Sunday Post with Berls | So Much Going On!

Posted February 4, 2018 by Berls in The Sunday Post / 7 Comments


News at Home: So Much Going On!

Y’all my life is just so freakin’ busy right now! Most of it is coming from school – this week was insanely busy. Monday I had a meeting after school with a parent. Tuesday we had a staff meeting that didn’t get out until 6 pm (yes, another one!). Wednesday I stayed at work until 6 pm trying to get caught up for the remainder of the week. Thursday I had UIL coaching. And Friday I had to try and get ready for next week – which I did not manage to do. Ended up doing lesson plans at home yesterday and I don’t think I’m going to be able to avoid going to work today just to get ready for next week. My piles have piles!

Part of what made last week so rough was student behavior. *sigh* Just when you think things are going smooth, they fall apart. To be fair, last week was not a typical week. For one, I was out of school Thursday and Friday of the previous week due to the flu, so my kids had 2 days (plus 2 weekend days) away from me and our routine. Secondly, we had MOCK STARR testing on Monday and Tuesday, which means the school was in test mode. No specials – kids had to stay with me in our classroom ALL DAY. We walked to the cafeteria outside the building and brought our lunches back to the classroom. Oh and some genius decide to do construction on our playground so no outdoor recess. So the kids were understandably stir crazy and I needed a break from them and couldn’t get it. Yes, I totally put on a movie both Monday and Tuesday during what should have been specials, lunch and recess (aka our times out of the classroom). And specials time is normally my time to get work done… it’s 45 mins where I rapidly work to make parent phone calls, make copies, lesson plan, etc. And I had two days without it. So yeah, that put me behind.

And next week won’t be much better – we have MOCK STARR again on Tuesday. In addition, I just agreed to co-sponsor a coding club at our school. I’m excited about it and the work getting it organized hasn’t been too bad. But it will be an every Tuesday after school obligation for a while. Combined with tutoring on Mondays and Wednesdays, plus UIL coaching on Thursdays, my week is very full. At least UIL is over this month.

And with all that, I’m still moving ahead with the second job. I was officially hired by VIPKID this past week and had to do a bunch of paperwork, uploading photos and a video to my profile. And starting Monday I have teaching slots open from 4am – 7am every day. I’m nervous because I’ve read about some people not getting any bookings and if that happens to me, it won’t pay off like I need it to. The good news is, my normal get up time was 4:30, so I’m only going to be getting up about an hour earlier than I used to (I need to get ready for my day before the classes start). Fingers crossed I get booked and start making money!

Blog News

We had our first mini-bloggiesta as co-hosts this weekend and I think we’re off to a good start. We got lots of feedback from participants and I think we’ll be able to get it back to what it once was with a little work. I’m excited because bloggiesta used to be so great. If it’s something you think you’d be interested in joining in the future, stop by our closing post tomorrow and fill out the survey!

I’m officially no longer ahead on the blog 🙁 I’m hoping to find some time today to get the month scheduled. I know it sounds like a lot, but since I don’t post daily and I’m not including Sunday Posts, that’s actually only 8 posts. I like having a buffer. I’m also re-evaluating my schedule to find some blog visiting time. My mornings are potentially going to be too busy now (not that I was doing too good visiting in the mornings anyway). I think I may need to make better use of my evenings when I get home from the gym.

#COYER Winter Switch Update

Is phase 2 over yet? This is turning out to be my least favorite phase, which is kind of funny because it’s the Strict, aka, the original COYER… my brain child! LOL! But I borrow a lot of books these days – either from others or the library – and they don’t count on the strict. Here’s what I have read during phase 2:

  1. Fleeting Moments by Bella Jewel (audio review book)
  2. This side of the Grave by Jeaniene Frost (bought for $0.99)
  3. One Grave at a Time by Jeaniene Frost (bought for $0.99)
  4. Slack by J.A. Huss (purchased for $0.99) … BTW this was my #2018HW book for January, so I’m on track for that too!

I’m almost done with both my audio and physical read… and both count! So hopefully next week this list will be two longer 🙂

#FitReaders Update

So January was a frustrating road for me, but I think I weathered it okay and I’m moving ahead pretty well. I did lose a total of 15 pounds in January, so it wasn’t a complete loss… I’m also trying really hard to focus on other successes than the scale. In January my gym had this challenge to take 20 classes – 6 of them dance classes (which I love, so no big deal there). I was totally on track and then I got the flu. Well this week I decided I was too close to miss out and I took 2 classes on Sunday – Turbo Kick and Complete Core – 2 classes on Monday – Hump Day and Cycle – 1 class on Tuesday – Cycle- and 2 classes on Wednesday – Hump Day and Dance Club Cardio. And I finished the challenge winning my “But Did it Kill You?” shirt. I was so proud of myself for not giving up. Best part? The shirt is a one size fits all… aka, doesn’t fit me. Except, it totally does! #happydance

This weekend I also had a milestone for me – I’ve NEVER been able to do a quadricep stretch. You know, the stretch where you lift your leg behind you and hold it in your hand. Well, in class yesterday I reached back to try and I did it. I’ve done it several times since (just to be sure it’s real). So I’m celebrating that, since I can’t celebrate the scale at the moment.

