hosted by Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post
Blogging News and Bookish News:
- I did a lot of blogging but sadly nothing that has put me ahead…yet. I am hoping now that Blog Ahead has started I can get some posts schedules and my plan is to just Start them for April and just call March a bust. 🙂 March went by so fast!
- I drafted a lot post so now I just need to fill them in. I plan to spend the rest of today drafting a few more to end out bloggiesta and start fully on Blog Ahead tomorrow.
- I think this bloggiesta was a complete success! I am so happy with how it all worked out. The twitter parties are always my favorite. If you don’t have a chance to participate in the event you should totally check out the twitter parties, those are so fun.
- Since I have Kindle Unlimited and my reading taste has been really off lately, I am hoping once I finish Six of Crows I can start reading more of what I want to read. I am not in a slump but sadly the lack of time I have is now not only affecting my blogging but my reading too. It has also put my designing of covers on the back burner and I am getting very upset that I seem so lacking in time. I need to re-think what I am actually doing when it comes to blogging, reading and design to better manage my time because at the moment I SUCK at it. I also think I need a break.
- Next Sunday I WILL NOT have a Sunday Post since I will be hosting Easter at my house.
Around the blogosphere….
The first Mini Blog Ahead for 2018! Sign Up!This challenge is all about catching up and getting ahead with your blogging.
- I am hoping to visit this week so I can add some blogging links here. With Bloggiesta over and blog ahead starting I am hoping it frees up some of my time to be able to visit again.
- Can you read a series in a month Sign Up Post is LIVE! The challenge starts April 1st.
Last Week on the Blog:
- [19 Mar] Labels, Categories, and Tags. Oh My! Spring #bloggiesta Mini-Challenge
- [20 Mar] The Turn: The Hollows Begins with Death by Kim Harrison ★★★★½
- [23 Mar] Ashes on the Moor by Sarah M. Eden
- [23 Mar] Blog Ahead ~ Let’s hope I can finally get ahead.
- [24 Mar] Can you read a series in a Month? Sign Up! Challenge starts April 1st
- [24 Mar] Can you read a series in a month? The series’ we picked.
- [25 Mar] Sunday Post with Berls | A Great Week Back!
- [25 Mar] Hold On! March is almost over already? ~ WIR & SP
What you might see this week:
- still working on it.
(Read, Currently Reading & Next)
What I grabbed
I want to take advantage of Kindle Unlimited so my can you read a series challenge will be a KU series I found and a genre I am looking forward to trying.
I WON A GOODREADS GIVEAWAY! WHAT?!?!?!? I haven’t gotten the book yet but YAY! It’s actually a book I really wanted to read. 🙂
Off the Blog Updates:
- Seriously is March almost over already? Where did the time go?
- Kittens are doing good and next week we find out if they still have roundworm. (I don’t think they do anymore). We are still treating them for Feline Herpes but that will be something they will have their entire lives but right now I need to get it into remission so poor Auggie stops sneezing.
- It F’N Snowed like 8 inches on Wednesday and the rest of the week was like spring. I can’t take it anymore. I do believe that was the last snow we are getting….I think.
- With me being off on Wednesday, I have taken work home, I haven’t done that in a long time so it was weird to be working from home again but I actually missed it, wish I could work from home more often.
- Easter is at my house again this year. I will be cooking dinner but also need to make Easter Pies and this year I need to make about 8 for family. The best part is the pie recipe makes 4 pies so I only have to do it twice but they are so yummy.
- The 10 Commandments are also on this coming weekend. I can’t wait since I really do love that movie.

So tell me what have you been reading and up to this week?
Hope you all have a fantastic week!!!
Happy Reading
Our Easter is very low key for which I’m very grateful as I’m ridiculously frazzled and would probably come apart if I had to do something big. Yay for killing your Bloggiesta goals and I’m with you on the reading time. Seriously how is March almost over?? I’m not ready! Glad the kittens are doing well and fingers crossed that the round worm is completely gone. Hope your week is going great and you’re fitting in some reading time.
Glad Bloggiesta went well! I have issues with time too, there’s just not enough! And blogging, I love it, but man it takes up time doesn’t it? Yikes!
I hope you’re enjoying Six of crows. I had to set it aside but I may go back to it…
Have a great Easter!!
