Summer Starts June 20th and ends Sept 22nd. This is my list of books I plan to read for the Summer Season.
Spring had some crazy weather but not a lot of reading. Summer is already starting in NJ with super hot weather and I am looking forward to the kids being out of school and more time to sit on the couch and read in the AC…I hate the heat to it will be inside for me! 🙂
The Books I read in Spring
I was only able to get to one but the good thing is that I was able to read the entire series of this book and it was pretty damn good. I do love an Alice retelling! 🙂
My Summer Reading List
Going with 4 Ebooks and 4 Physical. I am hoping to read at least half of them. Thinking of maybe using these books for my TBR List.
E-book ~ Sticking with books already on my Kindle that is more than a year old.
Physical Books ~ Giving that shelf a lot more love, some of my most anticipated, that I didn’t read yet.
What books are on your reading list?
Thanks for stopping by and Happy Reading
Michelle xx
I want to read the Bone Ships and have it on reserve at the library. I bought Once and Future Witches and hope to read it soon.
I’m not one for the heat either so I like your plan for beating it. Sounds like a very doable goal. Enjoy your summer reading.