Sunday Post with Berls | Happy Thanksgiving!

Posted November 26, 2017 by Berls in The Sunday Post / 20 Comments


News at Home: Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving! We sure did πŸ™‚ I had the week off school and y’all, I think it’s the first break I can honestly say I spent NO TIME on work. I do have a couple things to do today to get ready for next week, but nothing major and nothing out of the ordinary. I’m so proud of myself for really taking the week.

I took it pretty easy, honestly. Sunday I went to the gym and spent the day reading, for the most part.

Monday I went shopping… I had a LulaRoe dealer near me doing a pre-Black Friday sale and I let myself go a little crazy. The thing is, my LulaRoe clothes still fit as I lose weight, so they feel like the best purchases. Then I met up with a friend I hadn’t seen in over a year for lunch. Then I came home and read, until I wen to the gym. Then I came home and read some more.

Tuesday I went to the gym in the morning, finished reading my book club book, went to book club, came home and did laundry.

Wednesday I went to the gym in the morning, gathered up the books I wanted to sell and donate to the local library. Shampooed carpets, sold books, picked up my brother (he was staying the night for Thanksgiving). Left my driver’s license at half-price books so had to go back and get it, got dinner with my brother, talked way too late and watched a couple episodes of Gilmore Girls with him. Oh and he surprised me with his old XBOX ONE! He got an XBOX ONE X for his birthday and I’m happily accepting his cast offs πŸ™‚

Thursday morning we had our Turkey Trot! It was so much fun! Then I came home, made bread pudding for Thanksgiving, watched Temple Grandin and went to Franky’s mom’s for Thanksgiving dinner. Left there around 7pm to go to my sister-in-laws for second Thanksgiving dinner… which I ate none of. Y’all would be shocked by how little I ate, but I didn’t get sick and that was the goal πŸ™‚


Friday I went to a 10am Turkey Burn Spin Class then picked up the boys (Franky and his little brother Jesus) to put up our tree. We made some ornaments and just hung out for the day. At one point the boys and my husband went on a long walk and watched Outlander.

Saturday I went to the gym in the morning – a fun dance cardio class – and we went to the waffle house for breakfast. My knee started bothering me, so I spent a lot of the day with ice on it and blogging/reading. I also got my hair done – it was in desperate need!

So yeah, that’s what you call a low key week, right?! Pretty great! Today I’ve got a 10:15 HIIT class and then I’m going to do some laundry and a little bit of work to get ready for next week. But I’m feeling refreshed and ready for the 3 weeks until Winter break πŸ™‚

Blog News

So I’m officially done blogging for the month of December! Woo-hoo! I spent a lot of time Saturday on my blogging and it was worth it. I’ve decided to go back to trying to visit blogs every morning, since this weekly visiting just isn’t working. So I’ll be starting that today. #fingerscrossed

I finished our Can You Read a Series in a Month? Challenge… sort of. Technically there is 1 novella and 1 full length book left for me to read, but I read the series in audio and they aren’t available in audio yet, so I’m calling it finished, even if technically I’m not. 4 books is a win for me!

I gave up on #NaNoWriMo, for this year. I think I just have too much else I’m trying to accomplish right now to write successfully. My mind is very focused on working out and eating right and just taking care of my body. Its a lot and I don’t want to get side-tracked from it right now.

#FitReaders Update

Here are my November goals and how I did this week:

  1. Do yoga every morning for 10 minutes (minimum): I have fallen off the yoga bandwagon πŸ™ I plan to start back up today!
  2. Drink 64 oz of water daily: did it!
  3. Eat 70g of protein daily: Fell short every day, but only by like 10g
  4. Go to the gym 3 times a week (Sunday – Saturday): Went Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday… 6 times!
  5. Walk 8000 steps a day: Fell short every day except Thursday
  6. Do 1 5k walk with Buffy each weekend: Did Turkey Trot 5k on Thursday
  7. Lose 20 lbs: So far this month I’ve lost 14.2 pounds. Which means I’m 5.8 pounds away from my goal with 5 days to go… so I might make it and I might not.

Days since surgery: 109
Total weight lost since surgery: 79.2 pounds

I feel pretty good about this past week – I’ve been doing really well with getting to the gym. And I did really good not eating a lot for Thanksgiving. I felt really good this week, in general with my progress. I actually did another progress photo:

But I’m anxious that I won’t make my goal for the month πŸ™

Last Week on the Blog

Coming Next Week From Me

Sunday Post with Berls

United by Melissa Landers #audioreview

2018 Reading Assignment Sign Up #2018HW (a couple of changes coming!)

Bubbly Berls is Babbling About: Deaths in Harry Potter

It's Monday! What Are You Reading

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? is a place to meet up and share what you have been, are and about to be reading over the week. This meme started with J Kaye’s Blog and then was taken up by Sheila from Book Journey. Sheila then passed it on to Kathryn at the Book Date. And here we are!

I just finished…

I finished On the Plus Side and with the exception of one major annoyance, I really liked it.
I also read Turtles all the Way Down by John Green for book club. It was pretty good – I gave it 3.5 stars.
For audio, I finished book 4 in the Just Junco series, and it was meh. I go so back and forth with that series.

Oh and I totally read a guilty pleasure Monster Porn recommended by Carol – Bested by the Bigfoot and it was super fun.

Reading Now…

I’m just starting Beyond the Veil which I have on both ebook and audio… I’m starting with ebook, but might continue on audiobook after I finish my current audio read.

I’m listening to The Trouble with Twelfth Grave and it’s just great! Every time I pick up a Charley Davidson book, I feel like I’m being reunited with good friends.

For self-improvement, I haven’t been reading much, but I’m reading Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents: How to Heal from Distant, Rejecting, or Self-Involved Parents.

