Killing Joe Sabazius by Anne Pyterek ~ Author’s Spotlight 3

Posted July 24, 2014 by Michelle in AuthorsSpotlight / 0 Comments


I am honored to have on my blog today

Anne Pyterek

and her book Killing Joe Sabazius

About the Author

AuthorPhoto1 Originally from Chicago, Anne left the City of Big Shoulders in 2005—at her heroine’s request! She drove off into the sunset in a big blue bus with her then 11 year old son, a managerie of animals and no income. She did this for the adventure, the learning and to find out about her heroine Calliope’s childhood. She and her son live in Colorado now, still in the bus, on 120 acres with a pack of semi-feral dogs, surrounded by coyotes.

Anne is the author of three books and has been writing for a long time. She’s only recently began her publishing adventure. This beginning phase is about collecting reviews, blurbs and starting to generate her grassroots word of mouth campaign. Please accept her offer for one of the 2,000 review copies she is giving away.

Social Media Links:


Smashwords profile


About the Book


Killing Joe Sabazius: A Different Sort of Love Story

Anne V. Pyterek
writng as Calliope Braintree

As part of the Calliope Braintree Series, Killing Joe Sabazius was actually written by the protagonist of To Hear The Rest More Clearly.

That’s unusual right there. And it doesn’t stop there. This is the unlikely love story of Jane, a guilt-wracked murderess, the disembodied spirit of her rapist, Joe Sabazius, Israel, his newly reincarnated self, a magical crow named Loki and Jake, a dirty cop.  Influenced so strongly as it is by the machinations of Trickster, this novel turns everything on its head!

Jane is a writer of award winning, dark and edgy children’s books.  But all her best ideas come from Loki.  When Loki brings her an image that is downright Biblical, in its proportions of death and mayhem, he also brings up all the chaos of her unresolved guilt, shame and fear.  The problem of how to write this horrible story is tangled up with the problem of whatever it is Loki and her dead rapist are cooking up behind her back.  It is further complicated by her twisted love affair with Jake, the cop who did not arrest her for her rapist’s murder.  But problems are, of course, opportunities.  And there is magic afoot!

Rape is unforgivable and yet, paradoxically or not, the best way to recover one’s power and not be a life-long victim is to navigate the rocky road that leads to forgiveness.  Forgiveness is simple but in no way easy.  The pain in this work shines through as brightly as the bravery it takes to face it…it is both harsh and wonderfully joyous!  As both the sequel to and prequel of To Hear the Rest More Clearly, (meaning you can read them in either order!), this novel is a surprising dose of potent medicine that points the way to Ultimate Transformation.  From either direction!

Killing Joe Sabazius at Smashwords

Chat with the Author

You’ve said that the process of creating Calliope completely recreated your own life. Can you elaborate on this?
It was a double whammy! First I created Calliope out of my own pain, then I had Calliope created River and Jane out of hers… It took all of us, pulling real hard, to finally get me out. And it’s not finished. The more I progress, the more I find that needs work. Recovery is a lifelong process.

Yes. Of my Real Self. To create a character, out of yourself, your belief system, your hopes and fears, is to really see yourself from another angle and, likewise, be able to turn yourself in different directions. It’s like trying on parallel universes for size. Our minds perceive images as real things, so when we see these images of our own creation, our lives naturally start to follow along. It’s like driving. The car effortlessly goes wherever we look.

Talk about the voices in Jane’s head, in Killing Joe Sabazius. That’s not the kind of self-loathing you ever had to deal with, is it?
No. It was never that bad. But we all have more of that going on than we realize. And after I wrote that I finally saw—quite clearly too!—those same impulses in myself. They were considerably more subtle in my case than in poor Jane’s. But did you see how decidedly she was able to move past it? Tell it, “No!” Simply because of her newfound connection to River? That’s how it is for me now, too… because of writing it! It’s become just as easy for me to deal with my own internalized oppressor. Pretty muchI have to do is see it and it’s resolved. That’s what I hope people will get from this—that we don’t need outside authorities to tell us how to think, feel or heal. We are our own best authority. We can do it our own way.

Tell our readers about your book give-away.
Well, this the very beginning and we’re starting a massive give-away in order to generate reviews and the necessary blurbs for the print edition. Get one for yourself! Use coupon code EB66A to “buy” a free copy of Killing Joe Sabazius at Smashwords. This coupon expires July 31, 2014, but if you contact me after, I’ll give you the new code.

Dont’t forget to grab a copy of Killing Joe Sabazius offer ends July 31st

Thank you for stopping by my blog today and the last two days
to check out this amazing author and her book!

Hope you all have a great day and Happy Reading Name2014

If you are interested in being a part of the Author’s Spotlight ~ Please check out all the details HERE

About Michelle

I am a mom to two pretty amazing kids, four pretty cute fluffy children and a wife to one adorable husband. I am a gamer, reader and a graphic designer with 20 years experience. I recently started my own business "Limabean Designs" to help other bloggers, authors and anyone else create amazing things that they would be proud to show off. I have been reading since forever and started blogging because I love sharing all the awesome books this world has to offer. I am also the co-host for the COYER Challenge, Reading Assignment Challenge and the Bookish Resolutions Challenge. I try to create a warm welcoming environment on my blog where authors, readers, and bloggers will have a great time. Let’s chat books, games, blogging, recipes, design, or family over a cup of coffee and a glass of wine!



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