Task it Tuesday | Oops! Comments! #taskittues

Posted April 24, 2018 by Berls in Task it Tuesday / 7 Comments


Welcome to Task it Tuesday, created by the fabulous Geeky Blogger and adopted first by Because Reading and now by Bloggiesta!

What is Task it Tuesday? Task it Tuesday is a weekly meme dedicated to the list makers of the blogging world 🙂 It’s all about being productive and organized – on your blog and in real life (if you so chose). By sharing our lists we get instant accountability partners and also get ideas of things to add to our lists (or sometimes ways to tackle tasks more efficiently). We hope you’ll join us!

Task it Tuesday: Oops! Comments!

Last week I made a list for two weeks, but Michelle is going to be a little bit in the background for a bit, so y’all get me every week instead! And it’s a good thing because I kind of forget to make sure I was scheduling time to reply to comments and I’m getting behind. I did that on my old blog and once you get a certain amount behind, there’s no catching up. So this week I’m going to continue with my goal of getting 1 month ahead, but I’m also going to focus on catching up and staying caught up with comments.

What I got done last week:

  • Write My Sunday Post with Berls for 4/22
  • Write BBB for 5/2
  • Write Fledge review for 5/8
  • Write Task It Tuesday for 4/24
  • Write My TBR List Voting for 5/5

What’s on my list for next week:

  • Write My Sunday Post with Berls for 4/29
  • Write Task it Tuesday for 5/1
  • Write Just a Few Misters for 5/7
  • Catch up on comment replies from this week and stay current

I’m getting closer and closer to that point where I’ll be able to say I’m working on other tasks besides just getting ahead. Soon I hope!

Do you have some tasks to take care of? Join us every Tuesday at Bloggiesta and link up!

Berls is sharing her #taskittues list of blog to dos. Join her! Share on X

About Berls

Michelle adopted me as part of her blog when I decided to close down my blog, Fantasy is More Fun. The blog was dying, but my love of reading and the blogosphere was still strong as ever - so I found my new home here at Because Reading!

I'm not just a book lover, but a one time author (that hopes to be more in the future), wife, mom to the cutest, happiest, best 5 year old and step-mom to the craziest, sweetest 24 year old on the planet. My family mean everything to me and they appear frequently in the Sunday Post with Berls. So grab a glass of wine and chat books, blogging, and family with me!



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7 responses to “Task it Tuesday | Oops! Comments! #taskittues

  1. I’ve missed Task it Tuesday for a couple of weeks — hope to get back to it soon. I’m working on comments, today. With the A to Z Challenge, I’m feeling way behind on that!

    • I know the feeling, I’ve been struggling with comments lately as well. Hope to see you with us this week on Task It Tuesday 🙂

  2. This is actually something that would be of real benefit for me…if only I could get motivated enough to make the lists. :/ I’m so behind on replying to comments it’s ridiculous. Maybe I’ll get there… *sigh* Good luck with this week’s tasks!

    • Thanks Brandee, so am I. Time that I made myself a better system for comments I think…

      You should join us! I love making lists… Hence my bujo lol.

  3. Jen

    I have Mondays off from work, and I try to get all of my tasks done on Monday – set up and post the reviews/posts for the week, do some blog visits, etc. I don’t get a lot of comments on my posts, so I’m able to keep up with replies pretty quickly.

    • I so NEED another day to keep up with everything! This summer I’m hoping to really get a great buffer established (I say this every summer!) so that I won’t need so much time to keep things running. I mean, I have enough books read to review all the way through next year I think lol!