My Review:
I really tried, I did but this just wasn’t working for me. I don’t review DNF but since this is a part of my TBR list I thought I would add a few sentences as to what didn’t work for me.
- I was completely disconnected with the characters, I didn’t care much for Ned, Aine or Sister Witch. I just wasn’t feeling the connection between the characters either.
- It was so slow, at 44% I still have no idea what was happening and the build was taking to long.
- I wasn’t getting the story, I wanted to but I just wasn’t catching my interest. I was hoping something epic or even slightly exciting would happen but it didn’t.
- I stayed longer than I should have and I wish it was different but the world this was set in didn’t flow with me.
- I did however like the back story of how the magic disappeared. That was pretty much the only part that I thought was interesting.
Would I recommend this book, this will be the first time I say No but you know what, if you want to give it a shot I say go for it. This might be another case of it was me and not you.
Thank you so much for stopping by to check out my review
Hope you have a great day and Happy Reading!
So for some reason I thought there was another Saturday this month, I guess it would be July 32, lol. Sorry you didn’t like yours this month. It was one I considered reading, but will probably wait a while if I pick it up. Thanks for hosting!
LOL yes this year is a july leap year 🙂 It’s ok post the review whenever if you haven’t already.
I wish I would have liked it too but it just wasn’t what I thought.
I’m so sorry this didn’t work for you, Michelle. That stinks. And I thought it was so promising. :/ Well, hopefully you were able to dive into something that tickled your fancy. 🙂
I really thought it was going to be something different, it was not what I expected and so SLOW!
I am still considering DNF’ing my pick for this month’s To Be Read List as well, but I wnat to give it another chapter or two to see if things improve. Luckily I alreayd reviewed one fo the other boosk that was an option and just posted my review for that one instead. I am sorry to hear this one didn’t work out for you and the backstory was the only interesting parts. It’s sad when books are so slow. I hope your next read will be better!
Thanks Lola! I really tried, it was one of those books that overtime I thought about reading I didn’t want to pick it up.
Bummer, sorry you didn’t like it. We shall pick you a better one next time…lol. 🙂 Can’t win them all! 🙂
lol Thank you 🙂
Dang. It sound like it was going to be a good one. Mine book was eh. Maybe the next selection will make up for this one.
I do hope so 🙂
Sorry this one didn’t work for you. I’ve had that problem with some of my winners too. I think I voted for this one, and I still do like the cover.
I didn’t participate this month but I’m linking my review for my May TBR List winner since I didn’t get around to posting it until today. (Bad, bad blogging slump/hiatus!)
Glad you are back! Slumps are awful.
The cover is great just doesn’t reflect the book. Which was to bad because I was looking forward to this one.
That’s a bummer. Can I mention I didn’t vote for it? hehe I hope our next pick is better. But, hey, at least you can mark that off the TBR, right? 🙂
Exactly 🙂 I was bummed but I just can’t force myself to read something I am not enjoying makes it more like work than relaxing.