hosted by Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post
So I sort of just fell off the planet for a bit. I had some issues with my computer, like it ran out of memory, I was tapped at what I could delete. It was one of the reasons I haven’t been really doing design work anymore. My computer just couldn’t handle it. So again, I had to break down and get a new computer (first was the couch, now this) I got myself the same computer MacPro Laptop but a 2019 and with more memory, not as much as I wanted but I had to compromise with myself because I had to get what I could kind of afford. So now I hopefully will be back to doing more stuff but so far I am loving this computer.
I haven’t been doing so great with this and that’s because I found a podcast that I can’t stop listening too. I have put that on hold for now so I can get to a few books I have wanted to read and also need to read for review and my TBR List. I currently have three books going and one I am listening to in audio while I build houses in the sims! 🙂
(Read, Currently Reading & Next)
I am currently reading all of these but more The Lady in the Coppergate Tower since I need to finish this for a review. I got the book from the publisher but I loved the last book in audio that I decided to wait and grab this one when it came out in audio to listen too. I am loving it so far. All three books I am reading are very interesting. Red Hood I just started and I am a little weirded but how it seems the story is about you.
What I grabbed:
Codsgrave is $2.99 for the month of August. I grabbed the first one last month, I have the physical for the first book but the text is so small my old lady eyes can’t read it, so I got it in ebook so I can make the text bigger. Please note: I have no other issues with any other books but this text is like tiny!
On the Blog:
What you missed:
- [10 Aug] #MyTBRL ~ Winner for the August 2019 TBR is…..
- [11 Aug] The Sunday Post ~ I was MIA…Update on the last two weeks ~ Week in READview!
What you might see this week:
I will be back 100% in September. Like seriously! So as of right now for me there are no posts except that post for the Reading Assignment Fall Semester Sign Up and my sign up post.
Week in READview:
Real life & Blogging:
Ok I am going to try very hard not to bore you to death. So I will bullet point the last two weeks 🙂
- Last week in July was very busy at work since a co-worker was on vacation, didn’t do a lot but we did go to the shore on Friday.
- Gas leak at the shore house, apparently when the meter was fixed on the side of the house they didn’t do it correctly. Thank goodness we found it, it was leaking so much you could smell it all over the street.
- Last week we had a staycation and pretty much stayed home all week. I barely cooked and we just hung out together. Best week ever.
- We eat out a lot, The Shannon Rose (Irish Pub), Take out Diner and Italian Restaurant and the Cracker Barrel. I also cooked Pot Roast, Chicken Cutlets and Fried Eggplant.
- Got a new computer (see above)
- The Orange Cat eat the new cord on the new computer……so I had to get a new cord. It’s a good thing he is cute.
- The computer doesn’t have USB ports….WHAT!
- Found out what a USB-C port is and now have adapters because I am apparently way behind on tech.
- Trolley was much needed. I am so happy to have no more clutter on the table and I am so in love with it. Now just need to get The Orange one to stop eating it.
- Spent a lot of time sitting on my chair and ottoman. Best purchase I made this year along with the computer.
- The computers battery isn’t great which sort of sucks but I spend most of my time with the other laptop plugging in guess I’ll do the same with this one.
- This week really has been fantastic, I just loved being home and having the family all under one roof all day. Next weekend we head to the shore again and hoping to get a couple days at the town pool.
I mentioned a while ago I was taking the rest of the summer off. I plan to do a lot of reading or at least as much as I can and get back to writing review and doing some fun posts. I think I will be taking the summers off of blogging and life (lol) from now on. I look forward to coming back in September but I will be around today to give you all a visit. My main plain in September is to get back to blogging and visiting.
What I am watching:
I actually have been watching Chicago PD with my husband. It has been on TV and since we are home we have been watching the episodes when they come on. I would love for him to go back to the beginning and watch it on Hulu but he is sans-streaming for some reason. I think he would enjoy TV that way but he refuses to do that.
I have also been binge listening to a Podcast called Crime Junkies. I can’t even express how much I love this podcast. The stories they tell are so fantastic. I love true crime stories and I just adore they way these two ladies tell the story.
What I am playing:
The Sims! 🙂 I just got the Island Pack and made the cutest Kitchen! I can’t get enough of this game. She’s a mermaid so she lives on the beach.
Also got a new horse in Star Stable. Don’t have a picture of her but she is so cute!
Just for Fun:

So tell me what have you been reading and up to this week?
Hope you all have a fantastic week!!!
Happy Reading
That’s good you got a new computer, but those things always seem to have bad timing when they break down. I hope you can better do design work on your new one.
I haven’t really checked out podcasts, but I am enjoying audiobooks, so I might enjoy those too. I have to give them a try sometime.
Sounds like you did some fun things and relaxed as well those past few weeks. That sounds creepy about the gas leak, but good that you caught it. Your trolley looks handy!
Your Sim sure has an awesome kitchen!
I like new computers but I hate having to reinstall all my stuff.
I hope you get some reading time in and enjoy the rest of the mini blog hiatus and see you in September!
I ended up getting a new computer a couple of years ago because my old computer m o v e d S-O S L O W L. Y. I still had plenty of memory and space. Sigh.
I was hooked on the SIMS way back when. I’m afraid to play it. I don’t want to get that hooked on anything again.
I love all the books you posted, especially Red Hood.
Have a great week!
I’m glad you’re having fun! Relax and enjoy yourself. September will be here before you know it. lololol
That trolley is adorable!
I’ve bookmarked Crime Junkies and I hope to check it out soon.
