“Run your fingers through my soul. For once, just once, feel exactly what I feel, believe exactly what I believe, perceive as I perceive, look, examine, and for once; just once, understand.” ~ Oscar Wilde
This is one of my favorite quotes and it always reminds me of my son.
As most of you know my son has Autism and a few other issues, the last few years I have made a post raising awareness for those affected with Autism. This year I have decided to make a bookish type post featuring books with only blue (ish) covers to light the blog up blue for the day. My son has made great progress and I am proud of him everyday. I don’t know what his future will hold but I know whatever it is, he will make it great and we will get through any tough times together because I will always and forever have his back, no matter if he wants me there or not. Let’s raise awareness and show the work that kids with Autism are just as awesome if not more.

Let’s light it up blue with some books I have read and some I plan to read!

Tell me what your favorite Blue book is?
Have a great day!
This was a fun way to do it and something I never would have thought of. And you totally used one of my favorite blue books. Assassin’s Blade. Autism is one of those things that is so completely misunderstood and people don’t always realize that every single person with autism is different. Even with the same kid, each day can be different. With my daughter, it can sometimes be a roller coaster ride from one minute to the next, but I wouldn’t trade a minute of it.
Yay for more awareness to autism, Michelle! I think its awesome that you are showing support in this way. 🙂
I don’t know a lot about autism, except what you post about it and dealing with your son. I think this is a really cool way to bring awareness! 🙂
Thank you for bringing more light to this condition that so many live with.
I think most of the public is aware of the Autism Spectrum and how it affects people as a concept, but when it comes down to the individuals in every day life, we need more education/instruction/role-playing/reading books at an early level to inform kids that just because someone acts a bit quirky or unusual, that is no reason to bully them or ignore them. Both actions are reprehensible. One of my adult kids was diagnosed with Aspergers in second grade, and the bullying and ignoring happened to them through most of their childhood, even through high school. Thankfully, we parents were strong advocates and did what we could to make life enjoyable– me in Mama Bear mode, to help transition into a successful, happier young adult.
Thanks again for showcasing the cause for better information. People would be surprised how many of us are on the sliding scale of the Autism Spectrum. It isn’t all about Rainman, folks. One of your friends or colleagues might be living with this condition. Show respect for all people and acceptance for those who are not “on the norm”.
I really think people don’t understand what Autism really is. When my son was little it took me a long time to get the school to listen to me and understand that something different was going on. It took about 3 years before they finally agreed to get him to a school that could help him and thankfully he is but I always feel like because they waited to long to was harder help him. I was always in Mama Bear mode, still am. He has other issues now but the Autism shows itself every so often but he has PDD/NOS which basically means he shows some but not all signs of Autism. I also think it’s what makes dealing with the Bi-Polar and Depression a lot harder because his understanding of things needs to be taught and the Autism makes it hard.
I wish more people did the research before making comments and comparing them to movies like Rainman or Something about Mary. It makes me so angry to see them portrayed like that. I think the only real way to see how a child/adult is affected by Autism is to talk to parents of kids with it because one thing we don’t mind is when people are curious about it rather than harsh.
I agree with this so much. People get an idea stuck in their head about the stigmatized idea of what autism is and that is all they think of. I am an adult living with what used to be called Asperger’s syndrome myself, something that was not figured out until I was in my early to mid 30s and something I do not share often with many people because no one seems to get that it is possible to land on the autism spectrum and still be a fully functional member of society, to hold down a job and be productive. My daughter has moderate level function autism, and it was her diagnosis that led to the discovery that I have some similar characteristics.
But kids are cruel and anyone that is different tends to get bullied. My daughter is 5 and in pre-K in a special needs class, and is still teased for being different. She has a boy in her class that picks on her. Luckily she has a Mama Bear in her corner that doesn’t hesitate to get on the phone and march up to the school when something isn’t right. These things are learned behaviors, though, unfortunately and you have to figure out where the root of it is.