Sunday Post with Berls | The one with the new gym membership

Posted November 7, 2021 by Berls in The Sunday Post / 7 Comments


The one with the new gym membership

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kim @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.

News at Home


Well today was SO OFF PLAN. I thought I would be spending today getting ready for the week, resting, and also taking Dante to a Halloween Play Date.

The plan derailed immediately. Dante woke up super early (especially considering his very late bedtime last night from the Halloween Party) but he was clearly still tired. It was like he just couldn’t get comfortable (I know now this was likely because his stomach hurt, but at the time I wasn’t sure what was up). So I held him and he slept in my arms in his rocker from 7am – 9:15am. I made him breakfast and since I was super tired I was nursing a hot cocoa. Also my knees hurt really bad from dancing last night – I danced like I was still 20 years old, dropping it low and twerking and shit, but I am 37 and my knees reminded me this morning. Well my brother’s partner Zach messaged me to see if I wanted to go to brunch. They had a reservation and the person they were meeting cancelled so was I interested. I decided, sure, that would be fun and Kiko was already up. So I got dressed and was cuddling Dante just before I was ready to leave when he threw up all over me. He came out pretty much clean by I was covered in vomit. Fun stuff. But he seemed otherwise fine, no fever, etc. So I changed and went to brunch. While I was out, he threw up again. So we canceled the play date and I picked up some anti nausea medicine. When I came home he took the medicine and basically fell asleep on me. For the second time today I was trapped (not complaining, I adore these moments, but I’m super unproductive during them) under a sleeping Dante. He napped for 2.5 hours, woke up, ate some noodles, drank some water and seemed otherwise good.

We played outside for a bit, did dinner, and started getting ready for our week when he spit up again. Not bad, like this morning, but still clearly upset stomach. We did a bath, which he soaked in, clearly enjoying the warm water and then put him to bed – which required cuddling (I think because of the upset tummy). So I have not grocery shopped, I’ve kind of cleaned up, I haven’t done laundry, I did rest while Dante napped on me, and am really uncertain if my plans for tomorrow will work out or be canceled. I have so much to do tomorrow, as it’s the start of a new month and I’m hoping to get on track with my health, fitness, blogging and career goals. Just when you get your shit together, the universe laughs huh?


Dante seems to be feeling better! He slept well last night and this morning we gave him some nausea medicine just to be on the safe side. He went to school – it was picture day and he looked adorable – and he had a great day. My day went really well too. I did my miracle morning, picked up groceries, did some work and meal prep, went to a noon spin class (lunch break), more work and meal prep, some laundry, looked up details for my ballot to vote tomorrow, wrote a blog post, picked Dante up from daycare, did dinner, playtime and bedtime. I’m about to do my bujo for tonight/tomorrow, grab a shower and go to bed. Feeling really hopeful about doing better moving forward!

Tuesday – Wednesday

Well I think we were wrong about Dante feeling better. Tuesday night he woke up several times and Kiko kept trying to put him down, unsuccessfully. So at 3:30 I went in and held him in the rocker, where he slept on me until 7:15 in the morning. I dozed in and out, as you do in a rocker. Thankfully it’s a rocker with an ottoman at least. Honestly, I love cuddling with my baby, I just wish we could do it in bed lol. He tried to lie down but kept tossing and turning and crying, like he couldn’t get comfortable. So I called the doctor first thing and they said it sounds like his stomach is still bothering him but since there’s no other symptoms, they think he  doesn’t need to come in, just to give it time and stick to the BRAT diet for the most part, and that he was good to go to school. So I took him to school and got started with my day around 9 a.m. So I was approximately 3 hours behind but I still did my miracle morning and did my best to get as much done as I could throughout the day, focusing on school work for the most part. I made it to the gym at 4:30 – took a KILLER heated barre class – and then ran off to vote real quick before picking Dante up. He had a rough day – cried a lot and didn’t eat well 🙁 and when he came home he was super fussy. But we gave him the nausea medicine and BAM! he was doing so much better!

