2014 seems so very far away…..
That is when the next book for “The Lunar Chronicles” comes out….
Anyway 🙂
I finished Scarlet on Sunday night and I can’t even explain how much I loved this series.
I am going to try a review for both of them without giving anything way (wish me luck).
So lets start at the beginning……
It was October of last year and I needed a book to read so I found Cinder while roaming the Barnes & Noble Website. Since it was a remake of Cinderella I thought it would be really cool. I downloaded the sample and thought OMG I don’t like this book at all. (You’re thinking what the heck is wrong with her!!! Looking back I’m saying the same thing to myself)
December (of last year) and I read the sample again. I still wasn’t feeling it at all.
So at this point I pretty much gave up (sort of).
I started reading some reviews and noticed on Goodreads almost everyone was reading them and loved them. So I thought OK one more try. I’m sorry to say this but I read the Hunger Games’ first 3 chapters (3 times) and I didn’t like it (I still haven’t read them).
I figured this was going to be the same thing. I was going to be one of those people that hated a book everyone else thought was FANTASTIC.
So glad I was wrong (just don’t tell my husband) 😉
Humans and androids crowd the raucous streets of New Beijing. A deadly plague ravages the population. From space, a ruthless lunar people watch, waiting to make their move. No one knows that Earth’s fate hinges on one girl. . . .
Cinder, a gifted mechanic, is a cyborg. She’s a second-class citizen with a mysterious past, reviled by her stepmother and blamed for her stepsister’s illness. But when her life becomes intertwined with the handsome Prince Kai’s, she suddenly finds herself at the center of an intergalactic struggle, and a forbidden attraction. Caught between duty and freedom, loyalty and betrayal, she must uncover secrets about her past in order to protect her world’s future.
My Thoughts:
I was positive I was going to hate this book, But WOW, just WOW…..I loved the story, as much as it had a Cinderella feel to it the story was all its own. The characters were so well written. The Queen and the Stepmother I hated them!!!! Like I wanted to jump in the book and beat them kind of hate. Cinder, Iko, Kai were so likable and I loved them. I felt for Cinder the entire way through the book. I loved Kai and Cinder, the story gave just enough of their relationship and showed the struggles they are going through with their feeling for each other when they come from such different lives. If your going to have a Cyborg as your main character you’re going to want her to be a strong independent character (not weepy and weak) and I just adored her.
Should You Read It:
YES!!! 100% recommend. Trust me. You will love it!!! (don’t stop after the first two chapters, it gets better)
Now is the hard part when I try to tell you about Scarlet without giving to much away….
The fates of Cinder and Scarlet collide as a Lunar threat spreads across the Earth…
Cinder, the cyborg mechanic, returns in the second thrilling installment of the bestselling Lunar Chronicles. She’s trying to break out of prison—even though if she succeeds, she’ll be the Commonwealth’s most wanted fugitive.
Halfway around the world, Scarlet Benoit’s grandmother is missing. It turns out there are many things Scarlet doesn’t know about her grandmother or the grave danger she has lived in her whole life. When Scarlet encounters Wolf, a street fighter who may have information as to her grandmother’s whereabouts, she is loath to trust this stranger, but is inexplicably drawn to him, and he to her. As Scarlet and Wolf unravel one mystery, they encounter another when they meet Cinder. Now, all of them must stay one step ahead of the vicious Lunar Queen Levana, who will do anything for the handsome Prince Kai to become her husband, her king, her prisoner.
My Thoughts:
I don’t even know were to start (this isn’t going to be a long review cause I really don’t want to spoil it). I loved the Scarlet & Wolf story. I felt Wolf was kind of the weepy one in this book. You could pass it off as the strong silent type but I’m not sure, he really had an awful lot of guilt that made him kinda weepy for a guy. I give credit to an author that can take two stories and make them go together so well you aren’t left with any unanswered questions from the first book. Now you have a whole bunch of new unanswered questions which will be answered in book 3 (I can only assume). I was very fond of all the characters in this book, again they were very well written. I still hate, with a passion the Queen and Stepmother. As much as I think Scarlet was an awesome character and was written very well. Cinder is still my favorite character 🙂
Should You Read It:
Do you even have to ask!!! Of course I think you should read it and when its done, I want you to also feel as impatient as I am to have to wait for Cress!!!
(and I didn’t give away any spoilers, go me!!)
I can actually say this is my favorite series SO FAR for 2013.
Great Original stories but with a hint of Fairy Tale and a Touch of Romance
makes me a very happy girl.
So I hope this review either made you want to read the books or love them more.
Until next time….
Have a great day!!!
Happy Reading!!!
michelle oxox
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P.S. Don’t forget to participate in my new Thursday Feature “What’s on your bookshelf?” see all the details in the below post 🙂
Ohh my goodness I KNOW!!! I want the next book right now!! I LOVED LOVED Scarlet, I was a bit hesitant with the new characters but I loved it!
Ashley @ The Quiet Concert
I did like Scarlet and Wolf and I thought there relationship was a lot more intense than Cinder and Kai. I'm hoping in the next book they show more of the relationship between them. I really felt like the first book was missing that. I think the next one is Rapunzel. I cant wait….Now I'm all excited again LOL
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I felt the exact same way about the Hunger Games (I still don't like them and haven't even finished the second one). I think too much hype over a book really ruins it for me, and puts me off from reading it, which is too bad because there are probably some books out there I would have liked better if they hadn't been so hyped up. I definitely want to check out this series though!