Up Next…

For audio – I want to start kicking butt on my audio review reads, so one of those I think. Otherwise I have no idea.

How was your week? What are you Reading?

Berls had a relaxing Thanksgiving. How was yours? Read more in the Sunday Post with Berls! Share on X

About Berls

Michelle adopted me as part of her blog when I decided to close down my blog, Fantasy is More Fun. The blog was dying, but my love of reading and the blogosphere was still strong as ever - so I found my new home here at Because Reading!

I'm not just a book lover, but a one time author (that hopes to be more in the future), wife, mom to the cutest, happiest, best 5 year old and step-mom to the craziest, sweetest 24 year old on the planet. My family mean everything to me and they appear frequently in the Sunday Post with Berls. So grab a glass of wine and chat books, blogging, and family with me!



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20 responses to “Sunday Post with Berls | Happy Thanksgiving!

  1. I’m proud of you for taking a week to do things for YOU! You look amazing and I wish I was planning to be in Dallas before next summer so I could see your gorgeous face in person sooner. It really seems like you’re doing well with balancing all you have going on in your world, Berls. So what you gave up on NaNo and 4 books in a series is a win in my book too! You’re doing great taking care of you, your family, and getting some reading/blogging in… Yep, you’ve got it going on! πŸ˜€ I’m sending you huge post-Thanksgiving hugs and I hope you know I’m grateful we’re friends!! <3

    Bookworm Brandee recently posted: #COYER Winter Switch Challenge Sign Up Post
    • Thanks Brandee! With the exception of this stupid shin splint, I’m feeling pretty good. Probably should have skipped the gym tonight, I’m realizing *sigh* I know, I wish I was going to see you before this summer too. But I’m coming to your kneck of the world for once! Post-Thanksgiving hugs to you too! I’m so incredibly grateful for our friendship and miss you bunches! Xoxo

  2. You look fantastic ! Looks like you had such a fun break though a busy one! We started doing our Thanksgiving on Friday so no one has to do 2 meals. I love Thanksgiving food but having it twice on the same day was just too much. Hope this week is going great for you and the kids aren’t driving you too crazy! It always seems like the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas break is just nuts!

    Katherine recently posted: Top Ten Tuesday - My Winter TBR
    • Thanks Katherine πŸ™‚ Thanksgiving on Friday is so smart! We always have two Thanksgivings on Thursday, one early in the day with my stepson and family and then another later with my in-laws. But the food is so different, the first is traditional Thanksgiving, the second is Mexican Thanksgiving. But still, two is just a lot of food. Hope you’re have a great week!

  3. Jen

    Wow! Sounds like you had a great week off!! And you did so well with your eating and exercising. Great job! I did the opposite of that – well, I did good with exercising… the rest not so much.

    We had a nice long weekend, but I didn’t get my to do list done. Instead we worked on the kids’ rec room – making it more into a teen space, with a TV and moved the xbox there (we only had one TV until this weekend). Oh well… kids are happy!

    • I did have a great week, I’m already missing it lol! I had a good first day back really, I shouldn’t complain.

      Sounds like a good weekend and I’m sure the kids will love their new teen space! Have a great week Jen πŸ™‚

    • Woot! Feels so good to take a REAL break doesn’t it?! Thank you so much, I’m feeling pretty good πŸ™‚ have a great week!

    • Thanks Laura, I really did πŸ™‚ I’m okay with the weight loss slowing down, even though it would be nice if I could keep losing a pound a day like in September!
      Have a great week πŸ™‚

  4. Your doing so good with your weight loss!!! I wish I could just get myself to get dedicated to trying something. I start but fall off the wagon after like a month. πŸ™ I am so glad you were able to relax a bit during your time off and not have to focus on work!! πŸ™‚ Those ornaments are really cool!

    Have a great week!

    Stormi Johnson recently posted: The Week In Review #168
    • Thanks Stormi. I think the trick is to make it 6 weeks and then it becomes habit. Or so “they” say. I’m seriously addicted to my gym though, that’s for sure πŸ™‚ my week off was so great! Now to go back *sigh* have a great week!

  5. Hooray for a true break from work. Good for you! And another hooray for not getting sick on Thanksgiving! I do believe my jaw dropped when I read you’re done blogging for December. YOU ARE MY HERO! πŸ™‚

    Tanya recently posted: The Sunday Post #83
  6. Such a relaxing week! I did the same thing. I originally planned to review and update all my SPED and 504 checklists during the break, but I said to hell with it. Those ornaments look so cute! Sounds like you had a great week in terms of your exercise and eating. I ate too much of all the carbs, of course. That is where I go wrong. I’m so glad you are seeing your progress in such a positive way this week. I’ve been worried about your downhearted nature lately. Look at you go! You look great! You are so close to your goal!!

    Charlie recently posted: Sunday Post ~ Loosen the Jeans
    • Yeah, I had planned to do some work too, but it’s not like we’re getting paid this week… So why work?! I’m glad I didn’t, I feel refreshed and I needed that. The carbs are pretty killer-they’re the thing I’m learning to stay away from because they make me sick. Fingers crossed I make my goal! Have a great week!

  7. omg, you are such an inspiration! I too am on a journey to lose weight and I noticed that my luluroe stuff seems to shrink and fit me also. I was surprised but they do.

  8. That sounds like a perfect week to me. I love how much exercise you got done, and reading and family time. I had daily yoga as a November goal too, and I’ve also fallen off the bandwagon. I think maybe daily is too much for me, so for Dec I’m aiming for 4 times a week and hopefully that will work better. Well done on the weight loss, you look great.

    • Thanks Trish. I have a long way to go but I’m very happy with the progress. Yeah, I think I’m going to change my goal on December to yoga 5 days a week – so the work week basically. Good luck with your goal! Have a great week πŸ™‚