Task It Tuesday! ~ Still working on Goodreads, Kindle and Planning for #COYER #Taskittues #bloggiesta

Posted May 22, 2018 by Michelle in Task it Tuesday / 4 Comments


Welcome to Task it Tuesday, created by the fabulous Geeky Blogger and adopted first by Because Reading and now by Bloggiesta!

What is Task it Tuesday? Task it Tuesday is a weekly meme dedicated to the list makers of the blogging world 🙂 It’s all about being productive and organized – on your blog and in real life (if you so chose). By sharing our lists we get instant accountability partners and also get ideas of things to add to our lists (or sometimes ways to tackle tasks more efficiently). We hope you’ll join us!

So I had a little hiccup this last two weeks with Goodreads. I was organizing the Want to read shelf and removed over 400 books that I have no idea how they got on my list or why I even added them. It took a long time to go through but I was so happy I got it done. I have one shelf on my goodreads that I made an exclusive shelf. It’s the the read/want to read or currently reading shelf. I was trying to change the name of it. When I realized you might not be able to change exclusive shelves so I changed it to a regular shelf, changed the name and then changed it back. I figured most of the books would default to the want to read shelf if anything. When I went back in to look some books stayed but the rest defaulted into the READ shelf…WHAT! Now I had to go through over 500 books to see what I read and what I didn’t read. This project is turning out bigger than I thought but I did accomplish a few things.

I am also going through my kindle to delete books I am no longer interested in and update and organize all the collections. I plan to also spend some time looking for new freebies and other books that will go along with the COYER challenge. My reading preference has changed quite a bit over the last few months and I feel like some of the books I have no longer apply to what I would read. So instead of making them sit there unread. I have deleted them. This is also a very big project.

This is what I have done so far…

  • Go through the To Read shelf and get rid of books I have no intention of EVER reading.
  • Reorganize Shelves
    • Make new shelves to better organize my books
    • Delete old challenge shelves.
    • Combine some shelves and make new ones.
    • Delete some shelves that aren’t used and reorganize the books.
  • Combine my Amazon Shelves with Goodreads.
  • Go through some of the books I have read and put in a short review if I didn’t already. Just a quick paragraph or a few sentences.

I am also added

  • Go through book shelves and add books to the proper shelves. Also the kindle to add to new Have Ebook Shelf
  • Go through READ books and make sure I read all those books.
  • Delete more shelves that aren’t needed.
  • Organize Kindle
    • Delete books you no longer plan to read.
    • make new collections and adjust existing.
    • make a more organized.
  • Go through Netgalley and Edelweiss and find books also not interested in reading and leave a note.

I feel like this list will most likely still be on going when we get to Bloggiesta in June. I really have a lot to do.

Also The COYER Challenge will be starting soon and it’s HUGE. I need to start planning it out and making a post. I also need to find a way to keep track of what I plan to read. Goodreads shelves will help but so will some good old fashioned pen and paper.

If you haven’t checked out the challenge you should! This time around is AWESOME!

Michelle is sharing her #taskittues list of blog to dos. Join her! #bloggiesta Share on X

Do you have some tasks to take care of? Join us every Tuesday at Bloggiesta and link up!

Have a great day!


About Michelle

I am a mom to two pretty amazing kids, four pretty cute fluffy children and a wife to one adorable husband. I am a gamer, reader and a graphic designer with 20 years experience. I recently started my own business "Limabean Designs" to help other bloggers, authors and anyone else create amazing things that they would be proud to show off. I have been reading since forever and started blogging because I love sharing all the awesome books this world has to offer. I am also the co-host for the COYER Challenge, Reading Assignment Challenge and the Bookish Resolutions Challenge. I try to create a warm welcoming environment on my blog where authors, readers, and bloggers will have a great time. Let’s chat books, games, blogging, recipes, design, or family over a cup of coffee and a glass of wine!



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4 responses to “Task It Tuesday! ~ Still working on Goodreads, Kindle and Planning for #COYER #Taskittues #bloggiesta

  1. My life is so overwhelmingly busy right now my blog is suffering. My reading is suffering. I don’t even know how to get it all under control! But, I am hoping to participate in COYER!

  2. I really need to get started on some tasks at home, this post has made me think I should sit down and write a list but I’m a bit nervous about how long it might end up being! 😀

  3. I’ve been deleting some old stuff off my Kindle too, it’s way too cluttered. 🙂 I have a few books on there too I don’t really want to read anymore- it’s weird how quickly our tastes can change sometimes!

    • I made a collection called Not Interested so I can easily delete them on my Amazon account. I tend to stay in the collections area more than the normal list of books area because it stresses me out. 🙂 lol I need it to be organized and that section is not easy to organize at all.