(The Sunday Post is a meme sponsored by the awesome Kimba at the Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.)
I get approved for Netgalley books sometimes more often then I think I would like but never Edelweiss until this week. I put in a request for two books knowing that I would not get them but it was worth a shot. I was SHOCKED I got accepted for both of the books I requested but not only that I was able to download a bunch more from the same company. Honestly I thought it was a mistake and in a panic downloaded a few I wanted just in case they change their minds. Now I have quite a few from Edelweiss and I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing LOL.
So before I get to the books I got lets me tell you about the books I read this week…
Books and Blogging
I started reading Artifact but unfortunately it just wasn’t working for me so I had to put it down, with the number of books I want to read I honestly can’t waste my time reading books I just can’t get into. I hate having to do that but I love to read and once in a while you can get through a book that isn’t to bad but then you find one that is just of no interest or just moving way to slow. I might try it again at some point but for now I really had to just put it down.
I am so excited to get into these books. I might have to alternate between netgalley and edelweiss for right now. So I am thinking after Sky Jumpers I will start The Luck Uglies or Sea of Shadows since I REALLY want to read this and I loved Kelley Armstrong’s Darkest Power series.
Last Week on the Blog
Monday ~ Author Spotlight Melika Dannese Lux Book #2
Once In a Lifetime Blitz
Tuesday ~ COYER Book Giveaway Begins
Feel free to enter to win one of the 7 books I read during COYER anyone can enter and win 🙂
Release day Self Life by Stephanie Lawton
Wednesday ~ Forever, Jack by Natasha Boyd Blitz
Thursday ~ Night Chill Blog Tour /Excerpt
Friday ~ Dead Jed Blog Tour/Review
Saturday ~ My TBR List Post
COYER and the Winners are
Sunday ~ The Most Wonderful Time of The Year Tour
Week in READ-View and My Sunday Post
This Week on the Blog
Monday ~ Rewrite Redemption Blog Tour with Review
Release Day Blitz of Moon’s Flower by Marie Hall
Tuesday ~ Storm Warning by E. Lee & C. Quinn Teaser
Friday ~ Life A.D Guest Post
Saturday ~ My To-Be Read List
Sunday ~ Week in READ-view and My Sunday Post
It’s really a slow week and it might be like that the rest of December only because I have so much to do in the coming weeks I don’t have a lot of time to set up posts and promote them like I usually do. Plus I want to concentrate on doing a lot of reading and reviewing books I got from Netgalley and Edelweiss. So don’t worry if you don’t see a lot of activity I will be back in the new year with a lot of stuff to fill up most of my day 🙂
What else has been going on?
I’m still looking for Doc McStuffins get better check up center but today I might have found it. I don’t want to jinx it so I will give you a more detailed update next Sunday. UPDATE: My husband went to Toys R Us this morning and We now have a Doc McStuffins get better check up center!!!! ***happy dance*** Thank you all who helped us look! I am so happy I could cry lol!
Can you believe we only have 17 days till Christmas? I feel like it is happening so fast…a little to fast…
We have the Elf on the Shelf in our house. My kids named him Elfie Pickle he really isn’t a mischief-maker more of a really good hider 🙂
Elfie arrives with a note from Santa, last year Santa told the kids they could hug Elfie goodbye since the year before my son was a mess when he left. This year Santa told the kids that if they are good during the week Elfie was able to bring them a gift of his favorite books because Santa reads my blog (***waves*** Hi Santa!!!) and thought it would be a wonderful idea to help them be more interested in reading. Yesterday they got the first batch of books and they LOVED them. My son was so excited and even thanked Elfie telling him that this was such a great idea. I really try to make Christmas something special and something to remember for my kids so when they have kids they will want to do the same traditions. My mom did it for me when I was little and it really stuck with me as an adult. My husband says I can get a little to crazy but really who isn’t a crazy person every once in a while.
Awesome book haul! I have a few of the ones you got from Edelweiss books myself. Thanks for stopping by my Sunday Post 🙂
–Kimberly @ Turning the Pages
+New GFC Follower
I thought about snagging After the End – I'll have to see what you think! The Luck Uglies sounds so cool! I've had to be picker about my MG lately though since I want to read more adult and YA than MG.
I tend to alternate. I have been reading a lot of YA so I have switched to MG. BUt with the list from Netgalley and Edelweiss I have I think for a while at least it will be a mix of both….
Great books for review! I'm so excited for (Don't You) Forget About me! The cover of Sea of Shadow is so pretty. Hope you enjoy all your new books! Also, Elfie Pickle, that's so adorable! Thanks for stopping by Bookmunchies!
