Posts, Spreadsheets and a Challenge?~ Task It Tuesday!

Posted March 1, 2016 by Michelle in Task it Tuesday / 10 Comments

Task it TuesdayWelcome to Task It Tuesday! created by the Awesome The Geeky Blogger

Hosted by Michelle at Because Reading is better than real life!

What is Task It Tuesday? It is where every week I list a task or tasks that I would like to accomplish on my blog or in Real Life before next Tuesday. It can be big or small but the goal is to get something done that will make my blog/reading life/challenges run smoother, faster, or more efficient and/or get those simple or complex tasks done in my real life. I will also be sharing organizing tips and linking with posts from bloggers that have some great tips and tricks for keeping you and your blog/real life organized.


This month has been a bit crazy and I will finally admit I was in a serious blogging slump but somehow from the list below I accomplished quite a bit. I still have a lot of catching up to do but that is why I do this meme. πŸ™‚

I found a new way to organize my ARCs and I am going back to the spreadsheet. My ARC Calendar Book just wasn’t working like I wanted it to and I think the spreadsheet will work out better and help me keep track and keep up.

I wanted to do a Challenge in April called 30 days of Purging/Cleaning. It was going to be a challenge that helps you spring clean your house by working on one task each day. I am not sure if anyone would really be interested in doing that. Let me know if you would participate and I can still make it a challenge. All you would have to do is update your Task it Tuesday post with a list of what you wanted to do. For example: Day 1 Clean out Junk Draw, Day 2 Clean out one kitchen cabinet, etc. Then each day you complete a small task so at the end of 30 days you will have Purged the entire house and/or cleaned. Each week you would update your task it Tuesday with what you finished. If you don’t get to stuff it’s no problem do what you can, even if you complete 5 things, that is 5 less things you now have to do :). Let me know in the comments if you are interested in participating and I can get the post up next week so you can sign up.

My Task(s) To Do:

All completed tasks will have a strikethrough and will be deleted at the end of the month.

Blogging Task List

  • Organizing
    • Spreadsheet ~ Come up with a new plan so I will be doing my spreadsheet.
    • Update Planner every Sunday with the weeks schedule <In Progress
    • Goodreads ~ I need to update all books
    • Organize my Kindle and put books in the correct collections.
    • Update Challenge Page
    • Organize two new challenges for this year
    • Organize new features ideas (in process of)
  • March To Do:
    • Set Up 3 review Posts for reviews already done
    • Set Up App Reviews
    • Work on my March TBR List Post
    • Set up a few Fun Facts Friday Post
    • Create Logos for New Features (in progress)
    • Create Logos for upcoming challenges.
  • Other
    • Write my NEW Author Spotlight Feature
    • HTML/CSS/Design ~ This I figured would be slow going since I haven’t had time, hoping to get some stuff complete so I have free time to play around.

Real Life Task List

  • Redo Living Room
    • New Couches
    • New Rug
    • New Bookshelf
    • Relayout room
    • Take down verticals and get curtains?
  • Bathroom
    • New Paint (it looks like a whore house)
    • New Shower curtain
    • New linens
  • Meal Planning
    • Go through my Shop at Home at Shoprite
    • Start planning meals for the week ahead (in progress)

Tasks Completed this month ~ February

  • Take Control Sign Up Post
  • 24 Hour Take Control Sign Up Post
  • Logos for Bookish Couples Guest Posts < Moving these up to do this week
  • Guest Post Logo
  • Set Up Guest Post Template.
  • Write 2 reviews
  • I did a few but I need to set up more review posts
  • Schedule Posts
  • Set Up My TBR List Post
  • Organize new planner page I made and print them out.



Time to Link up!


Are you ready to get organized?

Have a great day! Name2014

About Michelle

I am a mom to two pretty amazing kids, four pretty cute fluffy children and a wife to one adorable husband. I am a gamer, reader and a graphic designer with 20 years experience. I recently started my own business "Limabean Designs" to help other bloggers, authors and anyone else create amazing things that they would be proud to show off. I have been reading since forever and started blogging because I love sharing all the awesome books this world has to offer. I am also the co-host for the COYER Challenge, Reading Assignment Challenge and the Bookish Resolutions Challenge. I try to create a warm welcoming environment on my blog where authors, readers, and bloggers will have a great time. Let’s chat books, games, blogging, recipes, design, or family over a cup of coffee and a glass of wine!



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10 responses to “Posts, Spreadsheets and a Challenge?~ Task It Tuesday!

  1. *ha* I am laughing that you are going to a spreadsheet to manage ARCs while I’m thinking “An ARC Calendar Notebook? Brilliant!” I have a spreadsheet for my ARCs…I haven’t looked at it in ages. Clearly, spreadsheets don’t really work for me. But a notebook…I’m on it! Thanks for the idea, Michelle! πŸ˜‰
    I like the idea of a Purge Challenge and since it’s only a month long, I might be able to keep up. (my year long challenges challenge me πŸ˜‰ ) It’s just for ‘spring cleaning’ around the house?
    Kudos for getting so much done even if you are in a slump, Michelle! <3

    • The notebook was a good idea, It just wasn’t working exactly how I liked it. I’ll try the spreadsheet again and see if the changes I made work better πŸ™‚

      I thought it would be fun, you are welcome to join me anyway. It’s anything you want, house, blog, work whatever. Just pick a task each day and get it done. I was going to use this post as progress updates so your welcome to join πŸ™‚ even if just for the month.

    • I loved my Spreadsheet last year, I just think I over did it and it became a task. I believe I found a way to make it more useful and I now need to start over again and I need to get my Goodreads linked with all my books because I failed to do that also. πŸ™‚

      Michelle recently posted: Monthly Rewind ~ February
    • I think I will be skipping it and just do it myself, I plan to do a Spring Cleaning and thought it would be fun to do it together. You can keep up with my progress on the first Task it Tues in April.

      Michelle recently posted: Monthly Rewind ~ February
    • I totally understand, it really is hard to stick with but remember the Bookish Resolutions is to help not to stress you out. Don’t worry if you don’t finish it all even a little goes a long way πŸ™‚

      I will be doing something anyway so I will post the progress here just thought others might join but I realize not many link to this so it might not have been a good idea.

      Michelle recently posted: Monthly Rewind ~ February