Recapping 2021 and looking ahead to 2022
Feel free to join me!

out with the OLD: 2021
I didn’t want to repeat myself a million times in each Out/In post so I figured I would recap the year and leave the other posts for all the fun stuff and new things I am planning for 2022…will they happen, I don’t know but I am sure as hell going to try because I don’t think blogs are dead and I think the way the world is we need a fun blog that shares things we love so we can take a break from all the craziness that is going on in this world. Maybe next year the pandemic will be finally over, or maybe it wont, either way I think we all need some time to enjoy what we like and get out of the negative that can be on social media and in the news. Lifestyle blogs give you that escape so I really do believe whether you read a blog, watch a vlog or just spend hours scrolling BookTok, it is whatever can give you that relief and make you smile because that is what really matters in this world…being happy. Which is what I am trying to get back too…
This year was rough, most of you know what happened but I will do a quick 11 month recap. 🙂
I was laid off from my job of 21 years in Jan. It was a rough couple of months trying to decided what I wanted to do. I was collecting unemployment which was a huge help. By the time my boss called to ask me back, it was more of a temp thing than a back to my old job so I passed. What I didn’t know was that because of they way I filed for unemployment (as per my ex-bosses instruction) when the PUA ran out in September, I lost unemployment completely. It was about that time I completely stopped blogging. I just didn’t know what to do, I was so stressed, I thought I had the extension and was going to continue upgrading my skills by taking classes but now I needed to scramble for a job. By October we were hurting financially and I had to do something since looking for a job just wasn’t working so I decided to find a seasonal job. Barnes & Noble was hiring and I got the job. While I love the 40% discount, it’s just not making ends meet and the hours are wonky, however they have changed to a more reasonable time with late hours on Sunday so that is a plus. However, I will continue to search for a new job and enjoy the 40% until that happens since it is money and we do need it. We are budgeting a little different and just trying to make it work until we can figure it all out. It has been a long and stressful year.
in with the NEW: 2022
I am hopefully that 2022 will be better but no one can predict what will happen and I can’t promise that I will be present on the blog, but I can promise that I am not going anyplace and I love my blog enough to know that it will be my safe place when I need a break. I pray to the gods that I can be a regular blogger and even visit all my friends that I miss so much and find new ones but again, life tends to get in the way and it’s ok. It’s ok to sometimes have to take a step back. You can always find me on Twitter or Instagram. I am always around to chat or talk books and I am always here for my friends (old and new) if you need me. Plus if it works out I will be back and we can chat right here. I plan to make some changes so that might help when it comes to being able to blog regularly.
I hope this new year is amazing for all of us but if it isn’t I hope we remember that some days just aren’t easy and those days aren’t because of something you did, it just happens…always remember you got this and will get through it just like you did all those other times.
Sending you all love and hugs.

What are you looking forward to in 2022?
Thanks for stopping by to Check out my recap of 2021 and what’s to come in 2022.
Have a great day and Happy Reading!
Michelle xx
I know it’s been tough but I have faith that someday you will look at this as that really shitty year that was the start of everything becoming fabulous! And the blog – well for some strange reason I’m actually doing well in that area for once and it’s my turn to hold the fort down – lord Knows you’ve done that for me plenty!! You’ve got this. Love you!!!
Life has been so unpredictable these past few years – more so for some than others.
I wish you the best for 2022 !
Karen @For What It’s Worth
You have had such a rough year to be sure. I wish you the best of luck in your continuing job search and may 2022 be a much better year for you!
Sounds good, Michelle! And, I agree, blogs are a fab escape.
Big hugs Michelle. I agree I think I am better off when I am blogging and reading and not doom scrolling. I hope a nice job opportunity comes your way asap. What am I looking forward to in 2022…what am I looking forward to…this is a tough one! Everything seems to be dependent on things out of my control! I’ll just say I hope I –and my family– have a year filled with good health and fun experiences.
Michelle, you have this. The biggest difficulties lead to learning and growth and positive changes. You are on the track! I wish you the very best in the New Year!