My TBR List Meme



Two years ago I put My To-Be Read List feature on hold to do a little revamp and make it more interactive. So in April 2014 I debuted it with a way for my friends and followers to vote on the next book I would read. Using a poll I picked 3 books from my TBR List and had you vote on them to see which one I would read that month. I found books I DNF and ones I really liked and I realized this is really helping me get to those books that I know I would have not gotten to otherwise. As I did this I realized – why not extend this feature to everyone? So May 2014 it was made a meme.

How it will work

Each month you will make a post with three books from your TBR List (these books can be already on your kindle or shelf or books you might want to purchase) and add your link on the linky that will be provided on my post. Your followers and the people on the linky will help you choose which book you will read next. The following Saturday you will announce the book that won. Then read the book and on the last Saturday of the month post a review.

HOWEVER, if you are mood reader and prefer to not review the book the same month you can always wait until the next month to do the reviewe. See below.

So just in-case that was a little confusing, I’ll give you a few more details (step by step) 🙂

The Rules

Ex. Lets say its September…

The first Saturday is the 6th – your post will go up with the 3 books of your choice (these books can be already on your kindle or shelf or books you might want to purchase) and then link it to the linky on my blog. My post will go up at 5am est. Make sure you link back to me on your post to have your followers visit the other blogger on the link. You can do the Polling however you would like, Survey Monkey, Polldaddy or whatever you can find that is free (here is an EXAMPLE of my post). You can set it up and say whatever you would like – it’s totally up to you. You can do the voting on Twitter or Facebook also, just link the status post to the linkm…All I ask is to please link it back to me.

The second Saturday is the 13th – this is the day you announce which book won and whatever else you would like. (here is an EXAMPLE of my post) Link your post to the link on my blog and then visit the other blogger/posts to see if the book you voted for won. That is the fun part 🙂

The third Saturday is the 20th– you don’t have to post anything

The fourth (and/or last) Saturday is the 27th– this is when your review will go up regardless of how you liked the book. You can welcome to review the book on your blog or even on Goodreads is fine. However you want to review the book is ok. You don’t have to review the book if you don’t want to. You are welcome to write in the comments of the post how you felt about the book you read. Again, it’s totally up to you.

Some months have 4 weeks and some have 5 so a post always has to go up the First and Second Saturday and the last Saturday of the month


The review post ~ Sometimes life gets in the way and you aren’t able to review the book in the same month or maybe you are a slower reader, that is totally fine. You don’t have to review the book the same month. For example it’s May (just picking a random month) and you set up your voting on the first Saturday. One the next Saturday you tell everyone what book won but instead of reviewing the book on the last Saturday in May you can hold off and post the review on the last Saturday in June. That will give you two months to read the book. So read May’s pick, review in June, read June’s pick and review in July, read July’s pick and review in August…etc. However you want to do it is totally fine, the important thing is to just read.

 So would you be interested in joining me? If you have any questions at all please let me know 🙂

17 responses to “My TBR List Meme

  1. Hi, I’ve written my recent review as part of this meme and I can’t find where I need to link it back to. Thanks, Hannah

    • Hi Hannah, the review I have posted today for six crows has the link in it. I apologize as I realized I didn’t add the hashtag like I usually do so you know which review to link with. The last Saturday of the month I will have a review for the book that you can link with, it’s the only time I do a review on a Saturday 🙂

    • Hi Amy, YES I DO 🙂 it’s every month. I have one up this month but voting ends on Saturday. It will be back next year. It’s one of my favorites to host and do. 🙂