It’s time for our 1st Quarter Report Card – a chance to update your progress, let us know if you’re on track for that A+, and enter the quarterly giveaway! If you’re not familiar with the Reading Assignment Challenge hosted by Fantasy is More Fun and Because Reading, get all the details and sign up here!
1st Quarter Report Card
- Thirteen Days of Midnight by Leo Hunt
- The Boy Who Knew Everything by Victoria Forester
Uprooted by Naomi NovikMarch- A Madness So Discreet by Mindy McGinnis
- The Fog Diver by Joel Ross
- The Arctic Code by Matthew J. Kirby
- Dark & Day by Israel Grey
Omega City by Diana Peterfreund~ February- Girl on a Wire by Gwenda Bond
- Seaborne #1: The Lost Prince by Matt Myklusch
Of Giants and Ice by Shelby Bach~ January- Arrow of the Mist by Christina Mercer
How’d you do?
It’s your turn to check in! Link up in the linky below to a blog post (or updates to your original sign up post), a Goodreads Update, a Facebook or Twitter post, etc. and let us know:
- Report which books you read, during which months.
- Report which months, if any, you didn’t make it.
- Link to your review and/or reading progress on Goodreads showing you read the book(s).
- Your final grade for the quarter, based on this chart:
Quarterly Grades
- I made an A! Read all your books all three months of the quarter.
- I made a B! Read all your books for two months of the quarter.
- I made a C! Read all your books for one month of the quarter.
- I made an F!Didn’t read all your books during any months of the quarter.
Remember it’s okay if you made an F – because April is here and you get to start over with the 2nd Quarter! At the end of the year, when you enter the final giveaway you’ll get extra credit based on your grade for each quarter. To get the extra credit, though, you have to have turned in your report card for that quarter – so be sure to turn it in before the linky closes! It will be open from April 1 – April 7th.
1st Quarter Report Card Giveaway
We’re also rewarding you for doing so well this quarter, so we have a giveaway for you! Enter the link for your #2016HW reviews from the 1st Quarter (they can simply be a quick Goodreads update or a full review on your blog). We’ll close the Rafflecopter on the 8th and the winner will get a $5 gift card to Amazon (open internationally). Good luck!
I forgot to linkup too..!
I subscribed so I won’t miss the next report card check in 🙂
Completely forgot to do this! But I got an A, managed to read all 12 books on time 🙂
I read my books, but haven’t gotten the reviews for all three writen yet, does that still count, or do the reviews have to be written/posted by the end of the quarter also?
I’m almost down with two. I decided to count my March book because I will most likely finish it tonight.
That is good, you are doing great!
Well, this is the first month I actually read my book…lol. So I guess that means I got a C. 🙂 Not to bad.
Not bad at all. You always start over for the next quarter so you are still doing very good. I am loving these new rules.
Good job, Michelle! You’re on track. 😀 I did finish all 6 of my Reading Assignment books for the first quarter, so I got an ‘A’. Yay! I haven’t decided on which books I’m going to mark off this next quarter. I always take a look at the list and decide which ones I’m in the mood for when it’s time. 🙂
Awesome!!! I am in a mood reading mood too lol but I do have one I have wanted to read for like ever so I might do that this month. 🙂
Looks like things are going pretty good. I got an A this quarter. I’m still in love with this challenge. It just gives me such a great sense of accomplishment. Thanks for hosting it, Michelle and Berls! I’ve got some books picked out for the next quarter already, but as the year progresses and I run out of books to choose from… last year it felt a little overwhelming and some books I kept pushing books back and back until I had no choice but to either read it or DNF.
I kind of like the new set up for this year. I’m certainly enjoying myself!
I am liking the new set up also and remember at the half you can switch a book around. I think everyone will do well and you do get a great sense of accomplishment it takes a nice chunk out of the TBR list 🙂
I got an A this month too 😀 I’m loving this challenge! It’s a great way for me to knock off some books I’ve been meaning to read and just haven’t had the time to do so. Thanks for hosting!
Next quarter I’m not a hundred percent sure what I’ll read. We’re moving in June so I’m just hoping to meet my goal of 2 books a month. In April though I plan to read Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell and City of Bones by Cassandra Clare…at least that’s what I’m in the mood for now.
YAY! 🙂 I am so glad everyone is enjoying the rules better this year. It just makes it more fun to see you all happy!
I am having a hard time picking what to read next month, I think I will go MG but I have one I have wanted to read for a long while so I might cave and go with that one.
WOWsa! I didn’t manage to finish my last (and third) HW book for March, so I got a B. I’m actually pretty happy with myself, though, because I managed with everything else.
Thanks for hosting us, Michelle!!
That’s still really good! 🙂 I am loving how we did the rules this time around makes it easier but still hard just the way I like it! 🙂