Dewey’s 24 Hour Readathon is now over 🙁
Don’t forget you can find me most of the day on Twitter and Instagram
and will be updating my status on Goodreads as well while I read.
End Survey
- Which hour was most daunting for you?
- 3:30 was rough, my eyes were starting to hurt and I was getting very tired.
- Could you list a few high-interest books that you think could keep a Reader engaged for next year?
- I read a few books, Middle Grade series (if you like them) are very engaging. Plus the Lois Lane series by Gwenda Bond! LOVE IT
- Do you have any suggestions for how to improve the Read-a-thon next season?
- NAPS, NAPS, NAPS…wasnt able to take any this time around and it really hurt my chances of staying up late.
- What do you think worked really well in this year’s Read-a-thon?
- COFEE, very strong coffee
- How many books did you read?
- 3.5 (very proud of myself)
- What were the names of the books you read?
- See Below
- Which book did you enjoy most?
- Stitch Head books are REALLY cute
- Which did you enjoy least?
- PB&J Society was cute but I did struggle a little.
- How likely are you to participate in the Read-a-thon again? What role would you be likely to take next time?
- I am 100% in next time. I love the idea of throwing all your cares out the window and spending a full day/night reading.
Reading Update:
These are the books I read:
This is the book I am currently reading:
Half way done!
My sleeping buddy didn’t make it into the night but she was fun to have around for a little while 🙂

Thanks for stopping by to check out my progress!
Looks like you had a lot of fun with this readathon. And that’s great even your daughter joined you for a bit. I don’t think i could do that, only read for a whole day, but I can imagine you would make a lot of progress and it is nice to just read for one day. Your books all look so cute, love those MG covers. I hope you enjoyed them all.
You did really good! 🙂
Awesome job! And I’m sorry for being a shitty cheerleader this time. I’ll try to be stocked up on wine for Oct. 😀
Lol you cheered me on and I participate it. I’ll stock up on coffee in October too because I need a lot.
Great job! I’m a terrible napper so I think I’d be fully dependent on coffee. The Stitch Head books look really fun and I love that your reading buddy game it a go even if she didn’t make it into the night. 3.5 books is pretty impressive! Hope you’re getting some rest now.
I didn’t get a lot of sleep but enough not to be a complete zombie 🙂 she was a good reading buddy, I hope she does it again in October . I’m not a good napped either but for this I might do one next time. I think I would have made it 🙂
Congratulations — you did great! And I love that your daughter tried to keep you company. I’d like to do a Dewey sometimes but I can’t do the full 24-hour thing. My body just won’t take it any more. (And caffeine isn’t an option, unfortunately.)
My body wasn’t a fan of it either, my eyes were hurt’n so bad. I fell asleep on the 19th hour.