I think you can call all you’ve accomplished a success, Michelle! You did a lot so you go ahead and pat yourself on the back, girl! 😉 I’m interested to know what book you won on Goodreads…I won a book as well…Midnight’s Daughter by Karen Chance. I’m excited! Of course, I still need to finish up her Cassie Palmer series. *sigh* I’m laughing at your disgust with the snow. I’d so love to get 8 inches!! Send some my way, okay?
Here’s to hoping you have a snowless week of goodness with reading, work, family, and those adorable pets of yours!! {{{BIG HUGS}}}
Good luck with blogging ahead! I’m glad the cats are (mostly) doing well. Have a great week and enjoy your new books!
I hope to join bloggista some day! This is such a busy time for me at work, blogging certainly has taken a back seat! We got snow Wednesday and Saturday. Today, its sunny and 50. Go home, mother nature, youre drunk!
Hope you have a very happy Easter!
Sorry to hear you seem to be lacking time. I seemed to have that problem as well this week, although I did get the most important things done I still feel a bit behind and I don’t like that feeling. That does sound great you drafted a lot of blog posts and hopefully you can start getting ahead a bit. I am glad to hear Bloggiesta was a complete success.
I bought a copy of Dragon’s Gift when it just released, but haven’t gotten around to reading it yet. I am curious to hear what you think of it!
That’s so awesome you won a Goodreads giveaway! I hope the book arrives soon and that it’s a good one. Have a great week!
It’s so weird how the time just goes and I can’t seem to figure out what happened to it lol I just need things to slow down or a time stopper, that would be nice.
I am excited to read Dragons Gift. I really do think I need something different and I am hoping this will be it. Plus you got me wanted to read reverse harem and I plan to read the one you read soon. It might be something I save for the 24 hour readathon. 🙂
I hope that next Sunday isn’t too crazy busy for you! Hosting parties and gatherings can be a lot of work. And I also haven’t had a lot of time to read, which totally sucks. Maybe this week will be ours for the reading! 🙂
Hosting is my favorite thing, exhausting, yes but I love it. 🙂
I hope this week will be our week of reading! 🙂
This month did fly by! But spring is here and I’m happy for that. Glad to here the kitties are doing better and here’s to blogging ahead! I’m drafting a bunch of posts too. It’s very time consuming. I hope you find away to manage your time that works good for you:)
Well I hope the weather will catch up because it doesn’t feel like spring lol.
Drafting is time consuming which is why I always like to spend a day or two just doing that because then it’s easy to pop stuff in and schedule.
I must be out of touch with the weather up north?? I had no idea it was bad again. We had a few cold mornings this week, but that was about it. I am so terribly sorry to say I got nothing accomplished for Bloggiesta. I was so looking forward to it and had my plans laid out for weeks…and then life has been crazy, plus SICK Baby. 🙁 I hope I can get some things together for Blog Ahead.
It is just weird. The snow was no needed, we didn’t need that lol. It’s now chilly but not too bad, at least the sun is out.
I didn’t do as good with bloggiesta since I took work home but I did some stuff.
It is kinda crazy that March is almost over already. Fingers crossed the kittens worms are all gone. Hope you have a little bit of a slower week, yours sounded rather exhausting. Happy Sunday!
It went rather quickly. I would like for the next few months to slow down so I can catch up or breath lol
Ash Princess is on my list to read and I almost pre-ordered it but want to see some reviews first. I hope you have a better April with blogging and getting ahead with the posts. I always try to do a week ahead with my own. Most of the time this works out for me. Good Luck!
Mary my #SundayRoundup
My schedule used to allow for a week ahead but I just don’t have the time at the moment. The only times I really have to do anything is on the weekend but now even that is getting clogged up. I need to manage my time better but that is easier said than done. 🙂
I was rather excited about the win. I am looking forward to reading it since it does seem pretty good. I was also going to wait for the reviews.
Uhhh… you do know there’s a full week left of March, right? Or does it work differently in New Jersey? :p
You do seem very busy, Michelle, and I hope you’ll be able to figure out a good way to move forward, all the while doing the things you like – your covers, your blog, and of course reading!
Miss you, lady! {{{BIG HUGS}}}
But for me and since I wont be posting next week, it’s sort of over. I have such a busy week coming up, it wont last long. So basically it’s over for me.
I am hoping once I can get a short break. things will slow down. That would be nice.
Miss you too! Hugs!