Tell Me Something Tuesday was hosted by Rainy Day Ramblings, but she has (temporarily?) stopped blogging. So a group of us that had been doing posts (Linda from Book Girl of Mur-y-Castell, Karen from For What It’s Worth, Roberta from Offbeat YA, Jen from That’s What I’m Talking About and me) decided to get together, come up with some more topics and keep the meme going.Michelle made us a logo and we’re off and running. For more details, check out this post where I reintroduced the meme.
I can be sporadic, but when I do join in I will always share next week’s topic at the end of the post. So, today is about…
What are your blogging goals for the new year?
I mentioned last week that I’m joining/co-hosting Bookish Resolutions with Michelle this year. Details on post, but basically, I’m setting 5 “bookish” goals for the year. Here are my goals:
- Blog ahead at least 1 week. I’m going to monitor and adjust throughout the year, hoping to get myself to a point where I’m actually more like a month ahead. But at a minimum, I want to be 1 week ahead on posts (except Sunday Post because well, it’s an as we go post).
- Keep a blogging planner. I bought the 2022 Fully Booked planner and it’s a new venture for me. I want to give it a real go this year – keeping up with what I read, favorites, blog posts, etc. I’ll measure success by how many days I complete/skip each month, with 70% complete being success.
- Visit & comment on 7 posts a week. I really want to do more like 5/day. But seeing as I’m struggling to even visit and comment 1/day, I think it’s better to start with a lower goal and work my way up.
- Reply to comments each week. I read every single comment I receive. But I have a really hard time replying. So I’m going to try and set aside time each evening to reply to comments.
- Review books before starting a new book/on the same day – So if I finish a book while I’m driving, for example, I’ll start the next audio book right away. But that means I need to review the one I finished that day. But I could also write a review several days later – IF I haven’t started the next book yet.
Love these goals! I need to do a lot of this, too. Namely keeping up with reviews and comments >.< I'm currently 28 reviews behind!! I always say I'm going to draft a post when I start a book so I can review it immediately after finishing, but it never happens lol. I want to be more active in the blogging community again, too… I miss it. What are your fave blogs to follow?! A lot of my old faves have sadly stopped blogging since I've been absent.
Scheduling saved my blogger butt – I started a few years ago and never looked back. I hope it works for you too! As for comments, that’s always the sore point with us all, isn’t it? But hey, we do what we can. I try to touch base with everyone at least once a week. Better than nothing LOL. Good luck!
My goal is to keep posting at least once a week. That’s something I can sustain, so if I happen to do more, that will only be a nice plus.
I used to do much better scheduling in advance but now I struggle to keep at least a week ahead. But if I can get all my posts done for the following week over the weekend (and that’s really just 2-3 posts a week really), then I’m good!
Yeah comments are hard! I just want to visit everyone and truly do not have time. But I’m finding time to at least make a few stops each day, so hopefully I’ll get to everyone 1 time a week at least. Good luck with your goals as well!
Reviewing a book before starting the next one is the only strategy that works for me! If I don’t write the review right away, I never will, and don’t even look back!
Commenting is hard! I’ve been doing good so far this year, but it’s early yet. 😛
I’m finally starting to let go of reviewing books that I read and didn’t review. I actually cleaned up my To Review shelf this year on goodreads – it was over 100 and now it’s just the books I’ve written goodreads reviews for and need to post on the blog still. Such a relief!
Those are good goals. I don’t really have any blogging goals. I just keep doing the same thing each year and that seems to work for me. lol But I do write posts and schedule ahead at least 30 days so I have things that will post if I get sick or can’t blog for a while.
You’re a much more consistent blogger than I am! I wish I could say I visited as often as you do and 30 days ahead is like a distant dream lol. I’ll get there some day though 🙂
These are good goals. I kind of want to try #3 but I don’t think I can. I think it’s better to try to visit and comment and not count how many.
Have a lovely day.
You’re probably right… I tried to quantify it so I could track it. But now that I’m doing it, I think it might be better to say visit blogs x number of days. If I do that I’ll get to the 7 I planned on at least lol!
I’ve always had the rule with Netgalley that I had to review a book before I could request another and that always kept me in check – there at least lol
I want to get better at commenting too. I used to be great but now a week will go by and I have to play catch up.
Karen @For What It’s Worth
Yeah it’s really hard to keep up with commenting – there’s so many blogs and just not enough time! But I’m doing better than I have in a while, we’ll see if I can keep that up.
That’s a great rule with Netgalley! That would imply keeping yourself in check when requesting, something I was never too good at lol!
OH! I like the goal of finishing the review right away. I’ve already finished two books in 2022 and haven’t written the reviews! EEp! Good luck in reaching your goals – as long as you are having fun!!
I used to wait to write reviews and it was really hard to remember details. Last year I did this for the most part and reviews were much easier!
I see how these are good goals. I also REALLY want to be a week ahead. I do the commenting daily pretty well although it lags a bit when I’m traveling or really busy. I try to write my reviews within a day or two but again that doesn’t always happen, usually within a week though. I try for similar. I also set up the shell of my review when I get the ARC so all I have to do is put the review in after I read it.
The comment replies daily is something I’ve struggled with for years, but it’s working out so far this year (I know 4 days, but still lol!). I think within a week is still good for getting reviews written. My problem is if I start another book, I lose my thoughts.
I’m with you on #5! I used to be so good about always, always reviewing one book before I started the next. I slowly got out of the habit and now… well, I do review sporadically but I easily still have a 50 book backlog. Ack! I really want to return to reviewing right away.
I got back to it (mostly) last year and it made a huge difference for me, so it’s a goal I want to keep with!
I hope you don’t mind, I’d like to copy #1 and #5 ! All great goals, I ‘d like to hear how things go with the Fully Booked Planner.
Copy away!! So far, I really love the idea of the planner but having fully figured out how I’m using it. I do think I’ll love having it to look back at though!
These all sound doable and like great goals. I have a similar plan as your #1; just hadn’t thought of it in terms of a goal–but I guess it is! Unfortunately, I don’t have access to my computer right now (my husband broke my charging cord and of course all the spares in the house don’t fit or aren’t the right wattage). So, I am behind on that plan already. I’ll get there though!
I probably should adopt #5, but sometimes it is hard to manage, depending on when I finish a book. I do want to at least jot down my impressions so I have something to work from until I can get to a computer to write my review.
Good luck with your goals!
Oh no! That stinks about your laptop cord – I hate when technology failures make it harder to do what I need to. I hope you get a replacement cord soon! I think just jotting down ideas is enough… I’m horrible at doing that and then not remembering where I wrote them or what I meant, so I just need to write the review lol
Review books before starting a new book/on the same day sounds like a good one for me too!
I started it last year and it’s made a huge difference for me!