Dante did better Tuesday night… he woke up once at 12:30, Kiko put him back down easy. He woke up again around 2:30 and we gave him the anti nausea medicine and he went back down pretty easy. He slept the rest the night, thank goodness, because I had to go to the office today and wouldn’t have the flexibility that I had Tuesday. I did my miracle morning, got out the door on time with pouring rain. Work was pretty quick today actually and I stopped to see my brother and Zach for a bit before heading off to the gym for a heated pilates class. It was killer as well, but I really enjoyed it. After the class I had enough time to run and pickup some more nausea medicine for Dante. We’re hoping we won’t need it, but we’re keeping it on hand. I’ve also been dosing him with Miralax today, as I think he’s a wee-bit constipated. WE got his picture proofs back and they’re hilarious. He was NOT into it and his face is so expressive. I love them, because they aren’t the standard smiles but they are so my boy. You can tell he’s thinking “what are we doing? are we almost done? why am I holding this thing?” It’s hilarious. Praying for an even better night – he did well at daycare today, we’ve had a good evening… so fingers crossed!


Finally a day that went mostly to plan! I woke up on time (a little sleep deprived because I got to bed late, but not too bad) and did my full miracle morning. I got ready and Dante did wake up a little earlier than I would have liked but not too early to make the morning work well. At daycare the best thing happened, he FINALLY ran into the room happy instead of clinging to me. He switched to his 2 year old class October 11th and ever since he’s been clinging to me every day and crying. I was starting to worry that he wasn’t going to adjust – maybe he doesn’t like the teacher. LITERALLY this morning I was considering if we should switch him to the Montessori class (costs more) and then he goes in all happy. I’m realizing that he’s only been 3 full weeks so it’s not as long as it feels. But that made me super happy and I’m hoping it will keep going that way.

I came home and got a lot of work done – both for my job, school, and the blog. After work I did some chores and went to my new gym, this time with a heated (100 degrees) yoga class. I was nervous about it but actually loved it – the heat makes your muscles stretch so much better. But I was drenched in sweat 5 minutes in. I tried something new today – instead of picking Dante up right after the gym, I ran home (it’s only 6 minutes away) and took a shower. This way I feel better AND have more time for him in the evening. It worked out really well. We had a nice night – minus a slight dinner time meltdown – and he went to bed better tonight than he has all week (*knocks on wood*). And now I’m headed to bed!


Another decent day. Dante slept all night and didn’t even wake up early! FINALLY! I did my miracle morning but was moving slow and kept running up against challenges. For example, Dante overflowed his diaper so I needed to put his sheets in the wash. But I finally made it out the door about 10 minutes late and still managed to get to work before 9 (which is the required time). I had a semi-busy day, not really lots of work, but lots of meetings. After work, I stopped at Torrid to see if I could find some boots – I had to throw my black boots out because the heel was talking lol. They didn’t have any though, so I’ll have to look online. Then I went to the gym and took a “Battle Boxing” class. It was okay, definitely not as fun as turbo kick and I think I’m not necessarily aggressive enough for it? But I will probably do it again, since I had to buy $10 wraps and I don’t like to waste money. I ran home took a shower, picked up Dante, then we did dinner and had a fairly nice evening. Dante was a bit hard to put down for bed again though. Praying he sleeps well tonight. I’m so nervous about the time change this weekend… I’m betting we just lose an hour of sleep because of it. Why can’t they leave our damn clocks alone?


Y’all, November just doesn’t want to give me a chance. First at 2am Buffy started making all this noise in her crate. Then shortly thereafter, Dante was up and crying. We couldn’t get him back down, seemed like his stomach was bothering him again. So we gave him more nausea medicine and he did get back to sleep. He started waking up around 6am but went back to sleep and stayed asleep until about 9am. Thank goodness, because I was tired. At breakfast, he didn’t really want to eat and wanted to just cuddle with me, which made me nervous about how he was feeling.  But when Kiko got up he acted hungry and ate some eggs and toast. We were outside swinging a bit and he seemed tired, so I took him to nap. Well he was tossing and turning and just not going to sleep, so we decided we’d go out for a walk instead. As I was trying to get him ready, he threw up all over me. Notice, this is the second time in one week I’ve been thrown up all over. Why is it always me that gets hit? After throwing up, we decided to go ahead and give him nausea medicine again. And then he was fine, playing good. We were doing no milk already, but we’re back to just a BRAT diet for now. It’s been a long day — and week — and I’m just tired. Really hoping next week cuts me some slack.

