It’s update time 🙂
Don’t forget you can find me most of the day on Twitter and Instagram
and will be updating my status on Goodreads as well while I read.
I will update approx every 3-4 hours.
What have I been doing?
Sorry I am so quiet, I am having a hard time reading this time around. My husband was suppose to take the kids out for the day but he didn’t and then fell asleep for an hour and a half. They are leaving now to go for dinner so the quiet will be nice. I am hoping later tonight I will get to more reading when they are all asleep. It’s just been hard to concentrate with everyone around. Might have to lock myself in the bathroom later 🙂
Haven’t really done any challenges since I am trying to read, if I do to much other stuff and with all the distractions I will never finish any other book. So I will be around Twitter and Instagram. Will be doing another sprint so so if you want to join me, the more the merrier! Love doing sprints, they really do help a lot!
Reading Update:
These are the books I read so far:
This is the book I am currently reading:
This is the book I plan to read next:
haven’t taken any since my phone was on the charger! 🙂
Thanks for stopping by to check out my progress!
Hoping to last the entire 24 hours!