Berls’s My TBR List Voting | January 2018

Posted January 6, 2018 by Berls in My TBR List / 20 Comments

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Each month you will make a post with three books from your TBR List (these books can be already on your kindle or shelf or books you might want to purchase) and add your link on the linky that will be provided on my post. Your followers and the people on the linky will help you choose which book you will read next. The following Saturday you will announce the book that won. Then read the book and on the last Saturday of the month post a review.

For my first choice of 2018 I’m going to let y’all decide which of my #2018HW books I’ll read this month. Since all my books are JA Huss this time – trying to work on my #authorluv as well – it’s just which Huss sounds best?

January 2018 Choices

Berls’s My TBR  List Voting | January 2018Slack: A Day in the Life of Ford Aston (Rook and Ronin Spinoff) by J.A. Huss

Ford Aston is not too picky about what he wants out of Christmas. He’s not into this holiday—like at all. He doesn’t do presents, or family dinners, or parties, or church.

He does pets. And he’s got one lined up for Christmas Eve. In fact, it’s the highlight of his day. And if he can get through drop-in visits, nosy twelve year olds, an inappropriate conversation with his best friend’s girlfriend, dinner with a family that’s not his, and a party at his mother’s house—well, he might just get home in time to enjoy himself with a stranger and make it all OK.

SLACK: A Day in the Life of Ford Aston, is a prequel to TAUT: The Ford Book, and can be read as a standalone novella.

SLACK releases on December 18, 2013 and TAUT releases on January 20, 2014

Should I start the Rook and Ronin spinoff? I loved Rook and Ronin and Ford was a favorite character. I can hardly believe I haven’t managed to read this before now!

Berls’s My TBR  List Voting | January 2018Five (Mister, #0.5) by J.A. Huss

Fifty million books ago I promised you a love story about Five and his Princess. This is their story.

Five Aston has known Rory Shrike for as long as he can remember. He played with her in the sandbox. He went to every damn horse show just to be supportive. He helped her with her French, walked her home from school, and faked his test scores just to stay with her a little longer and not be sent off to college early. But eventually he had to move on. And so did she. Never has a second chance meant so much to a boy who loves a girl.

A standalone book that is also a spin-off of the Rook & Ronin Series and prequel to the Mister Series. You can read it first, you can read it last. It doesn't really matter because it's f*cking Five.

I have LOVED the Mister series and although Five is a prequel by numbering, it wasn’t released first (from what I can tell at least) and is just coming to audio this month… at least that’s what Julie said… I’ve read the whole series on audio and want to stick to audio. I’m really excited to read this book as I feel like there’s a CHANCE it’ll be a bit of bridge between Rook and Ronin and the Mister series 🙂

Berls’s My TBR  List Voting | January 2018The Magpie Bridge (I Am Just Junco, #4.5) by J.A. Huss

Sometimes what you wantDoesn’t matter,Sometimes you justGotta finish what you started.Sometimes this reallyFucking sucks.

But other timesYou need to take a breath And sit on the beach.

A long, deep, breathTo remind you of why You signed on for this shit In the first place.

This is my breath.

~ Tier

I read almost all of Just Junco back in November for Can You Read a Series in a Month? but I didn’t read this one because I was hoping to wait until it came to audio. Well Julie has informed me that it’s not even on the list right now, so I guess I’ll just be reading it.

Now Vote!! Which of my January 2018 choices do you think I should read?

Thanks for voting! Which of my January 2018 choices do you think I should read?

Help Berls pick her TBR List book for the month! Vote now! Share on X

About Berls

Michelle adopted me as part of her blog when I decided to close down my blog, Fantasy is More Fun. The blog was dying, but my love of reading and the blogosphere was still strong as ever - so I found my new home here at Because Reading!

I'm not just a book lover, but a one time author (that hopes to be more in the future), wife, mom to the cutest, happiest, best 5 year old and step-mom to the craziest, sweetest 24 year old on the planet. My family mean everything to me and they appear frequently in the Sunday Post with Berls. So grab a glass of wine and chat books, blogging, and family with me!



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20 responses to “Berls’s My TBR List Voting | January 2018

  1. Okay, so you can’t really go wrong here, Berls 😉 but I voted for Magpie Bridge. Of course, it doesn’t look like it’s gonna win but oh well. It’s a good read. I was really happy with how she wrapped things up for Junco. Ford’s and Five’s books are great too though. So like I said…can’t really go wrong here. Haha! I just finished Mr. & Mrs. today. 😉 Miss you, girl!! {{{BIG HUGS}}}

    • Yeah, I figured this was one you’d struggle to vote on 😉 I think out of all her series (that I’ve read so far) the Misters are my favorite. But I’m sure I’ll enjoy whatever wins. {{BIGGEST HUGS}} miss you!!

  2. I voted for Five as it sounds like an interesting novella and it’s the only one of these three series I haven’t read anything from. I am pretty sure I have read Slack, which i did like, although the full length book after it was even better. And I read the first Junco book, but it wans’t really my kind of read.

    Lola recently posted: Sunday Post #264
    • Junco hasn’t been my favorite Huss series, though I do want to finish it. I love the Misters and I’m really looking forward to reading Five 🙂