I had an idea of doing a guest post during the month of October so I asked a few of my friends from COYER what is their favorite Monster is (some are not so scary) and what book they read that they loved that associated with the Monster they picked. The answers are great and the recommendation are even better! Enjoy!
The Monster & The Book
I was thrilled when Michelle asked for Guest Posters to discuss their favorite monsters and a related book. I don’t know that clowns are exactly my favorite monster, but they are the one I find the scariest. The best, and also the worst clown I have ever met is Pennywise from Stephen King’s IT.
This book tells the tale of seven childhood friends in the small town of Derry and I believe it is one of King’s best works. Pennywise the clown appears to the children in town and manifests their biggest terrors. King is a master at writing characters and drawing the reader in and I immediately found myself a member of The Loser’s Club. I experienced their fears and felt their pain and loved how the club gathered together years later to fight Pennywise when he once again became an integral part of Derry. King took many children’s favorite circus feature and turned it into a thing of indescribable fear.
I will never forget the first time I read It. I remember my parents going shopping one dreary day and I really wanted to go. However, they had other plans so I had to stay home. I recall my Dad walking in that evening and dropping this tome of a book on the table, saying he was thinking of me even if I wasn’t with them. I recalled devouring the 1,000 plus pages over the next few days and losing sleep at night. I also recall never being able to look at the porcelain clown doll which had been a gift from my grandmother the same – in fact, I think it permanently moved to the closet.
In my opinion, Pennywise has to be the scariest clown ever written. Anyone is the mood for a good scare should pick up It and not be afraid of the size. It is the perfect Halloween/October read!
About the Guest
Barb is a blogger at BookerTsFarm
Twitter @boxermommyreads
Barb writes really great reviews she enjoys a mix of genres. Stop by her blog and say hello.

Thanks for stopping by to check out A Monster and A Book!
Have a fantastic day!
I never read the book but I’ve heard of the movie. I hate clowns so I would never read or watch anything with them lol. They are the scariest monsters for me and I refuse to have any clowns in the house lol.
Whew a 1000 plus pages book about creepy clowns, sounds like quite the read. Not sure if I would dare to read that book. I recently read a circus cozy mystery that ahd clowns, but beside that I don’t think I read about clowns before. I do agree that they are very creepy, probably something to do with that weird make-up on their face.
Stephen King is a master when it comes to scaring us readers! I haven’t read a King novel in ages, because I started having horrible nightmares… I guess I’ve become more of a scaredy-cat now than I was when I was younger 🙂
I don’t read King so I can’t say if Pennywise is the scariest clown ever. lol I can say that I don’t think I’ve ever read a story where the clown is the monster, but gets a HEA. Maybe clowns just need some good PR. Someone should write a positive clown story. What, vampires, werewolves and such can get a HEA but not clowns? 😀
I have to admit, I actually haven’t read it. I saw the “movie” or was it a mini series or whatever and I did like it. Yes, I know, it was a terrible movie, but I liked it, though I haven’t seen it since at least high school, maybe even longer ago. I plan on listening to the audiobook for this very soon, but I have to get some review books cleared out first. At 44 hours, it will take me a while. I’m sure it is worth it though. I love Stephen King.
I never read the book either and I love the movie. It was a mini series. I’m not sure I could listen to this in audio, I think it would scare the crap out of me lol
Pennywise is the best scary clown ever!!!!! 🙂
Tim Curry played him perfectly!
No no no no no no no…. I can’t. IT scarred me for life. No evil clowns please. Nope. No.
Lol you sound like my husband, he leaves the room if they are on TV
I don’t do clowns thanks to Stephen King!!! It is one of the scariest books I’ve ever read. Great post 🙂