We sit for hours looking through our TBR lists wondering when we will ever get to that one book we were dying to read when we added it 3 months ago or maybe even a year. As our piles get bigger we realize there is just not enough time in a day to read all the books that we wanted to read. So I had a great idea, pick 3 books from my TBR Pile and have you all pick which one I should read next. This is a monthly MEME and you are more than welcome to join me. Just create a blog post with your three books and link the post below. Need the full rules? No problem you can find them all right HERE. Don’t forget to stop by the blogs on the linky below to help the other bloggers by voting on their next read!
I thought we can keep up with each list with the hashtag #MyTBRL so add that to the end of your post so if you can’t get to the linky we can still find you 🙂

So this month I picked
Extracted (The Lost Imperials #1)
by Sherry D. Ficklin, Tyler Jolley
Paperback, 310 pages
Published November 12th 2013 by Spencer Hill Press
Welcome to the war.
The Tesla Institute is a premier academy that trains young time travelers called Rifters. Created by Nicola Tesla, the Institute seeks special individuals who can help preserve the time stream against those who try to alter it.
The Hollows is a rogue band of Rifters who tear through time with little care for the consequences. Armed with their own group of lost teens–their only desire to find Tesla and put an end to his corruption of the time stream.
Torn between them are Lex and Ember, two Rifters with no memories of their life before joining the time war.
When Lex’s girlfriend dies during a mission, the only way he can save her is to retrieve the Dox, a piece of tech which allows Rifters to re-enter their own timeline without collapsing the time stream. But the Dox is hidden deep within the Telsa Institute, which means Lex must go into the enemy camp. It’s there he meets Ember, and the past that was stolen from them both comes flooding back.
Now armed with the truth of who they are, Lex and Ember must work together to save the future before the battle for time destroys them both…again.
Whisper Falls by Elizabeth Langston
Paperback, 370 pages
Published November 19th 2013 by Spencer Hill Press
While training for a mountain bike race, high-school senior Mark Lewis spots a mysterious girl dressed in odd clothing, standing behind a waterfall in the woods near his North Carolina home. When she comments on the strange machine that he rides, he suspects something isn’t right. When Susanna claims to be an indentured servant from 1796, he wonders if she’s crazy. Yet he feels compelled to find out more.
Mark enters a ‘long-distance’ relationship with Susanna through the shimmering–and temperamental–barrier of Whisper Falls. Curious about her world, Mark combs through history to learn about the brutal life she’s trapped in. But knowledge can be dangerous. Soon he must choose between the risk of changing history or dooming the girl he can’t stop thinking about to a lifetime of misery.
The Hit List
by Nikki Urang
Paperback, 313 pages
Published November 11th 2014 by Spencer Hill Contemporary
The Los Angeles Conservatory for the Arts is supposed to be a new beginning for Sadie Bryant. Moving across the country is exactly what she needs to escape the gossip surrounding her injury, the devastating betrayal of her ex-partner, and to rebuild her career as a solo dancer.
When the school announces that the annual Fall Showcase, a performance that secures a spot studying in London, will now require each dancer to have a partner, Sadie’s fresh start is a nightmare. Now she has to dance with Luke Morrison, the school womanizer with a big ego. Sadie doesn’t know how to trust Luke enough to dance with him after her last partner left her broken, but Luke is determined to change that.
Then, The Hit List comes out. A game of sexual conquest where guys get points for all the girls they hook up with—and it seems like every guy at the school is playing.
The girl worth the most points? Sadie.
Let’s Vote….
Post your link here and visit the other blogs to help them vote on there next read…

Thank you so much for stopping by to vote 🙂
Check back next week to see which one I will be reading!
Have a great day and Happy Reading!
When I saw Extracted, I knew what I was voting for before I even saw the other choices, Michelle. 😉 The others do look good but I really want to know what you think of Extracted.
I picked Extracted, neat looking cover and it sounded interesting! And I think I’ll join this meme because it looks fun!
I would be so happy to have you join, if you need the rules you can find them above the header.
Thank you for voting Shaunesay!
Alrighty! I did it! Hopefully I did it right! lol! I love voting, and seeing surveys, and yeah, this is perfect! 😀
Yay!! 🙂
And I have picked my 3 for each month through December and gotten posts ready… I might be a little excited about this meme, maybe. A little… *blush*
oh, and I went to go add Extracted to my wishlist, and found it was already there since last December! lmao!
LOL this meme is great for getting those reads read but I always seems to add one or two back on 🙂
Whisper Falls because I live in NC. lol
Lol that’s a good way to pick 🙂 thank for voting, Carol!
I voted for Extracted. I hadn’t heard about this one before and I like the idea of time traveling and the mystery surrounding their identities.
I haven’t read one of her books yet so I’m excited to see how it is. Thanks for voting?
I voted for Extracted. The cover is a downer but the summary sound good. Hard choice though I flipped flopped between that one and Hit List.
I voted for Whisper Falls cause I just liked the cover and it sounded good. 🙂 I will not be participating in the next couple of months cause I got to many books needing read and I am afraid I won’t have time for the one that gets picked. Got a lot of horror lined up for October to get started on…lol. 🙂
These are my #2015Hw books figure I’d kill two birds with one stone 😉
I voted for The Hitlist, because I love dance (and music) in books, and so I want to see what you think of it 😉
It sounds interesting i do hope I will enjoy it, if it’s picked 🙂 thanks for voting Lexxie!!!
I voted Extracted, the cover didn’t wow me but the premise… I like time travel stuff. 🙂
I always have issues with time travel but I heard this is a good book 🙂 thanks for voting, Greg!
I voted for the Hit List as it sounds interesting. I think I’ve seen all three of these books around at some point as they all looked familiar. I hope you’ll enjoy whichever one wins!
These have been around, these are my 2015HW books lately I haven’t been having any luck my HW books so I hope this is a good one. Thanks for voting, Lola!
I voted, but I really had a hard time chosing !
Thanks, Iza!
I voted for Extracted, because I’ve really enjoyed Ficklin’s work before!