Blog News

Last week on Because Reading

Challenge update

This week I finished:

I’m participating in 4 reading challenges this year. Here’s how I’m doing:

Backlist Reader hosted by Lark @ Bookwyrms Hoard: 42 books

Library Love hosted by Books of My Heart & Angel’s Guilty Pleasures: 13 books

New Release hosted by (un)Conventional Bookworms: 12 books

COYER (Fall) hosted by Because Reading: 15 books

2021 Reading Challenge

2021 Reading Challenge
Berls has
read 15 books toward
her goal of
50 books.

FitReaders (hosted by Jen @ That’s What I’m Talking About & Felicia The Geeky Blogger)

My big goal for 2021 is to get down to my goal weight. It means losing 70 pounds this year. At this point, my goal is to break even for the year. I haven’t been on the scale since August, trying to avoid the way it sends me spiraling. But I’m pretty sure I’m up about 20 pounds. But the year is not over and I can still undo the damage I’ve done this year!

Here are my health & fitness goals for the month of November and how I’m doing:

  1. Meal plan and eat on plan for all 3 meals & snacks
    • Ate all meals on plan every day, except Saturday
    • Snack on plan every day except Wednesday & Saturday
  2. Honestly track all my food
    • I kind of lost track on Wednesday & Saturday, but every other day was on track
  3. Only eat between 11am – 7pm
    • This has been a harder one, I only stuck to it on Tuesday
  4. No Soda / drink 64 oz of water a day
    • I’ve done great drinking water instead, drinking at least 64oz daily except Saturday
  5. No eating out
    • Stuck to this one, even when I ordered in Chinese for Kiko on Friday
  6. Exercise 5x each week
    • Took 5 different classes at the gym this week
  7. Complete all 3 hearts on my watch
    • I didn’t finish one heart on Tuesday, Thursday, or Saturday this week

Added to My Shelf

Gah so many books this week! I’m feeling slightly overwhelmed and like I need to spend every spare moment reading! (which is basically what I do anyway)


How was your week? What are you Reading?

About Berls

Michelle adopted me as part of her blog when I decided to close down my blog, Fantasy is More Fun. The blog was dying, but my love of reading and the blogosphere was still strong as ever - so I found my new home here at Because Reading!

I'm not just a book lover, but a one time author (that hopes to be more in the future), wife, mom to the cutest, happiest, best 5 year old and step-mom to the craziest, sweetest 24 year old on the planet. My family mean everything to me and they appear frequently in the Sunday Post with Berls. So grab a glass of wine and chat books, blogging, and family with me!



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7 responses to “Sunday Post with Berls | The one with the new gym membership

  1. Jen

    Poor guy and poor you! I hope he’s feeling better. Nice work with all of the new gym classes. I have really fell out of my routine and have been overeating a lot. I’m back to my January weight. *sigh*

  2. “dropping it low and twerking and shit, but I am 37 and my knees reminded me this morning” haha way to go Berls. It’s true though, isn’t it, we’re not as young as we used to be lol. Sorry to hear Dante wasn’t feeling good though.

    Hope you are having a good Monday! :):)

    Greg recently posted: Song of the Week #
  3. That poor kid and his belly, but also poor mom. You are amazing the way you plug along with your fitness at the gym and get much done including time to cuddle and help your big guy sleep.
    Oh yes, I spotted all those Richelle Meads in the Tantor lists, too. Those look good.

    Have a better week, Berls!

    Sophia Rose recently posted: Stop Cock by JL Merrow
  4. I’m sorry Dante had such a rough week. You were doing great on your gym and exercise and all your tasks. You got all the Richelle Mead ones! I just got the first one. If it goes well, I may ask for more. If you’re not starting them right away maybe we could buddy read one. It would make a good Read-along some year maybe.

    Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    Anne - Books of My Heart recently posted: Read-along & Giveaway: Shards of Hope by Nalini Singh