Michelle’s Review Policy

At this time I am not taking any review request.
This page will go through a few changes to make the review request a lot easier.
If you are an Author I have reviewed in the past please feel free to email me.
Thank you!

Authors and Publishers please contact me via Email to submit your request.

Please read the following for consideration:

  • When making a review request please be sure to include, title, cover, synopsis and link to your book either Goodreads or Amazon. Reviews submitted without this will be automatically rejected.
  • When sending an email please don’t quote my review policy, I already know what it says.
  • Tell me why you think I would enjoy the book AND why you think it’s a good fit for me. I want to make sure it’s in both our best interests that I review your book – you want a review from someone who will like it and I want to enjoy what I read.
  • When do you need the review done by? If you’re flexible let me know, as sometimes my calendar may be the biggest factor in why I can/cannot review your book.
  • Please make sure to let me know if the book you are requesting a review on is part of a series. I DO NOT read series out of order, so if you are not willing to allow me to read book 1, please don’t request book 2.
  • Book Formats: ebooks (Kindle Only), Bound Books (Hard or Paper), Arcs/Galleys.
  • I will ONLY email you back if I am interested in reading your book, PLEASE don’t be offended if you don’t hear back from me.

What you can expect:

  • You will get a 100% honest review from me.
  • I will always be honest and respectful in my reviews, however, I can sound harsh. It’s not to be mean, just honest about my feeling towards the book. I would never bash an author.
  • I try very hard to avoid spoilers, I will post in red if spoilers are included and if it is a series I will let my readers know what book is being reviewed and notify them of spoiled to the book before.
  • Reviews will be posted on my Blog, Amazon and Goodreads. If you wish for it to be posted on B&N, Smashword (will need a free code to purchase so I can post review) and iTunes you just have to let me know.
  • When review is posted you will be notified by email with a link.
  • If I determine that your book is a DNF for me. I will email you directly with why. I don’t do full review reviews of DNF books, I only add a sentence or two with why it didn’t work for me but I will NEVER tell anyone not to read your book.

Genre’s I will ONLY Review

  • YA
  • Middle Grade
  • Fantasy
  • Fairytale Retelling
  • Steampunk ~ Romance
  • Romance ~ NA/Some Contemp/Erotica
  • Hallmark movie type Christmas Romances

Please note I am very selective when it comes to Erotica.

Genre’s I will NOT REVIEW

  • Non-Fiction
  • Chick Lit
  • Bio’s
  • Self Help
  • Historical Romance
  • Instructions
  • Religious books.
  • Mystery
  • Crime books
  • Cozy Mysteries


I also off an Author Spotlight, you can find all the details HERE.

You can email your request to Limabean74 (at) aol (dot) com

Thank You!

I provide an honest review and am in no way compensated for doing so. All books given to me by authors or publishing companies will receive an honest review.  The reviews on this page are my opinion and my interpretation of the book that was read. I am not a professional reviewer.


Just so we are completely clear…

If an Author gives me a book (signed or not) or an ebook I DO NOT and WILL NOT share it with anyone it is mine and mine alone!!!!

All my giveaways are either books I bought personally or the book was given to me by the author with their permission. I do not support piracy and it will not be tolerate my blog, Facebook or Twitter pages. You will be deleted immediately.

 NEVER ask me for a copy of an ARC I will NEVER give it to you!!!!


2 responses to “Michelle’s Review Policy

  1. Hi Michelle
    The date above here reads ‘ 8th Aug, 2016 at 8:07pm’; and, higher up the page, under your review policies, it says :
    “” At this time I am not taking any review request.
    This page will go through a few changes to make the review request a lot easier.
    If you are an Author I have reviewed in the past please feel free to email me.
    Thank you!””
    Are you still not taking review requests, or are you ‘open for business’ again?

    Best wishes

    Ian Mckay MA

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