I am honored to have on my blog today
Anne Pyterek
and her book River Song
About the Author
Originally from Chicago, Anne left the City of Big Shoulders in 2005—at her heroine’s request! She drove off into the sunset in a big blue bus with her then 11 year old son, a managerie of animals and no income. She did this for the adventure, the learning and to find out about her heroine Calliope’s childhood. She and her son live in Colorado now, still in the bus, on 120 acres with a pack of semi-feral dogs, surrounded by coyotes.
Anne is the author of three books and has been writing for a long time. She’s only recently began her publishing adventure. This beginning phase is about collecting reviews, blurbs and starting to generate her grassroots word of mouth campaign. Please accept her offer for one of the 2,000 review copies she is giving away.
Social Media Links:
Blog http://www.blue-bus-books.com
Smashwords profile https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/AnneVictoria
About the Book
River’s Song
by Anne V. Pyterek ~ Writing as Calliope Braintree
This long narrative poem is the rhyming, extremely sexy voice of a heart-broken and polluted urban river…and it rocks! Industrialism has poisoned and killed many bodies of water. Their stories are similar. Many have been poisoned to the point of catching fire. But this is the unique voice of the Chicago River. Sometimes raging, sometimes sobbing, frequently serene, this is the Voice of the Great Goddess, speaking in her River aspect. It flows ever on to the ocean, always different, always the same. Our beautiful blue planet is alive and has very profound feelings. This poem expresses them. Read this beautiful tear-jerker and weep.
River’s Song at Smashwords
A Brief Chat With Calliope Braintree
Tell us a little bit about yourself, Calliope.
I work for Earth, defending her honor. I’m a Warrior!
What? What do you mean?.
People have been conditioned to believe the planet is a dead and inert rock that exists simply to be exploited. Humanity has been stifling Nature for a long time now, ignoring how she feels, treating her like garbage. Well, I give her a voice again. I use my art and my unique perspective to give her a voice again. That’s pretty revolutionary if you think about it.
It is. How did you develop this unique perspective?
Maybe it’s because I grew up traveling the country in a bus. My mom and I un-schooled our way across the country. Super educational, but not in the conventional sense. So I still have the natural creativity, curiosity and intuition most people have had “educated” out of them.
Interesting. What was the “dark side” like? What does that mean?
My mom died when I was 13 and I ended up in the system. Bad place to be. It was so bad, what with the pervy foster fathers and the mind numbing schools, that I basically forgot who I was for, like, five years. I was that traumatized. But I ran away to the woods and re-connected with Nature.
I’ve learned to hear the silenced voices of Nature. And that was exactly what it took for me to remember my Real Self. Seriously.
Yeah. I was invisible. Ignored. Dismissed. Treated like a pile of garbage. And look at me now! A published author!
That’s really something.
It is. It’s important to be heard. My publisher is great and is in the middle of a huge give-away. Since I’m a complete unknown, we’re giving away a lot of free copies of my eBooks to kick off the whole word of mouth thing and collect nice reviews and blurbs for the coming print editions.
What do our readers need to do to get a review copy?
Easy! Just use coupon code ZS83C to get a free copy of the Smashwords edition of River’s Song. You’ll be asked to open an account, but it only takes, like, a minute. Then you simply proceed through the checkout, as if you’re buying it, using the coupon code instead of money.
Can’t wait to hear what everybody thinks
Thanks for chatting with us Calliope!
Don’t forget to stop by Smashwords to get your copy of the River’s Song using the code provided!
Thank you for stopping by my blog today to check out this amazing author and her book!
Stop by tomorrow to see another book from this author!
Hope you all have a great day and Happy Reading
If you are interested in being a part of the Author’s Spotlight ~ Please check out all the details HERE
Hi Tiffany! Hope you like reading it as much as I liked writing it! And if you do,please consider leaving a review.
(on Smashwords, I mean)
<3 <3 <3
Wow. I look forward to reading your book and hope to learn to listen more to Mother Nature as well! Thank you very much for the review copy!