My Review:
I was enjoying this book in the beginning, I found the story about the church and what was happening in the world really interesting. I realized this book shows how people tend to follow along with the masses, how a simple belief can turn into a way of life for some, then the rapture happens and I sort of feel like everything just fell apart. I started to get confused by what was going in the story and with the characters. It honestly didn’t make sense to me but I didn’t hate it either. I was invested in the 3 main character and wanted to see what happens.
Vivian is a strong character but her confusion was confusing me. I liked Peter and Harp, I felt sad for all of them having lost so much. The rapture had taken almost everything from them all and you can see how it was affecting them. I thought at some point the story kind of went in a strange direction and some of the characters maybe didn’t need to be made that important or could have even been left out, however I do hope in the next book you find out more about the people that kind of just stopped being in the book. As I got closer to the end I was worried that I wasn’t going to like this book however a few twists and turns later I was really starting to like it and by the time it ended I kept thinking I can’t wait to see what happens in the next book. This book started out interesting then got a little lost in the middle but what happened at the end really made me like this book a lot more than I thought I would.
recommend: yes I would this is a really interesting reading regardless, it was rather enjoyable.
Next Saturday November 1st you will have the chance to vote on my November read.
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Thanks for stopping by to check out my review
Have a great day and Happy Reading!!
LOL you crack me up Michelle! I totally know what you mean, when a main character is too confused, it can make things frustrating, but for some reason when you said that I started giggling uncontrollably.
I was getting confused trying to write the review lol
It is always amazing to me how quickly and idea is spread and followed. Interesting premise, thanks for sharing this and I am glad you enjoyed it.
It’s kind of scary but it was very interesting! Thanks for stopping by 🙂
I’ve been curious about this since I saw it on your blog… I think I may get this one based on your review. I’m a little leery that it gets confusing or disjointed in the middle, but sounds like the end kinda saves it- and the premise is interesting.
I would totally give it a try, the story was interesting and even with getting lost I still found it interesting enough to keep reading 🙂
Glad that you mostly enjoyed it. 🙂 Sorry it was confusing though.
I am not hitting any good ones with my TBR List..both times I haven’t finished the I know when I am not into a book when I ready two or three in between trying to read I am going to try and read some more of it before I post my review, but it’s just not exciting. 🙁 Hopefully next time will be a hit for me. 🙂
I usually don’t review DNF but for the TBR List Meme I do just so people know what I thought. Even posting and update is good like why you didn’t get to it or even why it’s taking so long. Just so people know the progress 🙂 thats what I do!
I hate it when books get confusing, but at least it worked out in the end for you. The more I look at the cover, the more I like it.
I just thought that what the MC was doing really didn’t make sense with everything going on but the end really did bring it back for me.
This sounds like a confusing book, but I am glad you still enjoyed it. It can be scary how easily people follow along with the masses. The plot with the church and such sounds original, I never heard of anything like it before.
I also managed to finish my book for today :), I am looking forward to next months My To-Be Read List already!
I have my list almost picked out, I changed it twice since it’s netgalley november I want to read netgalley picks but then I changed my mind lol.
This was a little confusing it somehow lost focus at some points but it was a very interesting read.