Sunday Post with Berls | Good News!

Posted October 14, 2018 by Berls in The Sunday Post / 19 Comments


News at Home: Good News!

So on Monday they made an announcement at 2:30 that we would have a brief staff meeting at 4. Y’all I was not happy because 1 – last minute, 2- these meetings have ALWAYS sucked this year and 3- my second job is on Mondays and I have to leave by 4:15 to get there on time.

Well the meeting was over at 4:01! So that was good. And the announcement? We’re getting a new principal!! happy dance Y’all I had a hard time not jumping for joy right there in the meeting as our current principal told us that he was going back to his old position and that the board was announcing a new principal for the school on Tuesday. I did leave the room smiling. #sorrynotsorry

Sure, that means change – again – and lots of unknowns but ANYONE is better than him I think. I hope. And he will be her boss (why are asshats always so high up the food chain?) but he’ll have 11 other schools to worry about too.

On Thursday we met her. And I have to say, I’m feeling very positive. She said that she was “sorry and honored that we were using our time to meet her” because we had a reception to meet her after school at 4pm. And yeah, she’s right, 4pm is my time. I’m no longer obligated to be at the school. The current principal has NEVER acknowledged that he doesn’t own all my time. She also said that she’s been brought up to date with what we’ve been doing and it seems like our principal has “had y’all on speed” AKA yeah he’s been demanding way too much. And if she gets that, major plus.

She also comes with lots of experience. She was a principal for 30 years, has bee an assistant superintendent, worked with our current superintendent in the past and they apparently have a lot of mutual respect which is a plus. Her LinkedIn profile has comments from people saying that she really advocates for teachers and is a teacher centered leader. So I’m hopeful. She signed a 3 year contract, which means if I like her I might not have to quit my school after all πŸ™‚

That’s the highlight of my week. I’m still fighting a cold and work has still been kicking my butt. But she starts Tuesday so Fingers Crossed y’all!

Blog News

My goal is to get some posts drafted today and to do some visiting and replying to comments today.

I’m participating in Fraterfest REad-a-thon and have actually finished one short already. I’m currently reading a Frater book that I hope to finish by the end of the read-a-thon. I’m off tomorrow, so it’s actually possible. Michelle and I are hosting a challenge, so if you’re participating in the read-a-thon, check it out.

Also, I hope some of y’all will sign up for our Can You Read a Series in a Month Challenge, coming in November. It’s one of my favorites because I just love binge reading a series.

#FitReaders Update

My head really has not been in the right place since school started and I’m just thankful that I have developed enough good habits that I haven’t gained weight. However, I haven’t lost either. But I started this 21-day challenge at my gym yesterday — officially I guess it kicks off today — and I’m excited to use it to get my head back in the game. It focuses on daily affirmations, water consumption, and daily exercise.

I have been doing really well with daily yoga this month – haven’t missed a day yet! so there’s that.

Last Week on the Blog

How was your week? What are you Reading?

Berls has some good, maybe even great news! Read her Sunday Post with Berls. Share on X

About Berls

Michelle adopted me as part of her blog when I decided to close down my blog, Fantasy is More Fun. The blog was dying, but my love of reading and the blogosphere was still strong as ever - so I found my new home here at Because Reading!

I'm not just a book lover, but a one time author (that hopes to be more in the future), wife, mom to the cutest, happiest, best 2 year old and step-mom to the craziest, sweetest 22 year old on the planet. My family mean everything to me and they appear frequently in the Sunday Post with Berls. So grab a glass of wine and chat books, blogging, and family with me!



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19 responses to “Sunday Post with Berls | Good News!

  1. I’m so happy for you I could just shit!! I won’t because I’m sitting in my office chair and ewwww, messy. But you get the idea. *busts a move (not a movement) instead*

    I’m sending another batch of {{{posivibes}}} to get rid of that nasty cold. It better skedaddle or I’m making the trip there to scare it off in person. And I’m told I’m scary though I have no idea why. *innocent look*

    I hope your week has been fantastic, Berls! XOXO

  2. Jen

    OMG OMG OMG OMG! I am seriously doing a major happy dance for you and your team right now! Oh… I am so happy for you. I really hope things work out for you. You are such a great teacher and I hope you can continue until you are ready for your own school. *HUGS*

    Good luck on the gym challenge. I’m enjoying seeing your yoga poses on Insta. You are an inspiration!

  3. Yay! I really, really hope the new principal will be a GREAT change for you and the school. πŸ™‚ And I hope she will decrease your stress level so you can get back to taking care of you along with doing an incredible job with those kindies. I’ll look forward to an update. I was gone last week with Jax doing one final round of college visits. It was sunny in the PNW if you can believe that. We came home to cold and snow. But I’m not complaining about that either. Good luck with your RAT. I wanted to do FraterFest but time has just gotten away from me. I do intend to do Can You Read a Series in a Month! Oh, and speaking of time getting away from me…I still have your Book Bonanza bag to mail to you. Sigh. Can you message me your address?
    Have a great week, Berls!! {{{BIG HUGS}}}

  4. Yay, it sounds like everything is headed in the right direction. Happy reading for Fraterfest.
    I am going to sign up for a series in the month, but I have to choose one. I only have about 10 in mind. Maybe I’ll have people vote which series next Sunday. But then maybe I’d rather choose what I want. Have an awesome week! Anne – Books of My Heart

    Northwoman recently posted: Series on Saturday: Witches / Wizards
    • LOL you sound like me – there’s so many series I want to read, picking one is hard. I narrowed it down by picking one that I 1-already owned/had access to every book 2-had available in audio (my best format for reading) 3-had already started but still had a few books left and 4- eneey meeny miney mo LOL πŸ˜‰ I look forward to seeing which one you pick!

      I’m so thrilled about work, I smile every time I think about the possible improvements at school.

      Berls recently posted: It's FINALLY Fall! ~ WIR & SP
    • Glad you enjoyed it πŸ™‚ I’ll take credit for the idea, which never could have been executed without Michelle’s abilities lol!

      Thanks, me too! Fingers are probably about to turn purple, I’m crossing them so hard LOL!! have a great week!

    • I know I’m so freaking hopeful right now!! I have such an amazing class and a great team. If I could have a great principal then I would have THE YEAR – who cares if the first 8 weeks were shit if the rest is great?!! Fingers are so firmly crossed right now!

      Berls recently posted: It's FINALLY Fall! ~ WIR & SP
  5. YAY for a New Principal! I hope this will relieve a lot of your stress and make the rest of the year more relaxing.
    I have been doing great with posts, I am so excited. I plan to also work a lot today on the blog.

    Miss you a lot! Hope this week is awesome, my friend! Happy Reading!

    Michelle recently posted: It's FINALLY Fall! ~ WIR & SP
    • I’m so excited that you’ve been doing so well with the blog… I have not. I think I’m just going to put my energy into January and just a few random posts here and there until the end of the year. Did you notice I didn’t even get drunk this weekend? Already an improvement from the old principal because I have hope!! Fingers crossed my hope isn’t misplaced πŸ™‚

      Berls recently posted: It's FINALLY Fall! ~ WIR & SP