Bubbly Berls is Babbling about: Bullet Journaling #bujo

Posted January 24, 2018 by Berls in Bubbly Berls Babbles / 11 Comments

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This new feature, Bubbly Berls Babbles (or BBB), is kind of an adaptation of my old feature, Fun Questions, back at Fantasy is More Fun. And the title tells it all. I’m Bubbly, I’m Berls, and I’m about to Babble about something! I hope you’ll babble along with me πŸ™‚

Today Bubbly Berls is Babbling about: Bullet Journaling

Bullet journaling has gotten really popular, it seems. I “discovered” it in July, but when I found it I realized I’d basically been bullet journaling my whole life. I’ve ALWAYS kept a notebook with me to make lists and organize goals and just random thoughts. But I’ve also always kept a planner. A planner that year after year doesn’t quite meet my needs and I keep trying to find the perfect one. So this is where bullet journaling was such a great find for me… I could marry my two habits into one that fits my needs perfectly.

My System

So there’s lots of ways to keep a bullet journal. That’s part of what makes it so great. I’ve found that my system has changed plenty since I started in July. When I first started my bullet journal I was really unsure about spreads or collections and I basically just kept making daily lists, but I added my agenda to it. As time progressed I started finding bullet journal layouts on Pinterest and Instagram and found my favorite bujo inspiration – Boho Berry. I won’t lie, I’m now pretty much copying one of her systems.

I started in a Molskein with a grid. I had wanted a dot grid, but Staples didn’t have that and I was so eager to get started I went with the grid. And it was a good place to start. Here are some of the spreads I did over my 6 months in the Molskein… you can see my style really changed as my needs changed:

But now I’m in a leuchtturm1917 A5 dot grid and I think I’m going to love it even more. I’m using it with an insert and as soon as it comes, I’ll have them both in a Traveler’s Notebook. I ordered a beautiful one from the UK and it’s going to take 6-8 weeks before it ships (as of December 30th). This year I’ve really gotten into the art of it, drawing more and thinking more about making things pretty – not just lists. Here’s some of the year long spreads I’ve made for 2018:

This year I’m using several different notebooks – as I mentioned I have my Leuchtturm1917 and an insert in my traveler’s notebook for my daily bujo. But I also have a pretty lined journal for writing daily journal entries. And I have a larger dot grid that I’m using for budgeting.

I started thinking wow… I can customize, why not customize every aspect of my life? Makes sense right?

I just wanted to share this current addiction and I’d love to hear from fellow bullet journalers – tips, suggestions, things you love, pet peeves, etc!

Babble with me! Do you bullet journal? Babble about it with me!

Bubbly Berls is babbling about Bullet Journaling today! #bujo Share on X

About Berls

Michelle adopted me as part of her blog when I decided to close down my blog, Fantasy is More Fun. The blog was dying, but my love of reading and the blogosphere was still strong as ever - so I found my new home here at Because Reading!

I'm not just a book lover, but a one time author (that hopes to be more in the future), wife, mom to the cutest, happiest, best 5 year old and step-mom to the craziest, sweetest 24 year old on the planet. My family mean everything to me and they appear frequently in the Sunday Post with Berls. So grab a glass of wine and chat books, blogging, and family with me!



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11 responses to “Bubbly Berls is Babbling about: Bullet Journaling #bujo

  1. I so want to get into this as you know since we discussed it last summer. πŸ™‚ But look at you go! I’ve done nothing. I’m still using my Erin Condren planner and I do my own form of bullet journaling in it but I’ve not been brave enough to go whole hog. I love what you’ve done though. It’s so creative and I look forward to hearing later in the year how it’s going for you – whether or not it’s accomplishing what you wanted it to. Also, I’m gonna check out Boho Berry. πŸ˜‰ Miss you!! {{{hugs}}}

  2. I also married my two habits into one with a bullet journal. I only have a planner at school for my partner and I to plan with for our lessons/units. I love the ability to customize and change it as I want or need. You’re not stuck in only tiny boxes or 6 lines for each day like a typical planner. I didn’t know what I was doing at first, so I was largely duplicating spreads I saw. I still do because they’re so perfect for what I want to do, but I have also became more brave and creative and branched out. I am trying this year to not make spreads just to make them, but instead to make them with care. Last year I had some that were so crappy it was embarrassing. Kind of the whole “do it right the first time” philosophy.

    I love your January page! I started doing a monthly intro page like that last June, and I’m going to continue to do that. I will be working on my first BUJO post for the year to go up sometime this week. (Most likely Thursday)

    Charlie recently posted: Book Blogger Hop ~ 1.26.18
    • I couldn’t agree more. I also have been trying to make spreads with more thought this year – last year being my first bujo year and I did some embarrassing spreads too. This was my first month doing an intro page and I love it. Will definitely continue. Trying to decide if I’m starting February this week or next week…. Lol. I’ll look forward to your bujo post!

    • Oh yay!!! It’s so fun and pretty addictive, especially when you’re first getting started. I hope you love it, I find the ability to make it so your own amazing.

  3. So interesting. I dabbled a bit last year and luckily learned a few things that work so so far, this year is going much better. Still perfecting it but that’s the joy huh, it can always be a work in progress. Thanks for sharing photos, I’m always looking to find more things to incorporate.

    • It’s always a work in progress, that’s definitely part of what makes it great πŸ™‚ I’m happy to share. I try to share weekly on Instagram too. I stalk boho berry for ideas, she had great stuff!

  4. Ali

    I love my BuJo so much. I’ve been using the system for over 2 years now and still love it. The best thing is how there are no rules, no set way to do things. You can change it up every day if you want! I’m starting to use it to organize my blog posts too.

    • I love the adaptability. I’m not stuck in 1 format all year (or the duration of a notebook). I haven’t used it for blogging yet, but I might have to add that!