I am so sad it is over but we really did have a great time! You all have made it so much fun. I was able to read 15 books and that is pretty good I must say. A huge thanks to my co-hosts Berls @ Fantasy is more fun and Stormi @ Books, Movies, Reviews. Oh My!.
Of course as fun as COYER is, it’s not just about the fun. We also have some winners! This time you all pulled off 678 reviews, which is pretty damn awesome (especially seeing as I pulled off like 2)! We have three winners, who will each get a $10 gift card to Amazon or Barnes & Noble. Look for an email from Berls, Stormi, or I to collect your prize. And the winners are (selected randomly from the review linky):
Winner 1
Entry #484 – Wendy @ Musings of a Bookish Kitty for her review of Moonlight Over Paris by Jennifer Robson
Winner 2
Entry #286 – Detetiv @ What’s Detetiv Doing Now? for the review of Bearly Healed by Moxie North
Winner 3
Entry #7 – Kai @ Fiction State of Mind for her review of Star Wars Journey to the Force Awakens: All Creatures Great and Small: Tales From a Galaxy Far, Far Away
Social Media & Twitter Party Prizes
If you won a prize throughout COYER give us a couple weeks to get them all sorted, packaged, and shipped out. But the books and goodies you picked out will be on their way soon!
Countdown to Next COYER
It’s time for the next countdown to begin! We’ll be kicking off another COYER in late June, with details coming sometime in May! I already have all kinds of crazy ideas so I’m sure it’ll be a blast. Until then – be sure to check out all the review links here. There’s bunches of goodies to read!
We hope everyone had a great time! Ideas, suggestions and comments for the next COYER? Leave them in the comments!
Thank you to Michelle, Berls, and Stormi for hosting, and congratulations to the winners!
I saw my name and did a little dance–I still can’t believe it. It’s been ages since I won anything anywhere. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I had a lot of fun participating in this Winter’s COYER. You all do such a great job. And I love the enthusiasm of the participants. Thank you again!
Congratulations to the winners, and thank you so much for hosting us once more, Michelle, Berls and Stormi! It’s always so much fun to participate 🙂
Booo! I’m bummed it’s over and that I didn’t get to be as involved in the social aspect this time. I’ll try to better in the next one! But I am surprised that I did better than I though I was on reading/reviewing! 😀
Congratulations winners and thanks for the ereader motivation!
Congrats to the winners and a huge THANK YOU to our hosts! This was my first time participating in COYER and I can’t wait until June. 🙂