Sunday Post with Berls | Back to Work :(

Posted August 4, 2019 by Berls in The Sunday Post / 10 Comments


News at Home: Back to work πŸ™

Summer is over y’all. I could cry, I’m so not ready. This is the first summer that I feel like I’ve done pretty much nothing – even my blogging has been abysmal – and I’m still exhausted and not ready. Of course, I’m writing this at 5 am because I woke up at 3:30 and couldn’t get back to sleep… which is the story of my life these days, so that could explain the exhaustion.

I go back tomorrow, but this week has already had more work blips than I would like. Monday my team met at the school – I was there from 9:30 a.m. – 3 p.m. – and when I went to my job at the gym that night I was EXHAUSTED. Part of the reason was that, like today, I woke up at 3 a.m. and wasn’t able to get back to sleep up 7 a.m. (which would be fine IF I didn’t have to get to work and could nap mid-day). I did some planning work at home several days this week. And then yesterday my brother and his boyfriend came with me to the school to setup my classroom. Good news? Fastest setup I’ve EVER completed. We were done in about 4 – 4.5 hours. I have details to finish, but if kids were coming tomorrow, I’d survive. I think part of the speed was that this was the first year I’ve been able to setup a classroom I’ve already established and actually didn’t have to tear down every piece. The other? This is my 5th year, I know what I’m doing and what doesn’t matter. Oh and I’m way more organized than ever before. I hope all this is a good sign for the school year to come, because this girl is not going to handle working late this year. 4 p.m. and I’m out!

This was my last week working at the gym and I’m relieved. I love the job and my gym, but I know I just don’t have the energy for it. I do plan to keep working out though, as that helps with energy and strength that I’ll need for delivery. Not to mention my mood is just better when I’m going to the gym.

I also sat down with my doula this week. It was a great meeting – very confidence building. This was our first official sit-down since I hired her. She came at 2:30 to my house and didn’t leave until 5:30. I was shocked and very grateful for the time she put in. We went over my birth plan, making edits based on her knowledge and understanding of my goals – we made one version for her and another, less detailed one for the hospital. I feel really confident about her ability to support me. She met my husband and they immediately started talking is Spanish which was a big part of why I chose her – and I could see it bring his comfort level way up, so huge win. He’s 100% fluent in English, but as his first language, he’s more comfortable in Spanish. I’ve decided on a natural, unmedicated birth and I’m hoping to labor at home as long as possible. I’m not against an epidural, I just think I’ll actually be happier with the freedom not having one gives me. And considering the pretty tough surgeries I’ve had over the past few years I feel like I should be okay. My step-son’s mom (mother of 3 kids) told me this week that, in her opinion, the recoveries I’ve had from surgery – especially the skin removal – are way harder than given birth. So that was good to hear.

Oh – and for those that are wondering – I’m 34 weeks as of yesterday. So I have 6 weeks until my due date, but Dante would be full term anywhere from 3 weeks to 8 weeks. Since we’re moving in September, I’m hoping for 8 weeks, tired though I am.

Oh! And my husband completed his electricity and air conditioning technician certification this week. He had a small graduation ceremony and I’m so incredibly proud of him. He’s not a “school person” and was ready to give up after the first class. But three months later and lots of late night classes and studying he did it. It will mean a raise at work plus more job security/opportunities in the future – just the sort of thing for him to have under his belt with a new baby on the way.

I think that’s it for me this week!

Blog News

I’m seriously going to TRY to keep updating y’all as I go back to work. I don’t even know where to start with reviews, I’m so far behind… I may just pick some favorites I read over the summer and try to share some reviews with y’all if I get my blogging mojo back.

If you’re doing the Reading Assignment Challenge, the giveaway is up for Summer Semester report cards! Time to start thinking about your fall semester – registration begins August 15th πŸ™‚

Last Week on the Blog

How was your week? What are you Reading?