I love the cover of Sea of Shadow and I am also excited for Don't Forget About me!
My daughter has a fondness for pickles every since she was a baby she is 6 now (still a baby) so when they named him she just said pickle and we thought it was cute. They really enjoy him!!!
I hardly get approved at Edelweiss…. Sometimes I don't even bother, cos I know I'll be disappointed! Wow… lots of creepy books. Hope you enjoy them!
Thanx for visiting My Weekly Wrap-Up!
Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace
I had ignored them for a while, i was getting so frustrated not getting approved for anything and I couldn't think what I was doing wrong. I don't think I will go on often like netgalley but it was a nice surpise 🙂
OHMYGOSH I am so jealous of your Edelweiss approvals! AMAZING!!! 🙂 I really want to read Sea of Shadows, House of Ivy & Sorrow! 🙂
I'm currently obsessed with Lizzy Ford books. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/19087292-charred-tears?from_search=true is out in a week and I'm so excited! Did you get to read Charred Heart, the first book? She writes SO FAST which I adore.
I seriously was shocked. Did you try to request them? I got denied on Netgallley for Sea of Shadows and I just gave it a shot and was approved. I figured I couldnt hurt since I was denied already LOL
I haven't read her books I will have to check them out 🙂
Oh, my God, I totally forgot about House of Ivy and Sorrow! Of course I have to go and download it now. I was hesitant because I have far too many arcs, but I loved Whipple's first book.
The rest of these HC releases I've already downloaded. I'm weak like that. 🙂
I hope you enjoy them all! Happy reading!
I havent read any of her books yet but your excitement makes me want to read it sooner 🙂 I am VERY weak I talk myself out of going on Netgalley or Edelweiss every day and of course I win (the part of me that wants to go) 😉
I really want After the End. And I need to get an Elf on the Shelf for our house, too. lol
I can't wait to read it 🙂 You do need an elf they are so much fun the kids have a blast running around the house looking for him!
A lot of those books have great covers and look really good, especially The Luck Uglies and After The End. I'm going to look closer at both of those. 17 days til Christmas? Gahh!!! That's not good, I need to get shopping…
17 day is really not a lot of time but now that I got the toy for my daughter I am feeling a lot better and hope it goes smoothly.
The Luck Uglies besides the cover the story sounds so great! very excited to read that one 🙂
I'm still so excited that you managed to get Doc McStuffins – what a great story for you to tell her when she gets older. And I'm jealous of your Edelweiss success – I just want 1 book. Just 1 and I'll be happy. Oh well!
I love the cover for Rose – I'll wait for your review to decide if I have to read it or not, since my TBR is already in serious trouble.
I am too, I had to actually see it to believe I had it after I fell down the stairs LOL was rather excited, I little to excited I guess 🙂
Yes wait for the review it's cute but a little slow. I will finish it but it needs a little more action and story build!
Great update and what a sweet haul! Happy Reading! The Sunday Edition @ Paulette’s Papers And be sure to check out Fill Your Stockings With Books Giveaways this week!!
Thanks for stopping by I have hopped over to yours 🙂
Have a great week!
Crazy is good, we were the same way as were our parents. This time of year is magical. Loving your haul and the approvals. Enjoy. I remember those frantic hunts for that special toy..eek, glad it worked out!
Yes crazy is very good. It's amazing how a month can feel so different then any of the other ones.
I am just glad we found it. I can sleep a lot better tonight knowing it's in my house. My husband wants us to get credit for it instead of santa because we went crazy looking for it but It's not about who got it, it;s really about the fact that she will be so happy xmas morning and
Wow…you've got some good books! I remember being shocked with Edelweiss approved me of my first books too! I'm pretty sure I did the same thing as you and rushed to download some more while they were in a giving spirit! 🙂 HA!
Sandy @ Somewhere Only
I was sure it was a mistake as I downloaded the next 3 but was to scared to download anymore. I figured if I can finish these then if it's still open I can treat myself to downloading a few more if they haven't figured it out by then 🙂
Great Post! I have nominated you for the Shine On Award xx Congrats and you can check out the post here: http://abookparadise.blogspot.co.uk/2013/12/shine-on-award.html
Much Love, Tanya x
You got some great books this week. I love the cover of Rose! And you got Sea of Shadows, that's so awesome, I am really looking forward to that book! I am a big fan of Kelley her writing style! I also love the cover for After The End, although I am not sure whether it will be a book for I am tempted to buy it just for the beautifull cover.
I do tend to cover shop before I read the synopsis. I also love Kelley's writing style. After reading the Darkest Power series I have wanted to read the next series she had out but never got around to it. So I am really excited to read this one.