I hope you have a fantastic week, Michelle! XOXO
True Crime is one of my favorite things ever. Martinis and Murder is one of my favorite podcasts and Stephanie Harlowe and Kendall Rae on Youtube are some of favorite True Crime people. I spend like all day listening to True Crime.
I’m glad you guys were able to handle the leak. I think my MacBook Pro is dying but I’ve seen the new ones and I saw they don’t have like a CD thing or USB ports and it just weirds me out. I do think I’ll have to cave next year and get a new one but I really don’t want to. Summers off is actually a good idea! I feel like I was so busy in July that I took the month off without meaning too.
I hope you have a wonderful break.
Yikes about the gas leak! Glad you guys caught it. And I love a good staycation- they can be so relaxing, not having to go anywhere or pack and all that.
Congrats on the new computer! I think mine is going too- it’s been blue screening and shutting down for no apparent reason haha, and I’m just about out of memory too. I’ll probably be shopping soon *sigh*
I can’t get over how cool the houses look in the Sims!
Have a great rest of the summer Michelle!
I had smelled it earlier but when we went out later it was so bad you could smell it across the street.
I haven’t just stayed home in a long time and this was so awesome I really want to do it again. I am feeling so relaxed. I could totally use another week 😉
It must be the year of new computers, I know a few people that needed new ones.
I just made a house and posted it on instagram, it might be my favorite house so far. I can’t wait to make a family and play in it. 🙂
I hope your new computer works well for you! I have been wanting a new one for a couple years or so now, but it just hasn’t been in the budget. Not sure when it will be . . . At least my current one is still running, even if with a few annoying kinks. What an interesting perspective Red Hood is told from! I hadn’t realized it. I hope you end up enjoying it. It does sound good. The Lady and the Coppergate Tower sounds good. I hope you are enjoying it as well. I think I will be aiming for September too–to be at some semblance of normal again on my blog. I am not sure yet though. The best laid plans and all that that. . . I am glad you have enjoyed your summer off. 🙂 I hope you have a wonderful week, Michelle! Summer is up for us starting tomorrow. It’s back to school!
So far it is great. It has a touch bar which is pretty cool just haven’t figured out what to do with it yet.
Red Hood is different. I just hope it doesn’t get confusing. The Lady and the Coppergate is a Proper Romance. I am so loving them, they are so romantic.
I always for some reason think of September as the start of new beginnings. I don’t know why. I guess maybe because that is when the routines start again.
Gahhhhh gas leaks terrify me!!!! So glad you caught yours before anything happened!
Staycations are wonderful, aren’t they??? I had one in June and have another one next week, and, like you, plan to take another break from cooking, mainly so I don’t have to wash a lot of dishes. LOL
OMgosh that naughty orange kitty!!!! Stop that chewing, Kitty! USB-C is a new one for me, too. Even after Googling it, I’m clueless.
I love your trolly and definitely need one for myself since I’m constantly relocating from bedroom to livingroom and back again.
It was and we were all standing outside like totally across the street.
I have had ones that we did something every day but I don’t think ever where we did nothing but eat out. Which I enjoyed lol
The Orange one is always doing something he isn’t suppose too. He’s almost in his terrible twos, he just started early.
It’s my favorite purchase to date. I just love it.
I’ve been taking the last month or so off from blogging and reviewing, too. Yay for the new laptop working out. I didn’t know what a USB-C port was either. 🙂
The staycation with the family sounds fab. We are doing that a little this week though must work a couple days first.
Enjoy your week!
I haven’t really taken one that we stayed home and did nothing. I want to do it always. lol
We learn something new every day. I pretty much panicked like I got the wrong laptop. Thank goodness for adapters.
With the kids at teen age I realize I need to take the summers off. When they were little it was easy to just stay home now they don’t want to stay home and want to do everything.
hahahha I just found out what a USB-C port is YESTERDAY. I mean I kind of knew what they were but didn’t know that they had a name lol Also, YES THE SIMS! I play that too! I haven’t in a couple of weeks but I love that game.
I never even knew it was a think. I have the adapter now thank goodness, I almost panicked thinking all my work is on USB.
I can’t get enough of the Sims. I try to at least play for an hour at night. It’s like my after a long day wind down. Plus I listen to my audio books or podcasts while I play.
Crime Junkies is the best podcast!!!! I love Britt and Ashley! I am a patreon subscriber!
I am not a subscriber for patreon yet but I am loving the podcast. I am currently on 2019 season, so I am almost caught up. I really want to see them live if they come to this area.
Sounds like you have been pretty busy so I can see why you would take off the summer. I am curious about Red Hood so hope it’s good! I love that Trolley!
Have a great week and happy reading!
Stormi ox
I always think I can do more in the summer but with the lack of schedule and routine it’s actually more crazy. I am enjoying the break however I might be enjoying a lot. lol.
Red Hood is interesting, I don’t think I ever read a book in this type of POV.
I love my trolley!!!
Red Hood sounds super interesting about how the story is about me. I’m intrigued for sure! A new laptop is always fun! We recently got an iPad on sale and we love it. We’re slightly greedy because my husband and I both want the Surface Laptop and the iPad to ourselves 😂 Especially now that he’s leaving on a trip, we’re trying to divide everything lol He also has a gaming laptop that’s heavy so he keeps telling me to use it lol
That trolley looks so cute! I love that color!
I haven’t read anything in that type of POV so I hope I like it.
I am loving the laptop just wasn’t a good time to spend that much money but we will make it work.
My husband isn’t a tech guy so he doesn’t have any type of electronics except his phone. Which is good because I hate sharing 😉
The COLOR is my FAVORITE! I was tossed between yellow and mint and the mint was just so pretty.