless it’s light Scifi or really explained thought out the book. I would not pass it up, I would totally give it a shot. I have the same issues with Time Travel books, I can read them if they just time travel without all the explanation lol.
I do hope to meet a few people since the last couple of years I just walked and noticed people from blogs but just never stopped to say hello. I only did it once and the girl accused me of being a fan girl. I was like um no. I was just being nice and saying hello, I was only nervous because it went outside my comfort zone to say hello. So ever since then I stopped saying hello to people. So I will give it a shot this time π I hope!
I love the Sims! I started playing it in college when it was just the first one and everyone was creating their own outfits and stuff that you could actually copy and paste into the game. So much fun! I haven’t played in awhile but it is a bit like falling into a black hole time wise. You look up and it’s 7 hours later. I think I have the Sims3 on this PC. I’ll have to look one day when I’m feeling like taking chances! The bus situation sounds stressful but how great that you did get it worked out. It sounds like you’re going to have some fun stuff coming up around here! Have a great week!
It can easily suck up 7 hours, I remember before I had kids I would play for HOURS like into the night. I would go to bed at 4am and get up in the morning to play again. I could never do that now but it is fun.
I have always had issues with bus companies and the commission that runs it for our county always tends to want to pay the companies that are the lest expensive so pretty much you get what you pay for and I will not have that. I can’t just put my son on a bus with anyone, I don’t know any normal parent that would however there must be some since these companies are still around. I realized if I complain a lot and express my sons safety they really have no argument. I have been doing this a long time with him and they really need to fix how they handle parents.
Thanks for stopping by Kathy!!!
Oh my, what a cute picture. π I hope this week won’t be too crazy. Looking forward to your changes. I’m glad you’re going to BEA, even if it is just one day; have fun!
Thank you π I had very curly hair but I think it looks like my daughter (she has straight hair).
I hope for a quiet week. I always wanted to go more days but it looks exhausting π I love my one day to just walk around.
Games are addictive I used to get addicted to them when I was younger especially Pokemon anyone else remember that game or should I say games I loved them. Hopefully your week isn’t too stressful. I got Neverland as a freebie to, I love Peter pan so anything slightly related am grabbing it. The cage I am looking forward to I have heard like yourself people not finishing it or just not liking it. Happy Reading. I’m new to your blog so will hop around and check out some of your posts π
Games can be very addicting but also a good break, like books, from the real world. I played a lot when I was a kid and pretty much never lost that loved for gaming. My son plays Pokemon he LOVES them and I have played with him also.
I love a good retelling of a fairytale, I have seen Neverland around a lot but never bought it, was really happy it was free π
I think my issue with the book was more that I have a hard time reading Sci-Fi I like watching it better. Unless the it is really explained or very light I am ok but this was just to vague and at 58% I was just done.
Thanks for stopping by π I will hop on over to read your post!
I really have to stay away from games like the Sims, I always feel like once you get started you just can’t stop and have to play for a few hours, it’s such an addictive game.
I get what you mean about discussion posts taking a lot of time to set up, I always try to stay ahead with those and my Lola’s kictehn post so that if I cna’t write any new ones for a few weeks I am stil okay, but it’s hard sometimes to keep up. Sometimes it’s nice to have tour or cover reveal to fill up an empty spot on my blog. I am looking forward to see your new features.
And that must have been horrible they switched bus companies and wouldn’t tell you who drove him, I am glad you managed to get the old company back!
It’s a shame I can’t go to BEA as I would love to meet you! It’s a sad week when you have two DNF’s, but it’s better to just put them down than to force yourself to read a book you don’t enjoy. I hope your current book is better. Have a great week!
It really is addicting I love building houses so I spend a lot of time doing that and less time actually playing π
I just don’t have the time to come up with them, but If I can go back to what I use to do maybe I can get more of those done . The new features are will be fun and much easier to do, one I plan to make a fun facts about thinks I like and about me. I am going to start them next week π
I would LOVE to meet you π I wish you were going too!!! Yes two DNF’s are rough and I agree, I can force myself to read something I just don’t like. So far the current one is enjoyable !!!