And it’s time to recommit for February, so here are my February goals:

  1. Do yoga every Monday – Friday morning for 10 minutes (minimum)
  2. Eat 37% protein, 36% fat, 27% carbs daily (with 1000 calories max and minimum 70g protein)
  3. Go to GRIT (my gym) 20 times during the month.
  4. Lose 15 lbs

For the most part, I’m off to a good start with my goals. Here’s a rundown on my start to November:

  1. I did yoga Thursday & Friday
  2. I hit all my nutrition goals on Thursday, and 2 of them on both Friday and Saturday
  3. I went to Grit 2 times so far this month – Turbo Kick on Thursday and Dance Club Cardio on Saturday (I actually went 6 days this week…)
  4. I have lost 0.2 lbs so far this month *sigh*


Last Week on the Blog

Coming Next Week From Me


Sunday Post with Berls | So Much Going On!


Just a Few In Death Books I loved but never wrote a review for


Wake of Vultures #review


Bubbly Berls Babbles… I don’t know yet. This one may or may not be happening. Got to see if I have a topic in my bullet journal to chat about and if I can get the post written.


Berls’s My TBR List Winner

It's Monday! What Are You Reading

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? is a place to meet up and share what you have been, are and about to be reading over the week. This meme started with J Kaye’s Blog and then was taken up by Sheila from Book Journey. Sheila then passed it on to Kathryn at the Book Date. And here we are!

I just finished…

Slack: A Day in the Life of Ford Aston – It was good, but I finished it too fast and couldn’t start on the next one if I was going to do my #2018HW correctly.

Reading Now…

I’m still reading Up From the Grave. It’s very good – I’m more than half way and I think I’ll have it finished by this time next week.

I’m listening to A Wrinkle in Time. This is a reread for me, but I clearly didn’t pay much attention the first time I read it (in high school) because it’s like reading it for the first time. Interesting and different, for sure.

Up Next…

Not too sure, honestly…

How was your week? What are you Reading?

Berls's plate is full. Read about it in this week's Sunday Post with Berls Share on X

About Berls

Michelle adopted me as part of her blog when I decided to close down my blog, Fantasy is More Fun. The blog was dying, but my love of reading and the blogosphere was still strong as ever - so I found my new home here at Because Reading!

I'm not just a book lover, but a one time author (that hopes to be more in the future), wife, mom to the cutest, happiest, best 5 year old and step-mom to the craziest, sweetest 24 year old on the planet. My family mean everything to me and they appear frequently in the Sunday Post with Berls. So grab a glass of wine and chat books, blogging, and family with me!



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7 responses to “Sunday Post with Berls | So Much Going On!

  1. Just reading about last week, and your new schedule makes me tired, Berls! 4 am is the middle of the night – I hate it when I have to get up at 6!! I have no idea how you do it.
    I hope you’ll get people for your online class, so that you can put some money aside for stuff.
    Miss you so much 🙂

  2. My students were crazy this week too because it was Catholic schools week and we had some sort of assembly EVERY DAY! So every day was a different schedule and the kids were totally off. Plus it was a full moon and a lunar eclipse! Hopefully this week is calmer for you!
    I hope VIPKID is successful for you! I would love to make some extra money as well!

    Samantha recently posted: #SundayPost February is here!
  3. Staff meetings going until 6 is ridiculous. That is way beyond your contract time. What about the parents who have to pick up their kids from daycare? I am glad you got this new teaching job! I hope you get consistent bookings soon. I think once the facility is up and running in The Man’s town, I am going to go back to donating (selling?) my plasma for some extra funds each month. We has benchmarks on Wednesday and Thursday. For once I have a good group of kids. The worst part is keeping them shut down after they have finished and others are still working. The only time I will encourage you to sleep in my class! Our UIL competition was yesterday and I am SO glad it is over. I was really disappointed a lot of our kids were no shows. :/ Good luck with your new coding club.

    Charlie recently posted: Sunday Post ~ UIL & Germs