About Berls

Michelle adopted me as part of her blog when I decided to close down my blog, Fantasy is More Fun. The blog was dying, but my love of reading and the blogosphere was still strong as ever - so I found my new home here at Because Reading!

I'm not just a book lover, but a one time author (that hopes to be more in the future), wife, mom to the cutest, happiest, best 5 year old and step-mom to the craziest, sweetest 24 year old on the planet. My family mean everything to me and they appear frequently in the Sunday Post with Berls. So grab a glass of wine and chat books, blogging, and family with me!



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10 responses to “Sunday Post with Berls | Back to Work :(

    • Thanks Jen! This week has gone really well – having 5 years under my belt has made it much easier to get things done quickly and efficiently. I still had to work really late one night, but in comparison to previous years, that’s not bad at all πŸ‘Hope you’re doing well!!

  1. It sounds like congratulations are due all the way around! So many changes headed your way in the next few months but it sounds like you have a great handle on them. πŸ™‚ That raise and job security will make a big difference to both of you I am sure. The victory is even sweeter for being hard won.

    I can’t wait to hear of news on the baby front. πŸ™‚ Good luck with school this year!

    Stephanie @ Once Upon a Chapter recently posted: Wednesday Weekly Wrap Up {8}
    • Thanks Stephanie! We sure do have a lot going on these days πŸ˜‚, but it is all mostly good, which is nice.

      Hope you’ve had a great week!

    • Thank you!! Yeah keeping very busy, but doing well. It’s hard to believe that baby will be here so soon!!!

      Hope you’ve had a great week 😊

  2. Your husband looks so happy in the picture! And, I read your whole post so let me try to organize my thoughts here and hopefully I don’t miss anything. The exhaustion must be real! Not being able to sleep that early in the morning is always bad. It kills you for the day. I hope you get some rest before school starts! And that’s great that your brother and his BF helped you out! That must have been a major relief for you πŸ™‚ Congrats on the doula! I honestly would love to do at-home birth withojt any medications. I’m a firm believer that the natural way is the way to go. There are SO MANY natural remedies that have worked for me far better than any medication/doctor visit ever will, and less expensive. I’ve even broken down cysts I’ve had at home, when in the hospital they just leave them there unless it’s cancerous. I prefer to get a headstart and kill them while they’re benign, just in case.

    Genesis @ Whispering Chapters recently posted: Family + Posts | Weekly Rewind 8.4.19
    • Thanks Genesis! It was so great to be able to cheer him on for his hard work 😊

      Yes, not sleeping is killer! Monday night I only got 2 hours sleep and I felt so awful Tuesday. Thankfully I had a Dr’s appointment that day and she told me I could take unisom – she said, “it’s so gentle that it doesn’t work for a lot of people, but it’s worth a shot.” well, I’ve been sleeping 5-7 hours a night now!!! Yay!!!

      Yes, I agree – home remedies are not to be overlooked! I do plan to still go to the hospital to give birth because 1- if anything major were to happen I want that security, 2- I need to be checked in for a minimum of 4 hours for my maternity disability $ to kick in, and 3 – my hospital is fantastic about respecting natural methods and even work with a lot of midwives. So it’s a good setup for me, but I’m staying home as long as possible!

  3. Yay for having help getting your classroom ready, Berls πŸ™‚ That’s awesome!
    And yeah, those last few weeks of pregnancy are tough – I couldn’t sleep very well either, but I still managed to do everything I had to do. Your doula sounds amazing. If you want to chat pregnancy and delivery, we can do that next week. I was very lucky with my kids, as I had easy deliveries, and three without any kind of medication, while I opted for the epidural for #4 – I just wanted to see how it was πŸ˜€
    I can’t wait to see you next week! I miss you, and I hope you’ll allow me to cuddle your baby bump a little bit πŸ˜‰

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookworms recently posted: Weekend Wrap-up #287 – Back Home for a While
    • Can’t wait to see you today!!! And yes, most definitely would love to chat labor and delivery, especially if your stories aren’t the horror stories everyone seems to want to tell πŸ˜‚.