Welcome to Task It Tuesday! created by the Awesome The Geeky Blogger
Hosted by Michelle at Because Reading is better than real life!
What is Task It Tuesday? It is where every week I list a task or tasks that I would like to accomplish on my blog or in Real Life before next Tuesday. It can be big or small but the goal is to get something done that will make my blog/reading life/challenges run smoother, faster, or more efficient and/or get those simple or complex tasks done in my real life. I will also be sharing organizing tips and linking with posts from bloggers that have some great tips and tricks for keeping you and your blog/real life organized.

This week organizing for the last 4 months is a HUGE thing for me. This year has proved very challenging for my blogging life and I am trying to get my major mojo back. It’s going a lot slower than I would like. I really think the summer is a hard blogging time for me and I am planning to try next year to schedule posts ahead so I can take off the summer and spend time visiting blogs and reading. I just can’t seem to find the time to do all the thinks I want since everyone is home and we are always away on the weekends, which are my blogging days.
This last week of August I will be getting back to blogging business and try to get some posts ready for September. I know it will be a lot of work but I am going to try as hard as I can to ignore everyone in the house and just get it done. 🙂
I almost bought a new planner this week, I love my planner but it is soooooo old and I have always wanted to try a a Erin Condren planner. Still debating what I want to do and as of right now I bought filler pages for my current planner. I love a good planner and need what works for me so I am not sure how it will work since it’s spiral bound and I like the three ring binding style of books. I might keep looking because I think I am in need of an update.
Also thinking of changing these posts around a bit, still keeping the same idea as The Geeky Blogger with the list of tasks but I might also try to make it more about my planner addiction also, tips and tricks sort of thing to help get organized. Might even start an Esty account to sell some of my pages I made and make a few more.
My Task(s) To Do:
All completed tasks will have a strikethrough and will be deleted at the end of the month.
Main Goal for this week
- Finish Reviews
- Schedule Posts for Reviews
- Organize for the last 4 months
Blogging Task List
- Organizing
- Goodreads ~ I need to update all books
- Organize books into new notebook
- To Do:
- Plan for feature posts (Sept, Oct, Nov and Dec)
- Set-Up Discussion Posts (I have ideas)
- Organize my plan for new ideas
- Schedule reviews (Did some but have to finish)
Write up trip post- Write up post for experience in Disney for Kids with Special needs.
- Design Work
- Make a few new images for Ideas I have
- Finish Job for a client (3 more logos)
- One Logo for a client
Banner for a blog tour
- Other
- HTML/CSS/Design ~ September Project
- Build a Website for Limabean Designs
- HTML/CSS/Design ~ September Project
- Real Life
- Menu Plan
- Organize clutter
- Get new bookshelf
- Redo Living Room (new couch, love seat, pack up stuff & Bookshelf) Fall Project
Finished Tasks

Time to Link up!

Are you ready to get organized?
I got a lot of work to do on my blog too. I want to do all sorts of things but I always wait till the last minute. I think next year I am going to start at the beginning of the year planning my end of the year stuff so that towards the end of the year I can plan out my beginning of the year stuff…lol.
I tell myself that all the time lol I really do hope a change in my organizing will help and the summer coming to an end.