It’s time to register for the Fall Semester with the 2019 Reading Assignment Challenge! If you haven’t participated before, or are a bit fuzzy on the rules, check out the original sign up post.
Fall Semester Registration
The fall semester begins September 1st and ends December 15th. So you’re only committing to three (plus 15 days) months – easy right? Fall is the last semester of 2019, so you get a bonus 15 days to wrap up the semester. We’ll call it your extra credit chance… had a month in that final semester that you didn’t make the grade? Fix it over those last 15 days by reading that book you missed! We’ll check back with you December 15th to see your report card and one lucky student will win a $5 Amazon Gift Card!
So if you’re ready… with a blog post, Facebook post, tweet, Goodreads post, Instagram post, etc. announce your Fall Semester Registration and what classes you’re taking, including the level. If you’re registering for Mix-It-Up make sure you get that list made and shared by August 31st!
It's time to Register for your Fall Classes in the #2019HW Reading Challenge! Share on X
Can’t believe it’s already time to think about fall reading, but yeah for the new challenge semester to help me plan.
Thanks for hosting again, ladies!