Do you spend hours in front of the TV, maybe days? Did you ever want to chat with other Binge Watchers or ask people for suggestions or maybe just review the season you watched. Books, Movies, Reviews, Oh My! and Because Reading had the perfect idea, why not get all of us binge watchers together!!!
Well I planned on binge watching a few things this past weekend but the kids are obnoxious and that didn’t happen but I have been watching NCIS: LA with my husband on Sundays. Since the show is on ION we have been making it a regular Sunday thing that we watch it pretty much all day. While watching it I kept seeing commercials for another show that I have been wanting to watch from the beginning, Hawaii 5-0. I watched the pilot of the show when it first came on and caught a few episodes every now and again but I recently wanted to start over and watch from the beginning. I LOVE this show and OMG could Alex and Scott be any hotter! Seriously, I might drool on the TV more than I want too. I might be a little obsessed with it, I can see a bones obsession starting. I could watch these over and over again. I love the banter and they crack me up. Scott Caan reminds me of his dad and I just love his sarcasm. I am looking forward to watching the entire series.
I finally get a full day by myself Friday so while I am working/blogging I am trying to figure out what I can binge watch. I might try a few shows and see which one I want to watch but I have a feeling by this time in two weeks we will talking about Hawaii 5-0 again! lol
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What are you currently Binge Watching?
Have a great week and Happy Binging!
NCIS LA is so much fun! Well really all the NCIS varieties. Hawaii 5-0 is a good one too. I watched it for awhile but then they got too much character development for me and I let it slip off my watch list. Have you watched the new MacGyver? I’m liking that one too!
I love both Hawaii 5-0 (and I totally tried to find Steve when I was in Hawaii… he didn’t come anywhere near me to sweep me off my feet, though;) ) and NCIS – both the original and the LA one.
Last fall, I binged on This is Us, and it has become one of my favorite shows – it’s just so extremely well done.
He is a cutie but I adore Danny! 🙂 I love the action of it all and they tend to crack me up sometimes.
I have heard that is a great show, It just seems very emotional and I don’t really like shows that are super emotional.
I’m not currently binge-watching anything, because I’m working on a reading challenge where I try to read 100,000 pages in 1 year. So I don’t have time for too much TV right now. But last year I binge watched The Secret Life of the American Teenager. I thought I was immune to binge watching until I discovered teen dramas. I have no idea why I like them so much!
I love teen drama, my favorite has always been Degrassi.
I’m not a movie person but I love NCIS LA too. I watched some episodes of Hawaii 5.0 and they were great too. My most favorites are NCIS original and CSI series. 😁
Thanks for sharing. ❤️
I also loe NCIS, I enjoy CSI also. I really like those shows. I didn’t realize how much I would like Hawaii 5.0, it’s similar to those shows but I realizes has a lot more action in it.
I should watch 5-0, I LOVED the old one when I was a kid (my dad would watch re-runs and sometimes I would too) and I’m sure the new one is fab.
It’s really good. If you like shows like Bones or NCIS you will love it. The cast is very likable. It’s funny also lots of sarcasm 🙂
I really need to start over with Hawaii 5-0 we watched it pretty regularly for a while then something else I wanted to watch came on at the same time so I watched it and got away from it and it really is a show you need to watch from start to finish because of how some of the storylines go. I love all the characters but yep Alex and Scott and hotties! I love the big guy who runs the shrimp place, he cracks me up…lol.
Yes watch it again! Scot watches the newer ones but I wanted to start over and now he is watching them with me. 🙂
The shrimp guy is so cute! Like a lovable teddy bear!