My COYER Progress
HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY, I don’t celebrate but I hope those that do have a great day! Enjoy all your romance and stuff. Lol
So far I have read 9 books, I wish I was a little faster or even a bigger fan of Audio books but I am very happy with my 9 and should have number 10 finished by tonight or tomorrow. I am hoping that by the time COYER is over I will have read at least 12 books maybe even 14? Either way I am very happy with my progress.
Read-a-thon & Mini-Challenge Reminder
Our next read-a-thon is
Next in the Series Read-a-thon: Did you start a series and then never return to it? Well February 26th – February 28th is your chance! Sign up will close February 25th. You still have time to sign up HERE
Mini Challenges
February 11th – February 18th: A Phantasmic COYER Challenge
Hosted by Reanna @ Phantasmic Reads
Brandee’s Acrostic Accolades Challenge
Hosted by Brandee @ Bookworm Brandee
Some Reviews Posted This Week
404 reviews, have I told you how much I think you all ROCK! That is awesome, I visited a few this week but didn’t get a chance to comment on some, this weekend I am spending it in doors because it’s to damn cold outside. So I will visit more this weekend 🙂 I am virtually giving you all a High Five!
You can see all the awesome reviews HERE If you get a chance stop by and check out some of the reviews great, you don’t have to comment but maybe just give a share

Be sure to head over to Stormi’s post for an update on what’s going on with the Social Media games! See if you won something and what’s up next 🙂
I hope everyone is having a great time! Let me know how COYER is going for you in the comments!!
I’ve already reached my goal, of 10-20 books so I’m happy. I’d like to do more but time just wont allow it but I’m glad that I finally reach one of my challenge goals! Yahoo!!! 😀
Your doing great Michelle..I think you can reach 14! I’m rooting for yah. 🙂
Thank you Stormi! I hope I can, I have been reading a lot lately I hope I can keep it up!
I have read only 8 books so far, but I am happy with my progress as well and reading 8 books was my goal so I am happy to have reached that goal. And all of those where review books so I made a nice start of this year by reading some review books. I am currently reading two books and I am hoping to finish both of those soon and then maybe manage to get another 2 books read before the end of Coyer. I am sure there are other people who have read more, but I am happy with how much I read. This reminds me I haven’t linked up my last review yet, so I am heading over to the review post now to do that!
I feel the exact same way, I just finished the one last night and starting my next one, it’s a quick one so I am hoping to be done by today since I plan to be very lazy 🙂 Then I am hoping to do two more. I can’t believe it’s almost over 🙁