Because Challenges

Here at Because Reading is More Fun we LOVE Challenges. Challenges- COYER specifically – are what brought your hosts, Michelle and Berls together! And back when we were both on our own blogs, managing several challenges, each from our own separate blog was a lot of work – coordinating posts and keeping everything easy to find. So we started a new blog just for COYER at the time and eventually called it Because Challenges because we hosted so many. But now we have one home, here at Because Reading, and having two blogs to manage stopped making sense. So we’ve moved challenge central here. Click on the name of the challenge you’re participating in (or thinking about participating in) to get all of the related posts. Happy Reading!

Hosted Challenges:



The Clean Out Your E-Reads (COYER) challenge started out as a challenge all about reading those free (or nearly free books). It’s evolved into a twice a year (Winter & Summer) challenge that is a bit different every time and always full of fun themes and games. We hope you’ll join us!

A Year in Anthologies

Anthologies are so tempting. Most of them are on sale for like 99 cents and you think 22 books for 99 cents! Yes, please! Then you one click it and now have 22 anthologies sitting on your kindle that you have’t read yet. I know how that feel so I had an idea. What if we made reading those anthologies a challenge?

Bookish Resolutions

Bookish Resolutions Challenge is about setting New Year’s Resolutions for Reading, book blogging or Writing…You can sign up via blog post, Facebook, Twitter or Goodreads!

Reading Assignment

The Reading Assignment challenge was born out of Michelle’s love of lists and Berls’s love of school 🙂 Essentially you’re making a list of books and/or authors and/or genres you’d like to read over a period of time (this fluctuates year to year). Check out our sign up post to get registered for the current school year and to learn more about this year’s version.

Can You Read a Series in a Month?

This challenge is all about binge-reading a series like we used to do before blogging and reading commitments and endless TBR lists. You pick one series and binge-read it in one month. It’s a fun way to really get lost in a new world and characters.