15 days till the Clean out your e-reader Challenge Update

Posted October 17, 2013 by Michelle in COYER / 1 Comment

Time’s flying by and there’s only 15 days left until the Clean out your E-reader Challenge! Have you signed up yet? If not, check out the official rules and sign up linky HERE. If you have (or are going to), have you decided what you’re going to read yet? Don’t worry, we haven’t yet either! There’s still plenty of time 🙂

As a reminder, you’ll need to put your post up by 11:59 PM (PST) November 1st with the list of FREE or NEARLY FREE books you plan to read (it can change) up. We will have the post with the linky for you to sign up live on both Fantasy is More Fun and Because Reading is better than real life live October 31st for those that want to get their posts up early. We’ll send out an email to everyone signed up on the original sign up linky a few days before to remind you.

A few announcements:

This is our first time doing this challenge and we’ve come up with a couple of additional elements that we wanted to share with you.

• Originally we had said you can post your reviews on Goodreads. That was before the new policy and many people decided not to review there anymore. You’re still welcome to post your reviews on Goodreads, but if you review anywhere else that you can submit a link to your review specifically(and not just the general site) please feel free to do that instead. So this would include sites like BookLikes and Shelfari, just to name a couple.

• We’ve created a Goodreads group called “Two Girls and a Challenge” (Still a work in progress, but feel free to join now). We’ll have a couple threads running there – in particular a place for those of you who don’t have blogs to put up your initial goal posts. Those who do have blogs should feel free to post there in addition to their blogs, of course.

• We’ve decided on a date for the twitter party – it will be November 24th from 7pm – 8pm (CST) This will be a chance to talk about our reads, win some fun prizes, and just have a blast. We’ll be using #COYER for the twitter party and any reading/review updates throughout the month.

• To add a little spice to the month long event we’ve decided it would be fun if you wanted to have a mini-challenge running. If you’re interested in hosting a mini-challenge please email us at: ksjmkm1@gmail.com and/or limabean74@aol.com.If you chose to host a challenge, you will be responsible for coming up with some sort of game/activity/challenge for participants to do on your blog and providing a giveaway. Only challenge participants will be eligible for the prizes. Although participation in the mini-challenges will be optional, participants will earn extra entries in the month long giveaway for following challenge hosts and participating in challenges.

• In keeping with the theme of this challenge, Berls will also be having guest posts from authors who frequently have their books available on Netgalley or for free/nearly free at retailers like Amazon. This will be an opportunity to see the other perspective of those free books we love to get and to discover some new ones we might want to grab! So look for Free Book Fridays at Fantasy is More Fun throughout the month.

That’s it for now! We’re getting super excited 
and can’t wait to see what everyone will be reading! 
Be sure to spread the word to all your buddies.

~ Berls and Michelle

About Michelle

I am a mom to two pretty amazing kids, four pretty cute fluffy children and a wife to one adorable husband. I am a gamer, reader and a graphic designer with 20 years experience. I recently started my own business "Limabean Designs" to help other bloggers, authors and anyone else create amazing things that they would be proud to show off. I have been reading since forever and started blogging because I love sharing all the awesome books this world has to offer. I am also the co-host for the COYER Challenge, Reading Assignment Challenge and the Bookish Resolutions Challenge. I try to create a warm welcoming environment on my blog where authors, readers, and bloggers will have a great time. Let’s chat books, games, blogging, recipes, design, or family over a cup of coffee and a glass of wine!



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