#2017HW Reading Assignment EOY Report Card

Posted January 2, 2018 by Berls in Reading Assignment Challenge (HW) / 4 Comments

2017 HW Report Card Logo

It’s time for our EOY Report Card – a chance to let us know how you did the last quarter and for the year! If you’re not familiar with the Reading Assignment Challenge hosted by Because Reading, get all the details and sign up for #2018HW in the sign-up post!

4th Quarter Report Card

Y’all I don’t even know how I did… I’ve been at an F since like May for #2017HW and I’m just eager to try again in 2018!

How’d you do?

It’s your turn to check in! Link up in the linky below to a blog post (or updates to your original sign up post), a Goodreads Update, a Facebook or Twitter post, etc. and let us know:

  • Report which books you read, during which months.
  • Report which months, if any, you didn’t make it.
  • Link to your review and/or reading progress on Goodreads showing you read the book(s).
  • Your final grade for the quarter, based on this chart:
    Quarterly Grades

    • I made an A! Read all your books all three months of the quarter.
    • I made a B! Read all your books for two months of the quarter.
    • I made a C! Read all your books for one month of the quarter.
    • I made an F!Didn’t read all your books during any months of the quarter.

When you enter the final giveaway (below) you’ll get extra credit based on your grade for each quarter. To get the extra credit, though, you have to have turned in your report card for that quarter – so be sure to turn it in before the linky closes! It will be open from January 2 – January 8th.
[inlinkz_linkup id=758676 mode=1]

4th Quarter Report Card Giveaway

We’re also rewarding you for doing so well this quarter, so we have a giveaway for you! Enter the link for your #2017HW reviews from the 4th Quarter (they can simply be a quick Goodreads update or a full review on your blog). We’ll close the Giveaway on the 8th and the winner will get a $5 gift card to Amazon (open internationally). Good luck!

EOY Report Card Giveaway

To enter the End of Year Report Card Giveaway, you need to average your report cards (which you should have turned in so we can verify them). To find your average add the values (listed below) for your grades up and divide by four.
A = 90 B = 80 C = 70 F = 60

If the number you get when averaged is above or equal to 90, your end of year average is an A. If above or equal to 80, it’s a B. If above or equal to 70 it’s a C. Below 70 is an F. (If you made the same grade each quarter no need to do the math. That’s your grade.)

My End of Year Report Card

Yeah, not the best — especially for a teacher. Here are my grades:
1st Quarter: A (90)
2nd Quarter: C (70)
3rd Quarter: F (60)
4th Quarter: F (60)
90+70+60+60 = 280/4 = 70
My Year End Average: C

Hey I passed! Surprise… but I can’t wait to go for an A this year!

Use your Year End Average to enter the giveaway! The higher your grade the more points you get!

Good luck and thanks for joining us!

How’d you do in 2017? Are you joining us for #2018HW?

It's time to turn in your #2017HW EOY Report Card! How'd you do? Share on X

About Berls

Michelle adopted me as part of her blog when I decided to close down my blog, Fantasy is More Fun. The blog was dying, but my love of reading and the blogosphere was still strong as ever - so I found my new home here at Because Reading!

I'm not just a book lover, but a one time author (that hopes to be more in the future), wife, mom to the cutest, happiest, best 5 year old and step-mom to the craziest, sweetest 24 year old on the planet. My family mean everything to me and they appear frequently in the Sunday Post with Berls. So grab a glass of wine and chat books, blogging, and family with me!



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4 responses to “#2017HW Reading Assignment EOY Report Card

  1. That’s nice you passed even tough you didn’t do too well in your last two quarters. I joined this challenge once and found it difficult to pick books for a whole year as I mostly picked what I wanted to read at the start of the year.

    Lola recently posted: Sunday Post #264
    • Yep! That’s why we changed it this year – you make a list for the January – June and then in June a new list for July – December. I think we ALL were having that problem 🙂